Home » FDA Expands Pfizer Booster Eligibility To Children Ages 12-15

FDA Expands Pfizer Booster Eligibility To Children Ages 12-15


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration amended its emergency use authorization of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine Monday, allowing children ages 12-15 to get a booster vaccine dose.

The FDA opened booster vaccine eligibility to everyone age 16 and up in November, arguing that an additional dose of any of the three available vaccines would bolster one’s immune response to the virus.

On Monday, the agency said it would expand that eligibility after reviewing data from more than 6,300 children in Israel, which showed no new safety concerns for children ages 12-15 after they had received a booster.

“With the current wave of the omicron variant, it’s critical that we continue to take effective, life-saving preventative measures such as primary vaccination and boosters, mask wearing and social distancing in order to effectively fight COVID-19,” Acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock said in a statement.


The FDA and officials at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began approving the use of booster vaccines in August – at that time, only for people with weakened or compromised immune systems – as data has shown vaccine-triggered immune responses tend to decline in the months following the initial vaccination series.

While the available vaccines remain highly effective at preventing serious COVID-19 illness and death, public health officials at all levels have argued that bolstering the body’s immune response will maximize protection against existing and potential variants of the virus, which could become more contagious and even circumvent vaccine protections.

The FDA also announced Monday that it will reduce the time Pfizer vaccine recipients must wait before being eligible for a booster from six months to five.

Moderna vaccine recipients will still be required to wait at least six months to get a booster dose while Johnson & Johnson recipients will still be required to wait at least two months past receiving their initial shot.


For children ages 5-11, the FDA said it would expand the primary vaccination series from two vaccine doses to three if the child is immunocompromised due to illness or a solid organ transplant.

The Pfizer vaccine is currently the only vaccine option for children ages 5-11. FDA officials said that the third dose will allow eligible immunocompromised children to receive the full expected protection of vaccination.

The FDA has previously made a third vaccine dose part of the initial vaccination series for people age 12 and up if they have a weakened immune system.

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Unbelievable they push children’s vaccines and boosters thru with very little testing and data.
Parents you really need to take a hard look of what you’re having your kids check into their young bodies very little data on it with their ages.
They’re young immune systems are going to be so screwed up from their Covid-19 vaccines and boosters it’s just pathetic.
They are using the children as lab rats..

I remember the days when medicines were evaluated before experimenting on the masses.

This is great for Big Pharma’s profits!! Plandemic scamdemic!

Meanwhile, a study from Kaiser Permanente Northwest shows that in young males, the incidence of myo- and pericarditis is about one in every 2000.

Also, the FDA is overruling/ignoring its own expert advisory committee with its booster recommendations. They didn’t even convene it for this last decision. Two of its long-time vaccine scientists resigned over the boosters-for-all push. The White House is doing this, the FDA is just rubber stamping it.

Considering the “vaccine” doesn’t stop transmission, this is not going to change the trajectory of the pandemic one bit, but sure, BOOST EM UP, MIX AND MATCH! (sarcasm)

Sick of it yet? Sign the petition to restore sanity and normalcy to Contra Costa County. No more vax passports, no more mask mandates –

Great vid and info.

Ephedra was pulled from the market for less than 100 deaths, and it wasn’t until a sports “hero” died that there was an inquiry.

You people who ‘trust the science’ are just Parrots. You’ve never looked into any studies other than CNN.
You trust Idiocracy science and Dr.Lexus.

I find it simultaneously pathetic and hilarious that I have family members and friends who not just adore but WORSHIP Fauci. It’s a shame, people who were normal 24 months ago are now complete loons, ”oh well Doctor Fauci says…”. Vomit-inducing.

I mean, just for a sec don’t even consider how many times this vile fraud has been wrong, contradicted himself, changed his mind, and outright lied…taking that out of the equation, just the fact this POS can’t get on TV enough, of course only with the automaton, brain-dead cheerleaders who just nod along with his BS, and he pushed hard for the Netflix doc about HIM. So just the fact he’s an extreme narcissistic attention whore would give anyone with half a brain reason to pause, but oh no, not these idiots I know, they lap it up like a hungry dog and beg for more.

Could be in a year, 10 years, whatever…but some day there will be a reckoning for this demonic evil. 0-19 yrs old with survival rate >99.99% and you sick want to inject them with an experiment.


12 year old Pfizer trial participant Maddie De Garay was essentially crippled by the vaccine. She was one of 1131 kids in the trial. How on earth can these be considered safe for kids based on that alone? There’s a reason development usually takes a decade.

I can’t imagine the mindset of parents who would subject their own children to the horror of these new gene-altering drugs.

One thing I know from all of this is that too many people are too easily brainwashed.

Not gene-altering rticle/amp/idUSL1N2PH16N

In some countries they are already giving a forth shot in less than a year. That goes to show that this vaccince was rushed and not proven to be effective. I am sure there is some protection but not like they claim.

As Pelosi said, “It’s for the children…”

Any damage to the heart is permanent. Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) causes scarring in your heart. Pericarditis is inflammation of the outer lining of the heart. Why on earth would anyone want to take that risk with their healthy child and their hearts?

On another note do people realize that their daughters were born with every single egg they will have for their lifetimes? Ever wonder what long-term effect this experimental vaccine cause to the reproductive system?

When will people start to wake up and smell the coffee? Pfizer alone was expecting to have raked 81-82 Billion in revenue for 2021.

IHU main variant with 46 variants off it now in France.
Ok vaxers are you ready for your next 15 boosters?
It will never stop, vaxers will need full time IV booster drips to keep up.



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