About 3,400 people are without power this morning after a vehicle struck a power pole on the corner of Kirker Pass Rd. and Olive Dr.
PG&E says the power should be restored by about noon today, but that could change.
Use caution if you’re in the area of Kirker & Olive, near Sloat Garden Center.
Thanks to Lumberjack for the top photo, and Jill for the bottom photo of the crash.
Hope, their ok but more upset about the fact that it happened on the day I have to go in for an outpatient surgery.
I guess no one was injured or else this would have been a different story.
We all need to be more responsible, not only when driving but with every aspect of our lives.
You don’t know that. Could’ve been a medical emergency.
I’ll wait until the police report to pass final judgement, but on first glance this looks like a case of inattentive driving. Put the phone down and drive like you aren’t the only person in the universe, folks.
Thanks to whoever hit the pole! You just ruined my morning. Learn how to drive!
Really DJ??!!??!
The power was out for about an hour and
YOUR ENTIRE DAY is ruined???
WOW, unbelievable ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You read that right!
Thanks for being a good driver and the inconvenience.Glad no one was hurt.Pay attention to your driving.
Same exact thing happened maybe a year and a half ago. Car hit a pole right there and the power was off for hours.
Thankfully this time it was only off for a couple of hours here.
I’ve walked that stretch from Olive to Clayton Rd., and it’s pretty scary. Cars screaming past a couple feet away.
I hope the little squirrel the driver swerved to avoid was not injured or frightened too badly.
Crazy how one car can screw up so many people’s lives.
Maybe you were being facetious but saying “ a car can screw up so many people’s lives” is wrong. The D-R-I-V-E-R screw up the day or few hours for all those people but not the car. When was the last time anyone’s car took off on its own to willfully cause injuries or damages?
Has the season opened for telephone/power poles? I thought you were only supposed to drive into white picket fences and fire hydrants.
Pole has taps, taking power from overhead wires, providing power to underground conductors. (long white cover, left side of pole)
At posted speed limit of 45 mph, a vehicle travels 66 feet per second.
Everyone seems to assume that it was distracted driving.maybe they were be hyper vigilant, and driving down the right lane which is, if even driving at the 40mph limit in clear dry daylight conditions, only 6 inches from curb as marked by the shoulder line painted stripe. Your crying along at legal limit, out of the way of the 65-70 mph traffic that comes down that stretch unless they actually get stopped at the light at Concord blvd, and somebody is passing you dangerously close and cut you off as they’re passing because they’re reckless or on the phone, under the influence, and you jerk your wheel to avoid, barely catch the curb, and now you’re wheels are turning off road. Just be thankful there wasn’t somebody on the sidewalk. That would have been somebody having a really bad morning. I know, I’ve had one of those.
I would hate to see where that UGLY auto would have landed without the assistance of the pole. Most likely trying to pass someone while making illegal lane changes and forgot there were only 3 lanes to choose from.
Whatever this person is smoking, I hope they are sharing.
Perhaps they swerved to avoid a jaywalker. I see them cross in that area almost daily. The limit there is 45 and no one ever adheres to that.
There are very interesting last second skid marks from a couple or 3 lanes over to where the SUV left the roadway
I’m glad the pole stopped the vehicle from hitting the fire hydrant in front of it.
Pole gave it’s life protecting a Fire Hydrant.
I personally think PG&E did a great job today.
In the past (for you youngsters) it would have taken well over 2-3 hours to fix the problem. They were quick to send out a text to us letting us know the outage and how long it would take to fix. The text, like this post, said the power would be up and running by noon; The power went off at approximately 8:45 am and was back on within the hour.
What a bunch of “winey” babies out there. Look back East and how after a storm it sometimes takes weeks to get power back on… DJ, actually wrote that his entire day was ruined because his power was out for 60 minutes.
Stop relying on power to make or break your day…
How do you know how long my power was out? And how do you know how it affected others?
DJ, my reply to you is below!
Doesn’t it ruin your day to be on Claycord writing a ridiculous post and commenting on mine?
What constitutes a perfect un-ruined day for you?
We’re smack dab in the middle of that lower orange region on the map and our power was not out at all those maps are not accurate in fact they’re not even close.
Honestly I don’t care what the cause was it happened nothing’s going to change the outcome so get on with it people, nothing to see here at all, but for all you willy millies that want to know what might happen I heard rumor that somebody was having a fun time with their secretary.
from the photo I don’t see any tire skid marks leading to the pole other than one tire slide mark … mmm is that a beer can in the street
I see people saying power is back, I guess that’s the case for some but not all.
Well, if we’re Not going to find out the cause either way……I’m sticking with TEXTING, and if they were = they need to go to rehab!!
Texting was not the issue here !! SUV lost control because she was hit by a dumbass that wasn’t paying attention to where he was going
My address is within the map’s orange blocked area, but the power has stayed steady here.
It could be the SUV was coming from Olive and turned into the rightmost lane while traffic was moving on Kirker. Either the driver misjudged a vehicle approaching faster than expected in that lane, or a vehicle that had been approaching in the middle lane shifted to the rightmost lane. To avoid a collision by the oncoming vehicle directly into the driver’s side of the SUV, the driver got out of way by going up on the curb. Glad no one was hurt. Seatbelt 1, power pole 0.
It was actually the other way around suv was hit and lost control
Just about all the topics on this such as driver responsibility, the car, the hydrant’s safety, impact of electricity loss and such have been covered. We still haven’t covered self-driving cars or the psychological test of “what do you see” in the map outline. For the orange highlight in the map, I see an overly thick contractor’s dustpan, meaning deep subconscious interpersonal conflict that I need to clean up some difficult items.
Interesting. I see a man’s tie that got folded in his lap as he had lunch. While wildly gesturing to his colleague sitting to his right, he then spilled his drink across the tie as it lay there on his lap. They settled their disagreement, but when he stood up, his tie painted a lasting picture of the event.
So, this is just a treat to read. People who make things like this about them and their suffering are hilarious. DJ’s entire day was “ruined.” Someone else had outpatient surgery and somehow this affected that.
Y’all love to trash teachers, but you know what they did when the power went out? Pivoted, and taught with only the light from the windows or they took their classes outside. Granted, they were teaching the entire CRT curriculum and training kids to be their little Marxist soldiers, but they kept going!! This is a joke, but I know a lot of you believe this.
All I have to say is WE NEED UNDERGROUNDING PROJECTS!! Someone I used to know had a heart attack while driving and died — I really don’t know the specifics of it — but if someone has a medical emergency and crashes into a pole, they could possibly die from having the electrical pole coming down on them or from it catching on fire and not from having had a medical emergency. Undergrounding would make it so people wouldn’t be affected with losing power, let’s not forget that there are people who required medical care and home and their medical equipment must constantly be running.
Only 3400? Imagine the whole county forcing electricity as our only power source. It’s your money folks. Is this what you want?
Long hot summer days with no water? Elites only using gasoline powered generators.
DJ… because mine was out as well! It was only out for an hour; Plus PG&E sent out a text message saying “power has been restored”
Perhaps you were too busy in your “important” day to have seen that message. Maybe yours was out longer, but I have a friend and know it wasn’t out for hours upon hours due to this accident. I’m guessing maybe you didn’t pay your bill?