Home » Possible Shooting Reported In Concord

Possible Shooting Reported In Concord


We’re getting reports of a possible shooting (not confirmed) on Maryland Drive in Concord.

Police and paramedics are in the area.

One female, who was alert, was taken to the hospital.

No other information is currently available.


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9:39 am in Pulse Point app. A battalion chief, two engines and two paramedic units. Some incident.

Heard lots of sirens in the area around 3:30am..

Prepare for more. It’s Christmas, when broken families must get together!

…as I was coming up YVR towards that area at that time a CPD flew by code 3 – I checked Pulse Point as well and thought to myself that just wasn’t a fire or somebody ill

Rumor has it wife shot husband. Husband in hospital.

Maybe it was an accident & the gun went off all by itself!
It happened to Alec Baldwin……


The “state streets” have long been a festering boil in what’s otherwise the only decent corridor in concord. Bulldoze and redevelop.

I beg to disagree – the state streets are a good neighborhood. Actually low crime compared to the other subdivisions up and down Clayton. Go back to Lamorinda, your pretentious whack.

Oh, for goodness’ sake. That is NOT true. There are lovely families and well-tended homes in that area. I don’t mind visiting there, or inviting residents of the “state street” neighborhood to spend time with me in mine.

LOL, .mom’sbasement.Larry…. silly boy.

I feel like that was a bit over the top. They’re a nice place to live and allow families to be close to good schools like CV and Highlands or Mt Diablo Elementary without paying as much as some of the other neighborhoods. I’ve lived there for a long time and always have felt safe. I walk up and down all the pretty streets of the state streets and my pup loves it. It’s not necessary to put so much anger or emotion behind that stuff. Just an isolated incident is all

Amen state street Suzy!!! Gosh darn it! People are so annoying!

Hopefully this was an isolated domestic shooting. Any updates? I understand the incident took place at Maryland and Michigan. But, no indication of random or road rage shooting. As for Lamorinda Larry, don’t think Lamorinda is immune to such incidents. Concord is two to three times or even larger, than Lamorinda. So naturally by statistics are greater for anything in larger communities. I’ve never heard of a shooting in Clayton Valley in my 20 years here in CV. I believe there was a shooting in Danville on 680 this last week, so sh— happens everywhere!



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