Home » State To Receive $849M In Federal Funds For Bridge Repairs

State To Receive $849M In Federal Funds For Bridge Repairs


California will soon receive $849.4 million in federal funds to repair and improve 1,536 bridges across the state thanks to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Rep. Mike Thompson announced this week.

Over the next five years, California will receive $4.2 billion of the $110 billion the federal government plans to administer to road and bridge repair projects nationwide.

“The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is going to create millions of jobs while repairing our bridges throughout California,” Thompson said in a statement. “I’m proud to announce the first round of funding that is on its way to connect our communities, grow our economy, and make our bridges safe for generations to come.”


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So that means the toll fees are going away right, bahahahahahahahah

When you fill up your tank, say 20 gallons the California tax and fees are $23.60. 40 million gallons of gas are sold in California a day. That is $944 million dollars a day in gas fees and taxes. Do you understand democrat politics yet?

And where us THAT money going?

Lying politicians in Sacramento- time for some short ropes and tall trees!

..and the Demorat politicians continue to get richer and richer.
..and the dolts that keep on putting them into office continue to get dumber and dumber.

p.s. How about bridge tolls? Where’s all that money going?

“And where us THAT money going?”

Answer: Only $0.51 cents goes to the state, the remainder is taken by the federal government in excise taxes, and about $0.10 in sales tax which is split up further.

The CA 2021-2022 budget provides $2.8 billion dollars for California Highway Patrol (CHP). CHP also has other sources of funding from vehicle registration but there is also the DMV and other driving related costs as well. On balance it looks like the gas tax doesn’t come close to paying for associated driving related costs.

I have no idea what made me write those numbers wrong. It may have been gas. It is just a little over 40 million dollars a day that California gets a day from gas tax. Still a pretty big number.
That got me thinking though. The earth is a pretty big place but we are using it up at an enormous rate. I find it amazing that the oil companies can even produce that much. Climate change may be a worry but it seems that running out of everything we are pulling out of ole earth is going to be a huge problem for future generations. Could be we are not putting as much as we should into renewables.

The average fill-up is 12.4 gallons per transaction.

Reasonable it is still 40 million gallons a day.

Xennial You are missing the fees per gallon imposed on the supplier and the deliverer. Plus a green house gas imposed before it hits the pump. They are all taxes you have to pay. They don’t show up on the pump but they are there.
A salesman goes to New York in the winter and needs to buy a coat which he puts on his expense account. Which is caught by the accountant. Next month he turns in his expense account and the accountant says, “Well I don’t see an overcoat” The salesman says, ” It’s there”

They are getting us coming and going and the toll keeps going up.

Why do we need federal funds? What happened to all of the toll money we paid to cross the bridges?

You can bet a few local politicos will be getting bigger swimming pools and some fancy vacations soon. Somehow, all that cash will never see it’s intended purposes.

“California will soon receive $849.4 million in federal funds to repair and improve 1,536 bridges across the state…” yet, toll fees will continue to increase and to top it off, all of those bridge improvement start and end dates will be in constant flux with the excuse of….not having enough funds!
If I remember correctly, getting the Bay Bridge to the way is now, took an extra year or so and it went over budget.

Just more money to be squandered by financially illiterate politicians…

With the gas tax money and probably this money too, all going to the general fund, nothing will change.

Oh, that’s not true.

The corrupt get wealthier, the politicians take credit, the grease ball makes excuses, and the bridges fall apart generating a rush for new tax revenue to fix the bridges.

And the grease ball takes credit for rescuing the state’s bridges with the new tax money.

But, nothing will change.

This will fix the bridges like the lottery fixed the schools.

Good one !!

I sure hope there is some over-sight, I would not be surprised to see $$ funnelled to the Train to No Where, or catch-up payments to Cal-Pers, I don’t trust Sacramento to do what the funds were intended to do

LOL, because the $7.00 bridge tolls & lack of toll takers just wasn’t cutting it.


This will all go to their buddies for “studies” then they’ll say they need more money.

How much money did our benevolent rulers spend over the past several years putting in a lane that charged a driver $13 dollars to drive 7 miles and save 5 minutes? And how much longer until those once one or two FastTrack expand to all lanes, with a fee included just to use the road?

And the CA budget surplus is going to……

I blame the voters for this BS. They’re ultimately responsible for the morons in Sacramento.

C’mon liberals. Defend your idiot financially irresponsible politicians.


And the fine for the first toll violation is going down to $5. Seems like it’s cheaper to cheat the system than pay the toll.

Not that I’m advocating cheating the system. It’s just that the morons doing the financials at the state level have no business having anything to do with money.

Is their a refund for all the California taxes we pay for roads/bridges or we just pay more now, California taxes and more Federal taxes.

Wake up people

Yeah right….what a joke. We all know it will get siphoned off for some racial equity programs or transgender learning centers. I never saw a state rape its citizens so badly in taxes and have nothing to show for except filthy cities, beat up roads, and an illusions of being told all the wonderful things coming our way.

… and how much of it will Newsom squander to his pet projects? …. little confidence it will be spent judiciously on the right things… skeptical of our current leadership in spending

This is why he wants to keep California in a permanent state of emergency. No meetings, no voting, just gleeful spending! And every once in a while send $600 to the stooges to keep them docile and ignorant.

I know I’m in the minority here, but I’m actually PRO huge public investment in bridge maintenance and retrofit. Call me a girly-man, but collapsing bridges absolutely TERRIFIES me. And I feel I have a generational obligation. Back when income and property taxes were high and America was kicking ass, my parent’s and grandparent’s generation invested HEAVILY in public spending and built the America we recognize today. I would like to leave my grandchildren a similarly taken care of America, not an English speaking version of Somalia.

No problem with finding infrastructure- but the issue is that all of the taxes and fees promised for infrastructure have been siphoned off for other pet social programs.

In other words, the politicians have lied and are continuing to lie. Why should we continue to trust them?

I challenge anyone to find a repair on any bridge made with this money. The tolls now being collected should be enough to make them the envy of the world.

As most of us realize, a lot of money gets siphoned off for other, more pressing “transportation-related’ projects.

I went thru all the posting and only one posting mentioned that the alledged federal funding will be utilized for the status to maintain CA as a sanctuary state!! The lottery, emergency federal funds and bridge/road repairs are a joke!! With the current “greaseball” AND Biden around this state will not go anywhere! What about Kamel Harris?? She stated she was so concerned and enamored with helping who/what/where??

Credit goes to President Biden for bringing together the bipartisan coalition to get the infrastructure package passed in both houses. Work on these bridges can’t start soon enough.



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