California will require health care workers to get a COVID-19 booster vaccine in an effort to reduce and prevent the spread of the highly transmissible omicron variant, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Tuesday.
Newsom, in a Twitter post, said the state plans to take “immediate actions to protect Californians and ensure our hospitals are prepared.”
State public health officials initially moved in August to require workers in health care settings like hospitals and skilled nursing facilities to get fully vaccinated by the end of September.
At that time, officials with the California Department of Public Health argued that the mandate was necessary as a majority of COVID-19 cases stemmed from unvaccinated people.
While unvaccinated people continue to test positive for the virus at a disproportionate rate to fully vaccinated people, health officials in recent weeks have urged that omicron’s high transmissibility makes an additional vaccine dose necessary to maintain an effective immune response.
The state has also issued vaccination requirements that K-12 teachers and state employees.
Newsom is expected to make the formal announcement Wednesday morning at a vaccination and testing clinic in Alameda County.
Soon they will be putting it in the water like fluoride…🤨
Don’t give them ideals
How bout you GET “something elsed”.
Breakthrough super immunity!!! Why get a booster?
If you comply with every demand, surely your freedoms and rights will be returned to you.
With the majority of people vaccinated, they are the majority of the current positive cases. Since July my organization of over 400 people has more Covid positive cases in the vaccinated than the unvaxxed. It’s about 2 to 1, kinda matches the vax vs unvaxxed ratio.
Please share your organization name…It seems the vaccinated bought a season pass for unlimited booster mandates.
Sick of it yet? Come sign the petition to restore sanity in Contra Costa County!
– No more vaccination check requirements at businesses
– No more local mask mandate
– No more state of emergency
Sign at
Thanks to all those that have signed already, and told friends! We just hit 750!
I think the healthcare workers have been through enough. Leave them alone.
I think the kids and small businesses have had enough! Leave them alone.
Signed and shared.
What’s your alternative solution? If the answer is “nothing let people do whatever they want” I don’t think your petition is going to do much other than give the aggrieved a small moment of satisfaction as they pretend they contributed in some meaningful way.
Great point.
Boy, that carrot moves fast…..
Yep, it NEVER ends.
Also, there is NO test for omicron / moronic.
You people need to Stop waiting for a tyrant to respect your Liberties and Stand In what your Founding Fathers & God already gave to you.
Newsollini is a Wold Economic Forum Stooge. Look it up.
We know many healthcare workers in big hospitals and other facilities that haven’t even been vaccinated yet and they think they’re going to give mandates to get boosters..fat chance.
Boosters my ass with many individuals aren’t even getting the vaccines how they expect they’re going to mandate them to get boosters when they’re not even following the earlier mandates.
This covet crap is getting so out of control with mandates and overbearing pressures on people and even bribes to get vaccinated and boosted it’s a crock of crap is what it is.
You people demanding mandates can go pound sand..
Newsflash!!! Triple vaxxed people are still getting covid! The vaccines do not stop the transmission or spread of the virus. This is insanity!
When are these mandates going to stop? How long are we going to let this totalitarian government continue?
Hospitals are already suffering staffing shortages from these mandates, and I believe this will only make the situation worse.
This is getting ridiculous
Won’t even post here what I know from what I have just learned from Doctors and Nurses daily because my daughter had COVID. All I can say is never doubt how vaccine’s help even those with underlying conditions.
“While unvaccinated people continue to test positive for the virus at a disproportionate rate to fully vaccinated people, health officials in recent weeks have urged that omicron’s high transmissibility makes an additional vaccine dose necessary to maintain an effective immune response.”
Proof please.
And if you don’t think I’m not angry that I almost lost her at 32 I am. But that being said, say what you want… She is an example, Nurses told me verbatim, they were excited to be there the day that “she” came off the ventilator and out of a coma. It was a WIN. That was many days back, yesterday she came of ICU @ 32. Her Doctor told me she was tough/strong and if she hadn’t been vaccinated he would be telling me another story. It’s not about being Pro anything, it’s about being proactive in life. She was. I am. It is what it is, but I will never go out of this world without a fight, will you?
So we have another liberal marxist trained apprentice propaganda novelist here. How nice.
“highly religious anti vax lesbian couple”
When will you people learn, we ain’t buying what you’re selling?
The vax is just about the money and power. Why doesn’t the flu get talked about anymore.
Because….this is the new “flu”
Phil will you please explain the difference between Immunization and Vaccination?
FYI they are not synonymous and I really do not believe you know the difference based on your comments.
The best argument for not getting vaxxed, “You can’t sue the manufacturers of the vaccines if there are complications”.
Isn’t the omicron variant more infectious, but the effects, mild and less serious? I am fully vaxxed (J&J) but, I don’t support any kind of mandates.
Phil… the division is real as your opinion proves
To wish harm on anyone is just wrong
And I love the internet ‘edcuated’ folsk who think folks on this site are scientifically ignorant/uninformed. I would wager that many of us are better informed than you think.
And then there is your wish that the experience COVID up close and become Darwin winners … or your belief that their resistance helps continue the mutation development.
wow …
Thanks for the laughs this morning, Phil.
So you wish harm on the unvaccinated? How ‘tolerant left’ of you.
Liberalism is the real pandemic.
The worst thing about 15 days to flatten the curve is the first 2 years.
Unscramble “omricon” and you get MORONIC. So this is truly a test to see who’s a moron.
people need to do their own research and ask the questions that no one wants to answer. Call Phizer and CDC and both will tell you that the vaccine is still in clinical trails and this is why both Phizer and Moderna are protected from lawsuits until 2024. FDA has stated that the final report is 2024-27. Go to page 6-8. Those who are still following the master’s order ask yourself this: why must we continue to get boosters? It’s still in clinical trails. Don’t hate on those who choose not to get it.
Newsom’s claim is statistical fallacy. AKA he is not telling you the truth.
The unvaccinated are required to test to continue functioning in society – regarldess if they are asymptomatic or symptomatic. Vaccinated are rarely required. The sheer number of tests will skew to unvaccinated. Also – the tests are not fullproof – they make mistakes.
The tests themselves were made to be VERY sensitive, so they maximized Type 1 errors (false positives). This was done, in part, to minimze type 2 errors (false negatives). Dr. Peter McCullough states that up to 97% of all positive test results FROM ASYMPTOMATIC INDIVIDUALS are false positives.I’m sure many here don’t believe the Dr. (which I find hypocritical), but lets cut the number to 50% for sake of argument.
Therefore – you are forcing the unvaxxed to get tested much more often, regardless of any symptoms. It means that more tests are for unvaxxed, and more of the test results will generally be false positives.
Compare to the vaxxed who rarely get tested, and only really test if they are flying to another country (or Hawaii), OR feel symptoms.
Look – do your own research, read all articles you can. Look at the pros and cons, know the risks of vaccination vs non vaccination, and make your own call. Stop mandating medical decisions for people.
Yes it is. In many CA counties (Bay area specficially), you need a negative test to enter many public establishments, but a vaccinated person is not. Its just the math. If unvaccinated wants to go to a restaurant in the bay area they need to show a negative test (or they did, I think some cities won’t let you in without a jab, period). So if you eat out once/week, that is 4-5 new tests every month….and the overwhelming majority of those taking the test would be asymptomatic.
Biden has bought 500 million at home rapid tests for covid at an inflated prices. For the record many of these tests were intended to be sold for as little as a dollar or more. What I heard from an east coast professor interviewed on the radio the other day the reason they charge so much for these is that the insurance companies will reimburse for them. He wanted to invite some guests for Christmas dinner but decided he better test those who were not vaccinated and was shocked at how much these test kits cost at drug stores. I wonder what company is making out like a bandit on this new deal?
And to clarify.
The more rules and regulations the state tries to force, arguably illegally, the more regular moderate folks will dig their heels in on the issue.
Ironically, I think vaccination rates would probably be the similiar to what they are now and there would be much higher buy in, if the Govt didn’t step in with such an authoritarian stance.
Also – pushing treatment, and early treatment would have also assuaged some of my concerns with the information being peddled out there.
My ancedotal experiences – everyone who I know that has had COVID and unvaxxed was arguably doing better than those that were vaxxed…that is probably more a sentiment of general health in those people.
However, when asking for treatment – the unvaxxed were refused treatment (no drugs prescribed…they were told to just sleep it off, drink fluids, and get the vaccine) and were treated poorly. This included people actively pushing for treatment and being strong advocates for themselves. The vaccinated were refused certain treatments (ivermectin) but were treated much better by staff…and Dr’s were actively pushing other drugs including moncolonal antibodies (apoloiges for spelling). I found this deplorable.
@Tired. Thank you. And of course people are questioning the motives behind the mandates in part because Biden’s hardline Covid stance doesn’t add up. Two recent Texas stories make the point:
The Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, noted that while Biden wants to fire Americans for not taking a COVID vaccine, many illegals are being sent secretly all over the country even if they have COVID.
From Breitbart:
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott unveiled new sections of the state-funded Texas border wall on Saturday. Speaking from the hard-hit Rio Grande Valley, Abbott noted that the consequences of Biden’s border policies are staggering. More Americans in the 18-45 group die of a fentanyl overdose than from COVID-19, suicide, car accidents, or homicide.
From PJMedia:
Several friends, thrice vaxxed and booted to the moon, still got Covid. And, they were out two weeks, feeling like death, but recovered, as most that don’t have comorbidity issues.
So, you go ahead and buy into the lies, and watch your freedoms go out the window. Anyone want to move to Austria or Australia? There, you can fully be free.
My friends’ fully vaxxed nieces recently traveled to New York and returned with Covid. I felt like telling them “the vaccines don’t work” but they’re fully vaxxed too and for very intelligent people still fell for the scam so I avoid such comments.
“Doctor” Biden seems to still believe that anti-vaxxers are responsible for Omnicron but then he’s nuts anyway so who cares what he says. We just hope he doesn’t get us in a war or then those who oppose the war will be branded “traitors” and marched off to the hoosgow (just let them try).
Your guy Trump has received both shots and the booster.
Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham plus many others at Fox got the vaccine.
Sean Spicer, Greg Kelly and Eric Bolling of Newsmax also got it.
Did they all fall for the scam?
@concord Resident, why did you think Trump was “my guy”? I didn’t vote for him but didn’t vote for Biden either. For those other dudes it’s just PR. Covid has been politicized to divide the country. Refuse to play the game.
@concord Resident,
Suddenly you believe everything Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham say? Do you actually KNOW they got the vaccine, or could you maybe be the one who fell for something?
And even if they did get vaccinated and boosted, who cares? I haven’t seen anybody here arguing that people shouldn’t have the choice to be vaccinated if they so desire.
Politics and Healthcare need to be separated like Church and State are supposed to be. Yes it’s a flawed intention but beats the hell out of what’s going on now.
There will be no improvement in California until we get rid of Newsom. Until then, there is little chance of trust in what he trowels out.
Wish I could Commander Greaseball. Unfortunately, there is a waiting list forcing me to wait almost a month for a booster appointment. Typical. Make demands without ensuring the infrastructure can accommodate said demands. Sounds a lot like your plan to require all electric vehicles. Such a grandstander. Go away!
This seems crazy. Newsome is doing this to keep us from getting the new Omicron variant, right? Ummm most recent data says that the booster shot makes it 4 time more likely for a person to get infected than the unvaccinated. And here is the published data, read through it like I did..
Thank you, RN! Interesting preliminary data on the Omicron. Please share further data, when it become available.
The idiot King Newsome loves his mandates.
Mandates are DEFINITELY NOT ” Government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” They harken back to a feudalistic form of rule long ago overthrown because it was unjust. These mandates have taken over and we are no longer living in a democracy and Democrats have assumed authoritarian rule of the masses. The only “insurrection” that has taken place in this country is the one ruling Democrats have perpetrated. Mandates are anti-American and an attempt to overthrow the government which gives sufficient reason to impeach the currently elected clown car of Democrats.