Home » Karen Takes The Throne – Mitchoff Named Chairperson Of Contra Costa County Board Of Supervisors

Karen Takes The Throne – Mitchoff Named Chairperson Of Contra Costa County Board Of Supervisors


Contra Costa District 4 Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, who represents Pleasant Hill and much of Walnut Creek and Concord, is the new chairperson of the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors, replacing District 3 Supervisor Diane Burgis.

Mitchoff was able to ascend to the top spot Tuesday after vice chairperson and District 5 Supervisor Federal Glover stepped aside. Glover remains vice chairperson.

“It was his turn to be chair and he very graciously agreed to serve again as vice chair so I could be chair in my last year of public service,” Mitchoff said after both retook their oath of office.

Glover has served on the Board of Supervisors since 2000, representing a district that includes the County’s northern waterfront.


Supervisor Mitchoff is in her third term, and Supervisor Glover is serving his sixth term. They will lead the five-member elected body that sets the direction of county government and oversees its $4.061 billion budget.

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I’d like to speak with your supervisor…

She does not care about businesses in this county that have been hard hit. She will be happy to fine them into closure for any misstep. Her retirement cannot come soon enough.

Great another Karen…..
Nuff said she’s a loser extraordinaire…

The Chief Tyrant is now in control.

Only the really big money will buy her now.

Look forward to insane rants and edicts.

Karen is the top graduate of the Helen Allen school of elitism.

She’s the top dog and everyone else is dog SXXt.

Her last year? We should be so lucky.

It’s going to be a long, long, term.

Sounds so very………Equitable


The author of the article should refrain from suggesting democratically elected officials are associated with royalty.

or what?

Funny you question whether PHPD acted lawfully in arresting people for possessing what amounts to IEDs but get your giblets all in an uproar over freedom of the press.

Selective indignation I say.

And then there’s the occasional troll…..

When I saw the first four words “Karen takes the throne” I had a very frightening visual. Please don’t scare me like that again!

Hey Karen – didn’t the FCC fine you for your expletive- filled rant on county TV last year?????

You do NOT have the temperament for that job!

The sad thing for me is I have no idea what any of them stand for. I think this last year or more shows we need much more information on any one running for office including for dog catcher.

Upon further reflection…

I believe elevating Karen to Chairperson of the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors is the single most contemptuous act the board has ever manipulated.

And it was manipulated.

Who paid whom how much?

I wonder just what Karen will get out of this other than a huge boost to an already incredible ego.

While the good people of Contra Costa County pay the price.

I was wondering the same thing …

Who paid whom and how much? Why would Glover step aside and stay in the #2 position? What will Karen get out of this ‘boost’?

Maybe somebody with the authority, can audit this board and remove all the incompetent ones … then we can start over with a board that actually represents the people of the county.


Karen…a fitting name no doubt.

FTK, just to be clear! Long live freedom and down with National Socialism! Got it?

I would prefer if any story about the CCC BOS included a quick note about their current salary, and the fact that they get to determine that for themselves. If I’m not mistaken, they have been voting themselves raises to where they now make in excess of $300,000 a year. And that’s just the base pay.

I don’t know if you were ever a county employee, related to a county employee or have a BFF that is/was a county employee but…..THANK YOU… THANK YOU…THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
But to be faire and square their annual base is $145,489 per County Salary Schedule. But if you add an average benefit percentage of 35% that makes the base package $196,410. Then there are the stipends etc. So all in all it is very outrageous.
I was there for the 60% raise (employees got a 4%) and the 33% raise after employees had a 2.75% take away the year before and then the BoS was so generous (snark snark) and gave us a 4% raise but really it was 2.75% to make us whole again and then a 1.25% raise with health insurance premiums that went up an average of 8%.
But I will have to say 2 politicians stood up for us peon county employees. One was Candace Anderson (declined the 33% raise as it was written) who was and still is on the BoS and the other was Concords own Edi Birsan. And I won’t even get into Federal Glover or John (Ick) Gioia. I could write two 1000 page books about them

@ Well Folks. Thank you for the correction. I may be still experiencing PTSD about the San Ramon Valley Fire District Chief that spiked his pension to receive over 300K for the rest of his life. Granted, that is an actual high skill position, but none of these jobs should pay the same as winning the lottery.

I can tell you most retirees don’t even get half of what the Big Dogs get. If you want a bit of cheap entertainment got to the county salary schedule, look up Clerk – Advanced level as they are the largest group of employees at the county Take the highest pay at 5% for service over 15 years. Them multiply by .60 as this would equal the 2% at age 55 and 30 years worth of service. And now you know why it doesn’t matter if you are a clerk, engineer, accountant etc why we would get angry over BoS raises

What are the benefits for retiring supervisors? Are there extra benes for being Chairperson? Especially for your last year? Something stinks.

The benefits on paper are the same as any county employee. But that is on paper. Unions for years have tried to get to the truth but as everyone knows the county is excellent at hiding the truth.
So on paper after age 55 you get 2% of outgoing salary for each year worked/served. So if a rank and file employee is 56 and retires with 30 years they get 60% of their outgoing annual salary. And before you say to much go look at the Clerical series on the county salary schedule as that is the largest group of employees and calculate. Also remember there is nothing off book for them or any county employee that isn’t upper management, it is what it is.
Also remember Karen was a county employee than a BoS member so she has around 40+ years in. The average county employee doesn’t make it that long

This stacking of government retirement benefits must stop! The democrat agenda has bankrupted the masses. We The People are funding golden retirements while losing our medical, SS monies, our Homes!! All the while ushering in foreigners for votes, giving them everything We have lost.

Just a thought.

Who will she bring the “hammer down” on next? Bets?

All of the county employee contracts are up this June. With her at the the helm and Gioia & Glover’s attitudes do not be surprised to see a strike. I will be the first one since 1973. The county is already suffering a major “brain drain” with younger people going to other agencies that a far better benefit package and and one who can retire is retiring.
The trifecta of Mitchoff, Gioia and Glover will push the county to the edge. Just look at the CAO they hired. Hmmmm…….She walked out on San Joaquin county after creating a major labor mess and strike. Grab your popcorn folks this could get really interesting

Watch out small businesses. Karen has previously vowed in a foul mouthed rant during a supervisors meeting to “Bring the Hammer Down” on small businesses throughout the county. She is a full on communist dictator.

I would like to see election fraud issues come up for scrutiny by Mitchoff and the board. Judicial Watch a high profile national government policy oversight group has identified CCC among others as having outdated voting rolls and have sent a demand letter to the elections office prior to initiating a lawsuit.
With the fraudulent 2020 election and recall elections leaving many residents wondering if they have been permanently disenfranchised from the democratic process it would seem to be the right time to look into the county elections office and mail in ballot verification procedures.

I totally agree. My son moved to Las Vegas two years ago and registered to vote there. However, he was still sent a Contra Costa County election ballot, a notice to appear for jury duty, etc. I contacted the county board of elections and told them he moved and they said that once he’s registered out of state, they remove him from their voter rolls. Then why’d he get a recall ballot and a jury summons??? Idiots. Contra Costa County is a corrupt liberal cesspool.

Judicial Watch is a radical right-wing group know for their repeated lies and bogus conspiracy theories. But nice try!

Regardless of what your opinion of JW is the article I read said that CCC was not in compliance with federal election laws and that is the basis of their lawsuit
Article was from justthenews website a few weeks ago

Your post is a lie.

Politics and Hollywood seem to be 2 places where is constantly possible to fail upwards.

Throne being the operative word. CCC needs a giant plumber’s helper.



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