Home » Order Four COVID-19 At-Home Tests Beginning January 19

Order Four COVID-19 At-Home Tests Beginning January 19


Every home in the U.S. can soon order four free at-⁠home COVID-⁠19 tests.

Ordering begins January 19 at COVIDtests.gov.

It’s unknown when they’ll be shipped.


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No thank you.

BTW, it’s not free, your tax dollars pay for everything.

Nothing is free in this world.

But talk is cheap

What’s the point? If you test positive you probably are, if you test negative there is still 1 in 5 chances you have it. People aren’t going to test unless they feel sick, which at that point they have already spread it.

Knowing the history of our government, they will ship after Covid is over

I think they said it takes 7 to 10 days to ship. They are NOT free, as you have to pay for them in advance, and then be reimbursed by your private health insurance.

Made by the CCP?

Lol. The first thing you learn in Econ 101 – there’s no such thing as a free lunch.

Commies never were good when it came to the economy, doesn’t surprise me the current commie administration doesn’t know basic economics.

Do people understand that these at home Covid tests have about a 50% chance of being right? Honestly, studies have been done and show ~50% accuracy. Imagine all the ways people test themselves incorrectly when given a box and list of directions. Under the best of circumstances with ‘scientists’ doing the testing using at home products, they get to about 70% accuracy.

Those of you that hunt all over town to pay $30 for a BinaxNOW test kit are wasting your money. Come to my house, and for a mere $20 I’ll give you a quarter to flip. Results are about the same.

Also, seems nobody reads the fine print either. You get two tests in a box because you’re supposed to take one test, then wait 36 hours and take the other test. They’re not in there to share with a buddy.

Total and complete scam.

Here is the ridiculous part. Take the test send it in or hand it in and it takes eleven days to get the results. By that time you will be dead or cured. People who said they would have to wait six or seven days were informed it would now take eleven.

Taking bets on amount of time the website is up before it crashes due to system overload….I will say within the first 20 minutes…

Well lets see. First the website will crash on the 19th. Next they will run out of kits for some reason or another. Finally, they will likely ship them UPS so good luck ever getting them (not the freddy x is any better – I had something shipped from Columbus OH on 12/30. It made it to Sacramento today. Why did it go from Columbus to Sacramento via I-40 thru Needles is beyond me)

It was probably sent by train. FedEx contracts with BNSF, whose transcontinental mainline runs through Needles (and Flagstaff, Albuquerque, KC, etc.) The trailer containing your package would have been taken off the train outside of Stockton, then driven to Sacramento. Probably take another 4 days to get your package to your house (3-day weekend, you know).

Well, if those trains go through Los Angeles, they may never arrive. Shipping containers are now being targeted by thieves. Train tracks over the past month in LA are littered with thousands of empty Amazon, UPS, and FedEx boxes.

The old ‘carrot and stick’ trick is turning into a ‘carrot and sledgehammer’ trick. The carrot: ‘free test kits for every American’. What will follow?

Today’s American Thinker has a writeup that foresees a digital human tracking system that will impose restrictions on the health decisions of every American.

Will our ‘personal decisions’ also be restricted? Contra Costa County has already declared ‘misinformation’ a public health emergency. What we read, view, write, or discuss, is a ‘personal decision’, and it is already under attack. Our new authoritarian cancel culture is using a sledgehammer to erode our freedoms.


Ah yes, Today I tested to see if I was sick.

Tomorrow I’m going to the cemetery to see if I’m dead.


I’m still waiting for the at home inexpensive Covid antibody tests which were developed as early as summer 2020. Those tell you if you’ve had Covid in the past even if you had no symptoms. Instead of a nose swab they use a small sample of blood (like diabetes devices) and produce results in minutes without need of being sent to a lab.

Here is some information on Testing.com about antibody tests also know as an “At-Home COVID-19 Serology Test”. The tests they list do need to be sent into a lab and are not inexpensive.

But I’ve seen articles and PR releases from companies who have developed such tests that could be sold for as little as a $1. Some of these companies mentioned they had problems getting approval from the version of the FDA in their country.

This is such a home test sold by this company which is includes a video on it’s use:
If you click on Amazon link you’ll see it requires a clinic license to purchase.

Makes you wonder if governments don’t want them available at your local drug store because if you have the antibodies then you already have immunity. And that might hurt the vaccine company stockholders. 😄

From what I saw on the news Cal OSHA was going to make home test invalid for work purposes. They said it was because they can easily bring in a negative test that has been tampered.

That’s so funny … who wants to go to work so badly that they’d fake a test! OSHA is crazy!
A cruise or concert maybe but work??? 😂 especially since everyone I know gets ten days off paid no questions asked.

Farcical. These can be helpful in certain circumstances, but the time anyone would need them is now, not early Feb when this wave will have passed. And four of them is going to do barely anything for a household/person that really needs to test.

This is just the delayed ripple of a political gesture that’s already been made.

It’s my understanding that by the time test kits are actually delivered in large quantities, the Omnivore variant will have moved on to greener pastures. Another government program which will miss the mark.

There are two options:
1. You can catch omicron and experience a mild cold.
2. You can get 3 – 4 jabs, wear 2 – 3 masks, isolate, and catch omicron and experience a mild cold.

A state of emergency that lasts 2 years ain’t a real emergency, it it?

Stop testing! It’s a cold. If you feel crappy do what you’ve always done and stay away from fragile people. They’re having asymptomatic hospital employees that have tested positive work with patients. If it’s good for the hospital it should be good for schools and other work places.

No thanks. If I have to test to see if Im sick, I’m not sick. If i am sick enough to worry, Ill contact my doctor.

I’m gonna order as many as I can and then resell them to the Kool-aid drinkers.

Yep! Seriously desperate for more virtue signaling and the supplies for that are short right now.

QUIT TESTING —- Let’s move on!

So when is Big Pharma going to start production of a Trump Derangement Syndrome vaccine? Please someone just put a bullet behind my ear if I should start looking like I have any symptoms. I think everyone of the talking heads on CNN should be the first people in line for live trials.



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