The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel said this week that a 2nd booster shot (4th shot overall) may be needed to help fight COVID-19. This comes after Moderna announced during its third quarter earnings results that commercial booster market sales could reach $2 billion in the United States in 2022.
QUESTION: Do you believe the makers of the vaccines could make a shot powerful enough to last an entire year, or do you think it’s all about money?
Also, will you get a 2nd booster shot if they say you should?
Talk about it….
I haven’t gotten the first booster, don’t know that I will. Not because I’m against it, it just doesn’t rise to the level of importance in my life to make arrangements for it.
Each subsequent variant will be less and less difficult to fend off. I’m sure at some point I too will get Covid, just like at some point I’ll get a cold or the flu again. (I’m not equating them, just equating the likelihood of contracting them) Heck, I may have already had it.
At some point in my life when I’m old and infirm, the flu may kill me just as easily as Covid might. It’s here to stay, and big pharma will do everything they can to sell us ‘protection’. We’ve already seen that the protection argument is a bit suspect.
You make a lot of sense to me.
I already have as many booster shots as needed.
NO! Had my booster this week on Tuesday (shot #3) have been sick all week and a red hot lump in the arm the injection was given. Done with this…
Meanwhile, the Pharma’s are making hand over fist.
Mass Non Compliance is what’s needed.
Time for people to Not just watch movies about doing the right thing and Actually Do the right thing and resist Tyranny themselves.
It’s too early to say yes or no… . I have not experienced any adverse reaction to the Pfizer vaccine
I’ll wait for the Covid trend to play out and make my decision then.
I believe it’s both, all about the money, and about developing a safe and effective vaccine. Because of the controversy, I don’t think it’s anybody’s business to know whether I’ve had the jab or not. However, I do believe that in the near future, they will develop a vaccine that will be proven safe and effective, and it may last a year, ten years, or a lifetime.
Totally agree. The current vaccines have/are failing but there are more effective and far safer ones on the horizon, the one from Covavax for example. Covid is quickly becoming endemic like influenza and cold viruses, just as seasonal and affecting the vulnerable the most.
I have not been jabbed and have been in close, intimate contact with family members who tested positive and were symptomatic, so I don’t feel I need a vaccine nor am I at risk. I don’t do flu shots either so it remains to be seen if I will ever feel the need for a covid vaccine, but at least there is one traditional option I could accept if I changed my mind.
First, need a booster, then need a second booster, soon need a booster every year, later need booster every 6 months. Big Pharma spells booster…. boo$ter. They are in both parties pockets they will get what they want to keep the revenue flowing…
I was lucky enough to get three doses of the Moderna vaccine. I got the booster in late October, so I expect to have good immunity against Covid through the end of March or April. Since it now appears likely that Covid cases will top out in the next couple of weeks and then start a rapid decline, I don’t think I’ll be needing another booster anytime soon. Both Moderna and Pfizer say they are currently in early testing of several updated vaccines specifically targeted at Omicron along with several other variants. A booster of one of those updated vaccines would likely finish off Omicron and Delta as significant threats. Yes, it would be nice to get over all of this and get back to normal, but we’re not quite there yet.
Absolutely not. It’s clearly about money and political control. A UK study as well as a study from the UK medical journal, The Lancet, have both stated that Omicron will remain the dominate strain, and it’s 99% less deadly than Delta and has a death rate smaller than the seasonal Flu. No more vaccines and their questionable efficacy. No more tyrannical controls….Remember Newsom is up for election this year, and remember all those vying for Office in 2022: Any Covid restrictions, VOTE THEM OUT!
Of course. Just like I get a yearly flu shot.
The booster shots are to COVID-19 vaccines what software version updates are to software companies: profit centers.
No, I’m not getting the vaccine nor the booster(s).
Remains to be determined. Do have a problem with FDA’s reportedly long time to release data on vaccine. Federal Judge said NO !
Not qualified to make determination on abilities of vaccine makers.
Am troubled when those in charge here, rather than rationally explain, “Order” then use coercive tactics and seem to be providing less information than England does.
As posited in The Andromeda Strain, written by an actual M.D by the way, Xi Communist Chinese bioweapon is subject to rapid replication errors. This is partially a survival method. What we are seeing is the virus become less and less lethal (and a .03% mortality rate is not giant), easier to spread, and becoming something very different from Original Covid. Diagnosis of Omnivore vs. a cold or flu will require a test, or as with the latter two, simply stay home till you feel better.
The vaccine appears to give some protection from serious symptoms, according to some initial studies I have little faith in.
“The vaccine appears to give some protection from serious symptoms”
That is absolutely true.
Since I haven’t taken the first or second clot shot I’m definitely not taking a booster clot! Lol 😂
Never. Who would listen to a liberally run US government? You would base your health and well being on what fauci says? LIARS and losers!
As the O’Jays song goes: Money money money money ….. money!
We’re all up to date on recommended doses.
So if you’re all up to date on all doses and boosters then you not wearing a mask right? I mean with all your up-to-date stuff you’re protected you don’t need to wear a mask but I bet you wear a mask, probably so paranoid to go inside stores and restaurants you stay at home most of the time.
The reason they’re giving so many doses and boosters if they were to give you the right amount to totally 100% protect you it would kill you, so they are giving everyone right on the border of your body barely surviving the crap they’re injecting into you just to say that you’re safe for a month or two the hype you up again..
Get a clue people You’re going to let yourselves be injected with his garbage for the rest of your lives probably every month sooner or later you’re bound to get a clue what’s going on.
Wow silva, you’re “all up to date” huh? That brand new media line just came out yesterday….I would definitely say you’re “up to date”
What an absolute joke. The propaganda download is strong with this one.
No boosters for me. While I made my own decision to get valued, I think it is TERRIBLE how those that decided otherwise are being intimidated and threatened with job loss, refusal of services, etc.
haven’t had the jab so no booster.
When the boat keeps getting flooded the answer is to drill holes in the bottom to let the water out.
Seems legit 🤣🤣🤣
a second booster, not sure. I have to look and see what made them determine a 4th booster would be beneficial. I understand the point of boosters, but not so frequent and so close to each other. I wish those who funded the creation strain would provide what was spliced and to gain what function/characteristic. I am already scheduled for booster #1.
I have had booster and will continue to get them as recommended by the CDC. My daughter currently has a Covid breakthrough after two shots, she is not eligible for booster as she lives in a state where boosters are only available to those with medical challenges, she has none, Her husband and son both have severe asthma and have had booster…. no symptoms for them although they have both tested positive. Daughter is very sick and has no sense of taste or smell.
My father died of polio.! I had measles, mumps, chicken pox etc, as a child. I feel sorry for those of you who refuse the vaccines and/or boosters. It will catch up with you someday.
Aww, thank you for pitying people who refuse to take an unknown-long-term-effects “vaccine” that skirted all established protocols for approval, has maimed millions and killed tens of thousands, and oh by the way at best is “effective” for a very short period and for many clearly DOES NOT WORK, hence this clown show discussion of endless boosters.
I don’t believe that the drug makers care all that much about anyone but their profit margins.
Whether they could make a long-lasting drug is debatable but I doubt that they would. It’s not profitable.
Until the drugs on the market today are more thoroughly tested, I will not trust them.
I won’t be getting any boosters.
I have had booster and will continue to get them as recommended by the CDC. My daughter currently has a Covid breakthrough after two shots, she is not eligible for booster as she lives in a state where boosters are only available to those with medical challenges, she has none, Her husband and son both have severe asthma and have had booster…. no symptoms for them although they have both tested positive. Daughter is very sick and has no sense of taste or smell.
Yes, I have had reactions to each injection and I am have been exposed on a few occasions and have had to quarantine, recently with some mild symptoms and positive results. But…. I am alive! My father died of polio.! I had measles, mumps, chicken pox etc, as a child. I feel sorry for those of you who refuse the vaccines and/or boosters. It will catch up with you someday.
Is that a threat? Look at you, all your people vaxed up and sick. Look at us, mild colds then gold standard immunity and otherwise not ill at all. Mentally and physically strong and not dependent on updates like your cell phone and computer. Get a clue
No, I haven’t got the vaccine, yet. I’m a little behind. Been really busy. Anyway, I figure the last place I’d want to be in a pandemic is standing in line with a lot of people who think they’re going to get sick.
Nope. I obediently got my first two as a first responder. I had numerous exposures. I got the common cold in November…or was it?!? I see that Omicron is mild and is not combated by more/any vax. I did my part up front reluctantly, but I am done playing along. At the current track, they will keep us hiding under rocks until doomsday…or at least after the 11/2022 elections.
What disgusts me the most is the complete lack of reporting on childhood mental health, suicide rates, substance abuse, etc. In the end, this virus’s impact will be massively greater than the bug.
Here’s my question: If the first, second and third jab don’t do what you were told they do, why would you keep doing what they tell you? Do you just like being bossed around? Are you a submissive who enjoys the abuse? Please help me understand.
I myself will wait for the RFD chip injection shot that will be coming at us in short order. When it was first suggested some years ago it was so that we would not longer need to carry cash or credit cards around with us. What deals they do for us.
Now it is being pushed in another country as a record of all the shots we have had.
Just cannot make this stuff up.
Any new technology will be used against us sooner or later.
… depends on who is saying it
Yep, up to date on the booster shot. I agree with Trump on getting the booster.
And by the way, TRUMP WON.
Although I’ve had COVID and am triply vaxxed, given all of the Omicron infections among the vaxxed, I’m beginning to think that I am wasting my time.
Not sure I’m getting another unless its efficacy improves with a new formulation.
Why would we get vaccinated against the common cold? Remeber when they’d tell us you cant do anything for the cold except to treat the symptoms? Whats changed? Oh yeah, Pharmaceutical companies, politicians, and Fauci lining their pockets….
The jab is NOT a vaccine. Never was and still isn’t. Changing the definition of the vaxx does not change the abject failure of this shot. The fact of this fraud is probably the spawn of RNA mutation. The jab destroys the ability of the bodies natural immunity. This is why the booster turned into a repeat demand.
The fact of requirements placed on children and infants, is obviously the final nail in the coffin of global submission to The Elite.
We have no permanent vaccine for the common cold but we do have a cure for it whenever you catch a cold.
Save the taxpayer’s the cost? Um, no, we pay a fortune for medical insurance so we foot our own bills, thanks.
Even so, two of four in our family had covid. The cost to treat was minimal, and in the case of my teenager, nothing as her symptoms consisted of a little sniffle and cough. Not worth getting the clot shots, and shots, and shots….
“Science”…haha, yeah you fear porn weirdos sure do “follow the science” when you blame the utter ineffectiveness of your clotshot on the people who refuse to take it. You know you should push for some kind of punchcard like you get at a fro-yo shop, so like your 10th booster you get Fauci plushie doll. Enjoy your booster treadmill, wear 5 masks, 14 years to flatten the curve.
Fauci: “Follow the science”.
6 months later
Fauci: “I am the science”
You’re in a cult.
Mass psychosis is real.
Everything is run by marketing firms using perfectly scripted psychology.
The common cold was rebranded.
There will never be a vaccine for a cold.
We the people were attacked by someone.
This is worse then 911, pearl harbor and the holocaust combined.
“Can’t say I will miss the Luddites who prefer to seek medical advice from Facebook or Twitter.”
That’s pretty comical, since you’re doing exactly what Facebook and Twitter are telling you to.
No! Johnson & Johnson,….one and done. I like the stuff that’s virtually free and not mandated; Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Zinc.