Home » CA Student Test Scores Fall Drastically

CA Student Test Scores Fall Drastically


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Low test scores= We need more money.

In the words of the Immortal Gomer Pyle, “Surprise, Surprise, Surprise”

And “Shame, Shame, Shame” on those who let this happen.

If ayone expected different results they are out of touch with reality.

Kids in the middle grades aren’t going to recover from this.

Anyone reading this surprised?

These news reports are so stupid.

What are the percentages of students at or above grade level in the years prior? There needs to be a baseline for comparison. I guarantee it wasn’t at 100%. And I’ll bet it’s been a trend of decline as well.

California already has the lowest literacy rate in the US: 76.9%.

Online learning does not work unless the student is motivated. It’s no surprise the kids are doping off when both parents work and they are left at home alone.

So, what do the schools want? More money?

The solution is simple: Get both the teachers and students back in school full-time.

Give the schools back the money taken from them because of the lottery. The expected money did not live up to the expectations but the state kept lowing the school budgets.

California has the “5th largest economy.”
California ranks between 27th and 50th in terms of education quality in the US (50th being the worst).
California ranks somewhere in the middle for per-student spending.
California implemented the lottery and increased taxes to “help” education.

It’s obvious that throwing more money at a problem does not solve the problem. Perhaps canceling the public school system and redirecting money elsewhere will do the job.

And the California kids going to California universities will all get a participation trophy, and they’ll all be able to work at McDonald’s.

Yup – 5th largest economy consisting of fast food outlets.

Got news for ya, California….. the smart ones are leaving the state. No sense stocking around for a woke job so you can be taxed to death.

In 2018, it was 50% for English, 39% for math, did not see for science. Scores were horrible before COVID. The drops were not “drastic,” but certainly demonstrated that our nannies do not make the best decisions as to how we cretins should live our lives. Sad that about 1/3 of students test well in math. Perhaps a lot more time needs to be dedicated to science based instruction. My children were not taught basic economics (although Sandy Cortez was, and we see how that turned out). Luckily, we knew enough about macro and micro and relayed our knowledge to them.

“Sandy” LMAO!!!
You hit the nail on the head!!!
The schools are too busy teaching essential things like social justice, CRT, DEI, and SEL (social-emotional learning) and don’t have time to bother with irrelevant stuff like math, science, reading, and writing.
It is appalling that most high school kids can’t do single or double-digit multiplication without a calculator.
Because math is racist. https://tinyurl.com/3mp98b6p
But they do know numerous made-up pronouns.
They know that everything is systemically racist.
And they know about white privilege.

This was extremely predictable. I still wonder how this will evolve over time. Each different generation has been significantly influenced by events such as the Great Depression, WWII, Vietnam, 9/11, and so on and have their own characteristics defined by those events. What will be the impact on this generation in 10 years from the loss of a year or more of schooling, socialist teachings, political uncertainty, as well as by the BLM, woke, and manufactured racism movements.

Although they are all being hurt the ones needing the most help will be hurt the most. Many of them should repeat the grade they had during this mess.Especially grammar school kids who learn things they will need in the future. Every year you need to learn something new in math that if you miss will hold you back in learning the next level.

If you have kids get the heck out of California.

I suspect with the massive amount of kids leaving the California school systems there will be a chunk of teachers that will move out of state as well to find work.

Wherever you move to (hopefully a non-commie state) I would be very aware of any new teachers that show up over the coming years. If a teacher moves from California parents should make a stink about it and make sure the teacher is not hired.

The crazy needs to be contained to California, and teachers that have helped ruin this state need to be punished by not being allowed to work should they try to move to other states to indoctrinate more kids.

They can stay in the mess they made.

We did. Texas schools are great. Teachers unions are weak since this is a right to work state and strikes are illegal for teachers. Our school district hires teachers on a year to year basis and pays a competitive wage. Bad teachers are not asked to return next school year. The good ones may get a multi year contract if they are excellent. Collective bargaining is also illegal for teachers here in Texas so every teacher needs to negotiate their own contract with the independent school district. Our district is one of the best in Texas, with a very high graduation rate and high test scores. My High School age son wishes we would have moved to TX when he was younger. He said he was so far behind when he started his Freshman year after learning next to nothing in Mt. Diablo schools. My younger kids are coming home telling us all sorts of interesting facts. My 5th grader came home the other day and had a discussion with my wife and I about the Bill of Rights (which they are studying currently) . My wife used to be a teacher in California (left teaching and joined the private sector as teaching in the Bay Area was so horrible) and she said most high schoolers in California couldn’t have as intelligent of a conversation about the bill of rights as our 5th grader is right now with us. If you can move, do it. (But leave your leftist politics behind)

Get ready for more school bonds and raised taxes to pay for all the bullsh1t solutions they will come up with!

Don’t worry. The powers that be in Sac will lower the standards, and the averages will rise. After all, next year is an election year.

If people think these scores are bad now, just wait until next time.

Nothing is going to get any better until responsible and accountable people take back control of the school systems.

Good character values are essential for all of the people who work for us in our school districts.

Blame the progressives and liberals. They’re too worried about labels and not about reality.

Science at 37% explains how all of the virus misinformation gets bought into by the less scientific.

Professor Doh, Please explain to us how you arrived at the 37% figure you cite for Science…. also, are you referring to “virus misinformation” being “bought into” by less scientific students and how did you arrive at that conclusion? I am baffled by your findings!

I wouldn’t answer those questions either if I were you.

Gee, imagine that!

I highly suggest you check out the Teachers subreddit on, uh, reddit. Very illuminating, lots of teachers complaining about lowered test standards, how even the bright kids just refuse to try any more and the dull kids don’t even attend half the time. Lots of teachers at inner city schools afraid for their lives.

It’s sad AND funny.

well, if you cant even read or write your own language from south of the border…how are you going to learn yet another?

… no surprise – especially the way Newsom is mismanaging the school districts …. he won’t push on them very hard – they prop him up with votes.. he’s in their back pocket

import the third world, become the third world. Pull up an IQ map by country.



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