Home » The Water Cooler – Who Do You Blame For Supply Chain Issues?

The Water Cooler – Who Do You Blame For Supply Chain Issues?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

QUESTION: Who do you blame for all the supply chain issues in the U.S.?


Talk about it….

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Biden. Paying people to not work. Now we need need to invest in robots for minimum wage jobs. Make people better themselves. Not to live life with high school jobs.

Xi Jinping and the Communist Chinese bioweapon (Xi Corona Virus) are culprit #1. If not for this ‘release’, Trump would still be president.

The Bumbling Biden Administration is culprit #2, an appropriate number for the worst President ever. He’s doing to America what he did to Afghanistan.

And rounding out the Top 3? Anyone who voted for China Joe.


“He’s a moron.” (regarding Trump) – Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. I tend to agree.

AND you got your dig in regarding where the virus came from. You must feel so empowered!

@ Tod

Same can be said for you…

Gee, Tod….why stop with Tillerson? Surely, you must have many more quotes in the queue.

And yes, telling the truth can be very empowering.

I blame god for with him everything is possible but he hasn’t done anything to make ours lives easy. Maybe this is his way to test ours loyalty to him🤷‍♀️

Don’t blame God.
Blame all those Liberals, and soccer moms out there who voted for Biden/Harris. Soccer mom’s thought Trump was mean, so voted for Biden. But this is mean, what’s going on now! I hope they feel the sting like the rest of us are.

The war cry of the Socialist air heads was “Anybody but Trump!”
Now we all see how that worked out.

Stupid people should not be allowed to vote!

Hey. I’m a soccer mom and I certainly didn’t vote for Biden! But, I am also not an uneducated fool who would do something like sleep with a coach for a spot on the team… so, there’s that. Looking at you, liberal soccer moms… and the VP…

I blame government and big businesses for the last 40+ years outsourcing manufacturing to China. They’re both to blame because they both profited in the short term and kicked the cannon the long term problems

They manufacture all of our drugs and the vast majority of everything else.

Besides the obvious national security issues around that, none of the dimwits that made these decisions decades ago apparently ever considered what would happen if a crisis happens (real or manufactured).

Perhaps what’s happened has opened up peoples eyes but then again, Newsom is still in office so I don’t have faith people can look up from TikTok long enough to form a thought about a possible scenario decades from now.

@ Ditto on the China analysis. I blame Republicans and Democrats equally. Trump, Obama, Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, all of them. This is not an American partisan issue, it is a global class issue. American political and business leadership has handed the keys to the world to the Chinese, and they never had to fire a shot. They have tried to placate us by telling us it doesn’t matter if they manufacture all our consumer goods, we still have plants that make leading edge weaponry. One, I don’t expect our military superiority to last forever, and two, a country that doesn’t manufacture its own bicycles and TVs is not going to run the world. We had a good run. It was wonderful to be around for it. The last serious presidential contender that saw this coming was Pat Buchanan. He was dismissed as a protectionist right wing crank, and maybe he was, but he was spot on about the need for national policy to protect American manufacturing. I hear Beijing is lovely this time of year.


Definitely agree the keys were handed to China. I don’t understand how the US could be in a Cold War with communist soviets but enrich communist China at the same time. Talk about gross negligence.

Both parties, all of the “elites” are responsible. Instead of realizing their mistake and righting they ship (perhaps some are) they’re all just doubling down.

Bruh: Giving the keys to China, as you call it, might be explained by following the money and not just calling it a mistake. According to financial records China was a big contributor to the Clinton Foundation. On the other side of the isle, Walmart’s strategy of favoring China eliminated many US manufacturing jobs. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/chinese-company-pledged-2-million-to-clinton-foundation-in-2013/

DEMOCRATS. When it is Dems errors, you blame both parties. Get over yourselves and be accountable for your party’s failings. DEMOCRATS/BIDEN’S fault.

I would say the smoking gun is covid. Businesses have suffered with an impacted workforce. People out with covid cannot make or deliver a product.

I blame the government.

All levels and branches of Government.

I believe Government corruption is rampant.

I believe that the pez er prez and his all-day sucker have done nothing since being brought into office on a dark and stormy night.

Government fails at everything and this is another example of the colossal failure.

There is no excuse.

The Government has failed the people once again.

President Joe Biden, and the Democrat party. Their policy to pay workers to stay home has caused a domino effect. Shutting down the Keystone pipeline, and causing a surge in the price of fuel and energy. Next comes thousands of workers who, for whatever reason, decided to quit their job instead of getting the COVID vaccine, or they were fired for failing to get the COVID vaccine, or to provide proof of a vaccine, or proof of a negative test.
The reckless policies of the Left are the main cause of inflation, which has caused an increase in prices, forcing businesses to raise their prices. This is especially hard on small businesses, when they have to raise their prices by as much as 25% or more, and/or lay off some of their workers, then pass the cost on to their customers. Small businesses lack the purchasing power of the larger corporations, and are unable to compete.
When escalating energy costs, inflation, and colder weather are coupled in, Biden and the Democrat’s policies will shut down businesses, and destroy American small business growth.
If something is not done to reverse the recklessness of Biden’s policies, American small businesses will be destroyed, and everything will be made in China and sold exclusively by Amazon.

I don’t like Biden, but Trump could have handled this pandemic WAY BETTER as well. How many dead? Treating the pandemic with the urgency it deserved? If you are going top assign blame, let’s make it fair and accurate.


Fair and accurate according to you? Get over yourself

If Biden didn’t have handlers watching over him day & night he’d walk outside without wearing pants & have his socks on over his shoes.

@Tod, Trump moved quickly to place a travel ban on China and other countries to prevent infected travelers from entering the US, and Biden accused him of hysterical xenophobia. Trump used the CARES Act and Families First Coronavirus Response Act, to provide over $400 million, so vaccines could be freely and widely distributed, and developed Operation Warp Speed once they became available. Trump made a deal with Ford Motor Company, and Tesla to design and produce ventilators, and distributed them to the states that asked for them. Trump immediately reached out to American business leaders in order to help industry defeat the virus. More people have died from COVID under Biden.
Biden and Harris have done nothing to but bully, criticize, insult, and ostracize, American citizens who are questioning the vaccine.

Ships waiting to come into CA ports,
SF https://tinyurl.com/59eujfke
LA https://tinyurl.com/yckmfvkk

biden’s answer to container ships sitting outside CA ports was to have Port operate 24/7. And, . . . . . . . . . .
‘Epic Fail: L.A. Ports Are More Clogged Now Than Before Biden’s Supply Chain ‘Fix’ ‘

Oct. 2021
“California promulgated a diesel engine rule that took out of service some $20 billion dollars of diesel equipment, including trucks, farm and construction equipment, by way of air quality rule that was steeped in academic and regulatory corruption. The rule required multiple replacements and modifications of engines that were too expensive for most owner operators, and mom and pop companies, to comply with.
Most of this equipment has never been replaced.”

Oct. 2021
” “We are showing the world that we can move goods, grow our economy and finally dump dirty diesel,” Jared Blumenfeld, California’s Secretary for Environmental Protection, sneered.
Jared and California certainly showed the world something.
While the ultimate truck ban was scheduled for 2045, an initial phase-in of 5% to 9% begins in 2024. Last year, California’s DMV began refusing to register thousands of trucks with an estimated 100,000 trucks under threat. With “green” trucks costing $70,000 more, this was a non-starter for already troubled independent owner-operators and even larger companies. ” …

“Business at California’s ports dropped during the pandemic. The loss of traffic convinced trucking companies and owner operators who were already battered by AB5 and the green truck ban that it was better to just downsize or pull out entirely. And when port activity rebounded, there was a huge hole in the delivery infrastructure that backed up the entire system.”
Entire article is worth a read, gives details and history of government intervention.
‘California Drove Truckers Out of Business. Now Store Shelves Are Empty’

NOT a recent problem,
July 2020
‘California governor urged to reverse ports’ receding market share’
“Economist reports container volume is moving to East and Gulf coasts”

August 2020
‘California requires ships, trucks to eliminate thousands of tons of pollution’

Unfortunately majority of CA voters don’t make it a point to keep up with news and don’t seem interested in what DEM controlled CA state legislature does or in providing their elected “public servants the ADULT SUPERVISION that is so desperately needed.

But if their favorite junk food fix, is not on store shelves . . . Look Out

Anyone think politicians or unaccountable, unelected bureaucrats will admit they screwed up and fix things ? ? ?

YA, . . . . . me neither.

It seems to me to be an attitude shift which has developed in our society surrounding the triage of critical issues. It seems that looming problems are pretty much ignored these days until they reach critical status. Then all the resources available are drawn away from other issues to attack and solve the most pressing problems which have developed, long ignored in the background, until they have become severe.

When the critical issue is solved the resources are drawn to the next critical issue which has developed because of neglect and failure to maintain even minimal attention while the last critical issue has been addressed. It’s like a swarm of activity moving from one critical issue to another and everything else is otherwise ignored. It’s almost an hysteria requiring the obsessive attention of society over whatever was the most recently identified critical issue. I believe our shift as a society to “the hysteria of the critical issue” has brought us to this juncture. While we dwell on supply chain issues and scrape resources away from other problems, the next critical issue is quietly building momentum and will be rolling down the assembly line soon to displace the last one before it. It is a neglect in the strategic planning for the long-term allocation of resources. We will not know the severity of the next critical issue until it is upon us.

Naww! It’s Biden’s fault. He should have left Trump’s policies in tact until he (Biden) got a grip on things. Democrats were chomping at the bit to get their agenda front and center at all costs and we see the result.

I blame it on depending on other countries to make and supply things that we should be making at home. It would have been easier if things had been manufactured or grown here to distribute it instead f having it all bottled necked at the ports and trying to get the delayed products out of the ports

We are to dependent on other countries

The Gubment

Biden and Harris primarily…then Newsom for Cali…. they don’t plan for anything till it’s too late or a “crisis” …. we’re still in a drought and now Newsom is thinking of moving some of our surplus tax dollars from water resources to fund that high speed rail to nowhere again 🙁

OLIVE GARDEN!!! Its all their fault. With endless soup, salad and breadsticks, it was only a matter of time before the demand for soup, salad and breadsticks started impacted other supply chains. Look where we are now Olive Garden!

UN Agenda 2030 the hybrid version of Agenda 21. Since governments weren’t implementing the advisories of Agenda 21 fast enough it was upgraded to Agenda 2030. The idea was for policies to deal with an expanding population.

If you do a search and look Agenda 2030 the sell sheet looks rosy but be sure to read the fine print. Apparently a lot of corporations and government have now jumped on board and the public be damned.

Those policies have manifested as new laws and rules for states and local governments. Given the “pandemic” some should have been put on hold but that wasn’t on platter when the laws were written. For instance, it obviously might have been a good idea for the time being to delay the sunset on older diesel trucks so goods at ports could be delivered.

And if you look around a bit you’ll also find videos posted by farmers attesting to the fact that they were asked to destroy their crops and if they did so the government would pay them one and a half times market value. So in some cases it’s an artificial shortage. So exactly why would the government do this?

So it goes….

Newson did it to California, with his regressive “climate change” and “green energy” B.S.

I haven’t noticed and supply chain issues.
What you people cànt lead your lives without some kind of supply chain issues? I’d be willing to bet you got some bigger issues than this.

You must be living in a cave, you clearly haven’t been out shopping at the grocery store…

@Torcofuel, A question was asked, “who do you blame for all the supply chain issues in the US?” and people are giving their answers. That’s it, don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.

The Democrats that put the useless president in office thank you so much.

Biden isn’t “useless”
Hell the Russians and Chinese love him, they think he’s doing one hell of a job! Very useful.

What the hell you talking about Willis?
Yesterday we did an order from Costco and the day before that an order from Sam’s club and today at 1:00 p.m. we went to Safeway in Clayton and there are no supply chain issues at any one of those three places and we bought a lot of food!! All three of our orders had everything we needed I spent $280 I believe at Costco then another order for $300 at Sam’s club and Safeway ended up with $392 every item we wanted to get they had so don’t give me this crap there is supply chain issues with grocery stores you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, you obviously are buying some weird stuff that the majority of the people don’t use or want.
So I reiterate my comments above I have seen no supply chain issues at all with anything we need to get at a grocery store convenience store home improvement store etcetera etcetera.

I blame the idiots who horde beyond they’re immediate needs. Home tests are the new toilet paper.

It is my belief that this issue can only be from the proliferation of Wild turkeys ,. As my Colleague DR. Manifesto has said before, the turkeys are evolving and its just now that they realize what their fate has been thus far, and I am to believe with the work of the ferrets, as I know these creatures to be illegal however, I’m am quite positive they are working in tandem hand in hand, We must trust in Dr. Manifestos solution. .

All we care about is the end of the supply chain and what’s available to us when we go shopping. Don’t give a rat’s ass what goes on from the start leading to the end point.

@ JaP
Yep. Unless Trump was President, then the whole story would change.

A virus. It’s maddeningly impersonal and it seems wrong because we’re certain we’re very important but… it’s a virus. It doesn’t have an agenda.

It’s obviosly systemic racism driven by climate change, according to Gavin Newsom.

For me, I blame systemic stupidity. Which is more plentiful than hydrogen, the original basic building block. So going forward, the basic building block of humanity is stupidity, which will kill us off far faster than climate change. Time to realign priorities based on numeric urgency.

@Just a Peddler
For crying out loud…..a lot of people know all about supply chains, good grief. Also, there are a few truckers who’d love to have a chat with you. And why do you want to work with people that won’t grow up? Your post has zero credibility.

Sure – and it’s just a coincidence that it’s happening so massively during Democrat Joe’s watch.

The governments that locked down. Covid would have been an economic shock in any case but it was made far worse by the lockdown measures that barely changed the course of the epidemic anyway.

Long ago….the past 50 years Biden has held some office or another. Where’s the problem?



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