Contra Costa County Superintendent of Schools Lynn Mackey and Contra Costa County Deputy Health Officer Dr. Ori Tzvieli reaffirmed the importance of keeping students in full-time, in-person learning environments during the latest COVID-19 surge.
“We have seen that students are better off in school than in distance learning,” County Superintendent of Schools Lynn Mackey said. “The county office of education continues to work with the health department and our school districts to maintain in-person learning and do it safely. The safety of students, staff, and families remains our top priority during this pandemic.”
“We have learned a lot of hard lessons over the last two years as we have worked through this pandemic,” said Dr. Tzvieli. “For many students, remote learning does not support student mental health, emotional health, and academic well-being the way that in-person learning does. There are very few instances where closing schools is the best option from a public health perspective.”
Contra Costa County, the state and the nation are seeing a record number of new COVID-19 cases due to the omicron variant. While the omicron variant is highly contagious, it seems to cause milder symptoms than earlier strains of the virus, Dr. Tzvieli said. He added that children are less likely to be infected in supervised settings such as schools with masking and testing requirements.
Good luck with that…
I wonder how many of these officials who promote the “contagion” actually have their own kids in small, private schools or have them home-schooled. Isn’t this what Newsome was doing?
I feel bad for the kids who’s parents have chosen to stay in California or don’t have the means to get out.
Everyone I know with kids got the heck out months and months ago and moved to a free state. Their kids are living normal lives going to school and they’ll be smart, well adjusted adults in society that will be an asset to this country and have the ability to compete with the best and brightest of the rest of the country and world.
Won’t be able to say the same about kids growing up in these modern day indentured servitude states like California.
Oh brother! Most kids and teachers we know at home in quarantine are false positives !!! Aka “ asymptotic “
And the ones that have the sniffles are not hospitalized or dying
My daughter’s English teacher announced he wasn’t feeling well with a bad sore throat but not to worry bc he tested negative for covid!
Do you see how dumb these people are?
So it’s ok to infect kids with anything else as long as it’s not covid. strep throat can be deadly for kids if not treated.
I have two students that presently have COVID 19, and two that have been directly exposed to people with it and are at home. There has to be at least 10 cases at my school, but the district webpage shows zero at this time. The reporting is probably not accurate because parents are probably just following guidelines without updating the attendance coordinator at each school. Stay safe!
Aka “We lost too many students to home schooling due to our ridiculous distance learning fiasco”.
Omicron panic from the media ignited the normies.
Good luck getting that genie back in the bottle.
This people is crazy.. they don’t care our kids.. is all about sad all this situation kids are getting sick every day.. for all the teachers and people that work at school, school bus driver’s they are doing a very good job trying to don’t bring nothing to their homes and family they don’t think about them they only care money…
Get real. It’s all about getting that ADA
I feel that teachers and health care employers are goingvto their job with low symptoms to work. Passing to students and patients their sickness. Teachers at Mount diablo school district been absent for a day because had vomiting and diarrhea and test negative with a home test. I know thelat learning distance is not a fit for every student but how much damage can make one school year comparing too be sick and pass the sickness to so many people. My experience tell me that when we had distance learning everyone was safe and their was not so many cases of Covid19. Also school and or parent are not reporting all cases because school is asking parents to test their children 5 days after been exposed.
This has gone too far. Now Nordstrom Cafe says you cannot eat outside if you are not vaccinated, because you have to walk through the restaurant to get outside.
This is insanity at its finest,
I won’;t be sad to see Norsdtrom go and they will be closed down soon.
It’s run by a bunch of morons!
Get vaccinated. Mouthbreathers….
Sounds very Moronic/omicron.
I thought Pure bloods were still permitted to go inside and order take out?
BTW, Gavin Newsom is Klaus Schwab’s great reset Stooge.
It’s only ‘great’ for the billionaires. You’ll all be locked down or slaving away to pay your $1,000 PG&E / MCE bills while they’ll be traveling in their $100 Million dollar jets and going to the beaches that we once were able to go to.
It’s funny (but not really) that all the vaccine passport/mandate stuff is really coming into play right when it is clear that it makes zero sense. Vaccinated people are getting infected and passing it on in large numbers. And that’s okay – if it helps prevent severe outcomes, great. But vaccination status doesn’t separate the infectious from the non-infectious, the clean from the unclean. That’s incontestable now, and yet here we are.
Never going to happen!
No home schooling. I don’t have time to teach.
Glad to see these abject morons are tacitly admitting that so many of us were right NEARLY TWO YEARS AGO when we said okay, we kept our kids home in March and April, but this is BS, they’re not vectors nor in danger, so get them back into school in May. TWO FRICKIN YEARS, that’s how long you 5-mask, 8-shots, STAY INSIDE fear porn weirdos have been getting off on being led around by your nose.
It’s all about the money.
Each day a student isn’t in school the district does not get paid.
The lifestyles bureaucrats will have to be curtailed if they can’t keep the money coming in.
They don’t care about your children, they only care about free trips to exotic lands on your dime.
2 years ago, all of this was considered a conspiracy theory, guess no one is paying attention. ITS HERE. You are being played and you don’t even see it.Hospital Bed shortages? Staffing Shortages..ask your local healthcare/hospital employee how many wards are still closed and employees furloughed…yea, we can make the bean counters happy by saying a full hospital is a full hospital if only half the wards are open…