I’ve never gotten any coins on milestones. But have received T-shirts, gift cards and even a coupon to El Morocco in Pleasant Hill (that was pretty nice).
Exit 12A
January 15, 2022 - 8:53 PM 8:53 PM
I used to donate… now I have better things to do with my time.
Altruism is no profitable.
Ditto. I had no problem donating before, but I am busy. And, now? Altruism doesn’t pay very well, nor would I want to help save most people (at least near where I live).
Humans used to be naturally altruistic, and in my opinion that altruism has been bred out in recent years. It’s probably a combination of environmental and genetic factors.
However politics make it worse. The Biden Atlanta speech reinforced the “every person for themselves” credo. As does Woke, BLM and all the other fashionable attitudes. My guess is more friendships have been destroyed over these influences in 2021 than in most years.
The real proof is demonstrated by releasing multiple offense dangerous criminals back into the population knowing they will likely reoffend. Anyone approving of that has not an altruistic bone in their body. These people would trample children to be first into the lifeboats.
January 16, 2022 - 2:39 AM 2:39 AM
My blood is worn out and the dipstick is reading low, it’s been around more than a few corners at this point.
We used to donate whole blood and even do apheresis. We found the Red Cross to be so unwelcoming and unpleasant that we finally stopped donating to them. Now, there is a non-profit in our area called Blood Assurance. Donations stay in the area and they don’t have a overpaid bloated bureaucracy.
I’ve never had any bad experience with Red Cross staff at donation centers or on blood drives but their web site is terrible for making appointments. I used to do drop in donations but that is not possible these days.
Due to the crisis, mandatory voluntary donations may soon be required. But only for two weeks.
😂- “mandatory voluntary”
Similar to the jabs right, voluntary mandatory…
Voluntold and Mandatory Fun …
I have no problem giving blood, but never to the Red Cross.
Agree 100% Cellophane
Government created problem.
pure bloods.
what did they expect? Thanks Gavin and Dem voters
Donated my 64th unit in December. Have to wait until Feb to donate again.
Thank you. 🙂
You rock. May you live long and prosper.
Does Red Cross still award 5 gallon coins?
I’ve never gotten any coins on milestones. But have received T-shirts, gift cards and even a coupon to El Morocco in Pleasant Hill (that was pretty nice).
I used to donate… now I have better things to do with my time.
Altruism is no profitable.
Ditto. I had no problem donating before, but I am busy. And, now? Altruism doesn’t pay very well, nor would I want to help save most people (at least near where I live).
Humans used to be naturally altruistic, and in my opinion that altruism has been bred out in recent years. It’s probably a combination of environmental and genetic factors.
However politics make it worse. The Biden Atlanta speech reinforced the “every person for themselves” credo. As does Woke, BLM and all the other fashionable attitudes. My guess is more friendships have been destroyed over these influences in 2021 than in most years.
The real proof is demonstrated by releasing multiple offense dangerous criminals back into the population knowing they will likely reoffend. Anyone approving of that has not an altruistic bone in their body. These people would trample children to be first into the lifeboats.
My blood is worn out and the dipstick is reading low, it’s been around more than a few corners at this point.
Mass-induced hysteria will do that.
We used to donate whole blood and even do apheresis. We found the Red Cross to be so unwelcoming and unpleasant that we finally stopped donating to them. Now, there is a non-profit in our area called Blood Assurance. Donations stay in the area and they don’t have a overpaid bloated bureaucracy.
Thank you Chuckie
Good to know
I’ve never had any bad experience with Red Cross staff at donation centers or on blood drives but their web site is terrible for making appointments. I used to do drop in donations but that is not possible these days.
Good to know. Thank you.
I definitely don’t donate any money to them.