Home » Chilly, More Wet Weather In Store For The Bay Area

Chilly, More Wet Weather In Store For The Bay Area


Cold and unsettled weather is expected to continue in the Bay Area through the holiday weekend and much of next week, according to the National Weather Service.

Rain showers and isolated thunderstorms will continue across the region through Sunday evening. Another round of rain is expected to run from Sunday night into Monday, followed by an even colder system for Tuesday.

Despite this forecast, only minor nuisance flooding is predicted, according to the weather service.

However, Bay Area residents will probably need to bundle up. Much colder air will move into the region Monday night and Tuesday, with significantly colder overnight temperatures expected through the remainder of this year.


Low elevation snow may be possible Tuesday, mainly above 1500 feet, with possible trace amounts in the North and East Bay Valleys.

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This season is more of a typical NorCal winter.
Global warming/climate change is a conspiracy.

I recall a cold and wet winter from 1995 and 1996.

I was in Safeway when they announced over the loudspeaker that it was snowing at the store in Pittsburg.

It’ll be fun to see snow on Mt, Diablo.

I wonder if I still have my “Ski Concord” sign?

Back in `76, my boat had just pulled into Mare Island, and we were greeted by an inch or so of snow. Most of us grew up with snow and didn’t think it was any kind of big deal, but we were surprised at the local reaction to the snow. We had a young crewman who had been born and raised on Oahu, and went to boot camp in San Diego, and had never even seen snow before.

In `92, I remember a hard freeze in Concord. It killed several shrubs and a eucalyptus tree.

It was called the Arctic Express. I lost half of my landscaping. We covered our pipes. Weather happens.

… just my 2 cents on climate change / weather …..I didn’t believe in climate change at first either but these last few years and the polar ice caps melting after thousands of years tell me something is going on… imho – I think it’s more of a natural phenomenon instead of human caused…. inside the earth warming up? magnetic fields changing playing havoc with the molten iron ore center of the earth? … the fact the north & south poles are moving…. the fact that “climate change” started a hundred or more years ago when the population of earth was noting like it is now and non-green emissions were very little compared to today tells me there is something else at play beyond our control just imho

The Ice Age ended 10,000 years ago, and the earth has been warming ever since. Considering the earth is estimated to be over four and a half billion years old, when it’s all put into perspective, it wasn’t very long ago. Any modification in human behavior will not be significant enough to stop or even slow down the ever-changing climate.

The Earth goes through natural cycles of being hotter and cooler. There is nothing to see here. It is natural. But, it does not mean it can’t harm us… one of these cycles could wipe out humanity. But, realistically, nothing we could do is going to change the weather. The premise that we are destroying the Earth is essentially a liberal idea used to tax us more. If they wanted to curb pollution, they need to sanction China and other awful countries that are the main cause.

PG&E and other power utility companies will be jumping with joy as the meters spin round and round. Of course the Bay Area Air Police will issue 4 different statements about no wood burning. 🔥🔥


I grew up in Concord and remember when it snowed on our front lawn on Wilson Lane! We kids were ecstacic and made snowballs and put them in the freezer. Must have been the early ’70s. As for now, we keep the furnace on low and pile up the blankets. Nice to finally have some normal area weather for a change.

Meanwhile, Donner Summit is reporting 194″ of snow, so far this month. That’s good news for the snowpack, and bad news for any dining facilities along the way.



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