The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think California lawmakers will eventually mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for children in order to attend school?
Talk about it….
Is this a trick question? Will a CA lawmaker implement some sort of requirement upon the citizenry? In a related story, cretin Scott Weiner is trying to permit juveniles to get medicine without parental consent. A round about way of meeting the mandate for vaccine requirements in youth. Government is the parent, instead of the parent. I am wholly supportive of a vaccine, I’ve been jabbed, and my wife and kids, all jabbed. This was by our decision. But I am angered about these politicians stepping in on what is to be a private life, and making decisions about our personal healthcare. So it comes around as to the question above. YEs, California will mandate students have a manufactured solution with medicinal activity injected into their body, damn the torpedoes. Liberty…
Short answer: Yes
I hope so! They already require other vaccinations so it only made sense!
This is not a childhood illness. This barely affects kids. This is also not an actual vaccine. You can still get and spread covid after you get the jabs.
Matt… it’s only emergency approved and no long term studies of how the gene therapy will affect children for a virus with a 99% survival rate = common cold.
So hard No …
It really is a crap shoot at this point. With low attendance rate, public schools need students return. Forcing vaccinations will drive I don’t know how many away, however, this will impact enrollment.
If I were to guess, schools will use per pressure, ridicule, and segregation to “HELP” students and their parents make the ‘right’ decision.
And, once they pass the bill that says a teen 12 years and up can get the vaxx without the parents authorization, it will be all over. EVERY. SINGLE. TEACHER will be strong arming the kids to get vaxxed the same way they’ve been cramming CRT and trans-everything down their throats.
If CA does mandate the vaxx for children, you will see more and more families move out of CA.
Ah the irony, Pfizer and the mob can only keep pimping their snake oil under EUA, But……the same snake oil cannot be required on the vaccine schedule as long as it’s under EUA.
Newsom said months ago the vaccine would be required once it gets full FDA approval for kids. We don’t have to “think” it’ll be required. I have no doubt the legislature will say so, either.
They sure as heck will try. Newscum has already signaled his intent to do so, even though the threat to the young is negligible. They are far more threatened by the jabs than covid. This poison will not go anywhere near my child.
Good job Deb. Wish more parents were as smart and protective. They will be sorry when they see the future health problems in their children from the snake oil.
….. right or wrong – that’s one way to drive more people out of Cali
On my way, and I won’t look back.
Sure they will, and watch the kids who don’t get the shot receive an even poorer education than they are already getting since they will banned from in-person learning. And watch enrollment drop further which will bring more cuts to the already paltry “extras” the districts provide. After all, who needs library, music, etc. etc. It is blatantly obvious that the shots do not prevent infection so what will be accomplished? Nothing except make politicians feel good about “doing something” whether there is any logic in it or not.
Only if the people don’t stand up and say no.
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They will keep on mandating everything.