Home » 196 Teachers, 5,425 Students Absent Today In The MDUSD

196 Teachers, 5,425 Students Absent Today In The MDUSD


196 teachers and 5,425 students were absent from school today in the Mount Diablo Unified School District, according to MDUSD Spokesperson Theresa Harrington.

181 of the 196 teachers required substitutes. Some teachers do not oversee classrooms, so they do not require substitutes when they are absent.

There were 69 unfilled teacher assignments today. Just like the past few days, the open classes were covered by other teachers during their prep periods, some students were divided in order to go into other classrooms and some classes were covered by other credentialed staff.

The district cannot say how many of the absences are due to COVID-19.


Earlier this week, on Monday Jan.10, 148 teachers and 3,894 students were absent from school in the MDUSD.

The district says the numbers are likely higher today in part because they are heading into a three-day weekend, with schools closed on Monday due to the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.

The MDUSD has 29,000 students and about 1,600 teachers, according to its website.

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Must be some great vacation deals going on right now. I hear Florida and Hawaii are popular.

Covid is hitting a lot of people right now. The varying severity of the illness is astonishing.

Some people feel exhausted for a few days, others are bedridden.

Incredible to me is that the vaccine has done nothing to quell the spread and the severity appears to be equal among the vaxed and unvaxed.

Some people are claiming that the unvaxed have an easier time than the vaxed.

For everyone who is ill, get better soon.

For the rest, don’t forget the sunscreen.

So bitter…

@ Cellophane

I agree with ya. Just doesn’t seem like masks and vaccines are curbing the virus.

How is that bitter when scores of teachers fought to keep schools closed when they were posting pictures of Hawaiian vacations? The union is poison and any teacher paying into it is an enemy.

Thank you. Teachers in MDUSD need to do their damn jobs, and in the classroom! Pitiful how they’ve completely disregarded what is best for the children they serve. Yes… serve!

The Covid numbers are going up everyday in Contra Costa County so this is no surprise.

Well, yeah. The number testing is unprecedented.

Well they’re all gonna be absent on the bs holiday Monday too. Didn’t seem to bother the school district that everything would be closed down on the holiday and they wouldn’t be receiving any funds from anybody for a whole day.

Home school people..quite hanging on to the harsh reality there is nothing good to hang on to anymore with public schooling.

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Oh, Cara: “or there lack of.” Rolling on the floor, you hypocritical mess.

@Cara Webster might want to ask that private school you went to for a refund 🤦‍♀️😂

Oh, Cara, I do hope you’re not a public-school teacher.

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Three of those students are in Disneyland right now. Beautiful weather here in Anaheim too!

fraudulent absences…..too obvious

Fraudulent absences lol…they had about 180 fraudulent absences in 2020 that I didn’t authorize.

Hey, whatever happened to SARB/SART..is that still a thing?

So very true Meezy!! Aunt Barbara my kids, husband and I are having a wonderful time on the fraudulent absences, thank you for asking!

In many cases the schools are making people paranoid to send kids to school. If students have minor symptoms that may just be a stuffy nose or a cold they are being sent home
Many students who are not positive with covid are missing out on school.

Just as the hospitals are getting payouts for Covid so are the school districts:

Scroll down on that article to find a link that shows how much each district in each state is getting.

Many children are absent because they are sitting at home (healthy) waiting for a PCR test to come back. All the testing is back logged and taking forever!!!

Another failure of the Biden administration. Lets Go Brandon !

How about filling us in on the numbers for the 11th, 12th, and 13th? (Speaking of which the district never followed up and reported the student absences from the 7th which they said they needed more time for. One week isn’t enough time?) Don’t just pick random days to report, especially when one of those days is a Friday before a 3 day weekend. This doesn’t give a true picture of what is happening.

Contra Costa County Office Of Education
$25,487.68 per student
Enjoy Hawaii and Florida….let’s check their instagram and fb.
School vouchers now!

5,425 is just a number that means nothing until you can compare it to previous years at flu season absents.



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