The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: If you could ask Governor Gavin Newsom one question, what would it be?
Talk about it….
Why are you so full of hatred?
When will you step down?
Do you really believe the BS that falls out of your mouth?
…. why are you obsessing over this high speed rail project to no where – when the billions of surplus tax $$ could be better spent on water projects such as desalination or building more water retention reservoirs? … or more green electricity because the grid will be overloaded soon with his elimination of nuclear and oil / gas driven power plants and the push towards EVs.
Although liberal, I’m not for the high speed here in California, it makes no sense, it travels through areas that are not heavily populated, and when you get to Los Angeles, due to the City being spread out, you still need another mode of transportation. It is different in Europe where cities are more condensed and usually have some inner-city transportation as well. Even on East Coast from D.C. to Boston makes sense.
Hanne, just do a little research and see who’s been making money on it and you will see why Newsom supports it. Look up Richard C. Blum for starters (guess who he’s married to….)
When railroads were built the value of nearby land became valuable to erect towns, cities, and infrastructure. It’s exactly the same with that high speed rail. Who owns the land, who stands to profit.
It’s one of the slickest scams running. The govt builds the railroad at extremely high cost overruns, lays the burden of paying for the mess on taxpayers, land value skyrockets, and the elites, who made huge donations to crooked politicians get richer.
I didn’t need to research anything, but unlike some others here, I have common sense.
What weight gear oil do you use on your tiny little noggin?
51/50 High Mileage Scum Grease
Now you don’t need to ask him, your welcome
I doubt I would get an honest answer, but I’d ask, why do you favor lawbreaking illegal aliens, over law-abiding legal residents?
There is no question I would ask Newsom. The questions relating to my opinion of his personality would be insulting, and those related to governance would yield answers fraught with lies and obfuscation. So, no need to waste any energy asking him anything.
Do you have a brain Newscum ?
Newsom’s brain was a casualty of the popularization of cocaine during the time he held office as Mayor of San Francisco. At the moment and judging from his gynecomastia, he is HEAVILY into weed at the moment.
Are you a Commie?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
African or European?
African or European?
Why are you continuing to destroy our state with your wrong decisions?
When was last time he read with comprehension, our founding documents beginning with The Constitution ? ? ?
Why did you release the man who murdered my brother after we were promised Life with absolutely no chance of parole?
… I’m so sorry…. unfortunately I’m not too surprised – you can’t believe a thing he says .- now or ever…. hope the perp gets caught doing something (not hurting anybody) and gets thrown back in prison for good
I am so sorry for your loss and for getting screwed over again. Newsome probably missed his coke dealer.
This is the same governor went contrary to the vote of the people by overturning the death penalty. Why vote?
If this released criminal reoffends, the blood will be on the hands of Newsom.
Why are you allowed to so easily give the money that we work so hard for away?
It wouldn’t matter, politicians never answer the questions they’re asked. They just deflect to a nonsensical response.
Did you have more fun destroying San Francisco or the State?
I like this one!
Have you ever considered talking to other governors about their success with less mandates.
Do you really think you are fooling everyone?
Why are you turning California into what it is?
I would ask him why he is allowing water to be dumped out. Isn’t CA always hurting for water??
Why do you continue to tax LEGAL residents to fund Illegal residents? Now Newsom wants ALL illegals in California to have health coverage, and Californians may see a tax increase of roughly $12,250 per household. In 2019, California extended health coverage to illegals 26 and under. In 2021, California began covering illegals over the age of 55. Now are you, a good taxpayer, ready to see thousands of more dollars in taxes cuz Newsome says YOU SHOULD PAY FOR ILLEGALS HEALTHCARE!!! Isn’t that what Medi-cal is for? Or social services from the California State Budget? Not the taxpayers and their familes?
How was the French Laundry? Do you still go? What about the peasants? And why do you lie and say you played baseball at Santa Clara ?
What does it feel like to be a friggin’ idiot?
I am so sorry for your loss and for getting screwed over again. Newsome probably missed his coke dealer.
You would be wasting your breath because everything out of his mouth Is a lie.
Can you please resign?
How could you ever think that your feeble attempts at leadership could ever equate to your fantasy for a seat in the Oval Office?
Why are you still here?
Do the mandates affect your family as well?
Do you believe in Jesus?
How well do you sleep at night in your ivory tower knowing you’re destroying this state?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Where’s my $600 bucks?
What brand of hair grease do you use.
@The Wizard….No one taught him “A little dab will do’ya” and he sure wasn’t around to see it on the TV commercials. I figure his hair pomade is about 140 weight, same as STP. I, of all people, shouldn’t be criticizing being follicly challenged, but couldn’t help myself.
Has Biden smelled your hair yet, and did he like it?
“Governor Newsom, Isn’t the fact that the people of California launched a recall election against you given you any pause that you might not be suited for the position even tough you remained in office?”
“Governor Newsom, Seeing how your release of prison inmates has affected the people of California, have you any regrets for the mayhem you have unleashed upon them?”
Love the hair dew Governor, are you a big Goodfellas fan? Oh and I forgot to ask, can I please borrow some money so I can afford to take the city bus. I mean come on sur, 3 dollars for a one way trip in the city without a transfer. If you are going to financially squeeze the publics money then you should have at least used some of the money for More bus/Bart beat cops, I love officers but I do think they can fight crime more efficiently if they spend their shifts literally walking on the trains all day, I am pretty sure that poor woman that was sexualy assulted would not have had to go through that, I know its also the peoples fault for not stepping in and helping. . Cellphone addiction should be rite up there with heroin lol
Channel 2 news reports that Santa Rita Jail inmates are protesting over increased prices in the prison commissary.
As these are your preferred gene pool, how do you plan to stop the systemic Biden inflation that’s unfairly affecting these individuals impacted by the justice system?