The Omicron variant of COVID-19 has been detected in Contra Costa County.
Health officials say none of the three people infected with Omicron had gotten a booster shot, although two were fully vaccinated.
So far, no one has been hospitalized.
Officials say it’s likely been circulating in Contra Costa County for several weeks.
LOL. They can’t even test for a variant. It has been admitted. Scramble the letters of Omicron. It spells moronic. By design. Trying to see how many morons fall for this variant, I mean, scariant.
This new Xi (Omicron/moronic) variant is designed to spread quickly and easily even among the fully vaccinated, thats the whole point of its design. Just get used to it that the vaccinated are spreading it more than unvaxed, since the vaccinated now “feel invincible” and can go anywhere to spread it now since they are unmasked more often.
That’s a good reason to get vaccinated+boosted. It prevents you from catching the Omicron virus and ending up moronic.
Karen should talk down to the virus maybe that will make it go away since masks and lockdowns don’t work Lmaoo.
You obviously do not have a degree in virology or epidemiology. The reason we can’t seem to get passed this virus is it keeps infecting unvaccinated fools who allow it the opportunity to mutate into different forms, and when a more infective version arises, more unvaccinated fools and some who’ve made a half-assed effort to stay healthy can host it. This allows more mutations to arise, any one of which could become even more infective and more lethal. Masks and quarantine are stopgap measures meant to slow down its spread until enough people are immunized; that’s not happening. 800,000 US dead can’t be ignored.
And 600,000 die from Cancer per year another 659,000 die from heart disease. So how many of the 800,000 had died from complications from those two combined with Covid. I know of three friends that died from Covid due to going through Chemo treatment that had stripped there immune system.
Hey Phil, “passed” = “past”
So “when a more infective version arises…some who’ve made a half-assed effort to stay healthy can host it.”
Does Elizabeth Warren fall into this category? I guess so, since she now has Covid.
Phil, you sound like a lost soul. You’ve obviously given up your God given right to think for yourself. Sad that you would blame your fellow Americans for spreading a disease that was started by Communists.
Phil it is pretty obvious that you don’t have a degree in virology or epidemiology either.
Explain to everyone how Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker became infected? Both are full vaccinated and by fully vaccinated I mean 2 shots and a booster?
How do you explain NFL players on Browns, Raiders, Eagles, Washington Football, Seahawks and Rams who are also fully vaccinated, live in a bubble but still came down with Covid-19?
Care to explain the British Territory of Gibraltar? They have administered 107,273 doses of vaccine. Enough for 159.2% of the entire population to have received +2 doses yet they are still reporting a rolling average of 42 new infections per day.
It is painfully obvious that covid-19 vaccinations DO NOT prevent infections, it merely lessons the symptoms. It is painfully obvious that fully vaccinated people are capable of transmitting the virus just like unvaccinated people.
Phil again I will bet my house. Common sense says the variants are coming from the vaccinated. I have been vaccinated twice many months ago and have never felt right since.
@ Phil
Please explain why the 8 Kaiser employees that attended a wedding in Wisconsin that were triple life jacketed were able to catch it and carry it back here ? Just curious.
Hey Phil
1. 800,000 dead is not FROM covid …. but WITH. Please, even the CDC is saying that now.
2. Breakthrough infections with Omicron are sounding pretty common for the vaccianted … so it is not the ‘unvaccinated fools’.
3. What is the % of immunized people you need to stop this? It used to be 70, then 80%, and now .. who knows cause that is not even talked about in any of the news sources.
4. What is your degree in? Virology or Epidemiology?
@Phil~The New England Journal of Medicine published an article that the SARS-CoV-2 variants are arising from the immunosuppressed that have persistent cases of Covid-19. Au contraire…the vaccinated are mutating, according to this:
And another thing Phil
You could send out the National Guard and every peace officer to round up every single person within California and forcibly inject them with the vaccine and hold them in custody for the second shot and booster and it wouldn’t make a difference.
Why? Because you cannot control interstate travel between states, you will not stop travel to and from the US and Democrats have no will nor desire to close the southern border where over 150,000 people illegally cross into the US every month and by some accounts are then relocated throughout the US by the Biden Administration.
@Phil, kinda like the common cold, eh? It too mutates so that’s why there has never been a vaccine for the common cold. People with weakened immune systems indeed are vulnerable even against a cold or flu. This event is mostly mind control coercive psychology in an attempt (which will fail) to cull the population. They’ve been screaming about overpopulation for decades and scientists years ago cited the problem would be exacerbated this decade.
Might want to look the number of US dead in 2019. There was actually a study showing that in many countries including the US the number of dead was no different in 2020 than during the prior decade.
Phil—FYI according to the CDC’S own data, 48.8% or 387,085 of all “Covid 19” deaths also had Influenza and/or Pneumonia at time of death. And 95% of all covid deaths had co-morbidities or other conditions listed on the death certificate. Do you have a degree in virology or epidemiology? I’m not sure were you have been for the last several months but NEWSFLASH, vaccinated people and boosted people can still catch covid AND shed the same amount of virus when infected as an unvaccinated person. Wake up idiot!!! AND IF THIS VIRUS WAS THAT BAD- THEY WOULD SHUT DOWN THE BORDER. WHY O WHY—IF THE VIRUS IS SOOOOOO DEADLY—WHY ARE ILLEGALS POURING OVER OUR BORDER EVERY DAY? NO TESTING-NO VACCINE MANDATE—NOTHING. WHY-WHEN OMICRON WAS FIRST REPORTED IN SOUTH AFRICA–WHY DID FAUCI GO ON TV STATING THAT EVERYONE COMING INTO THIS COUNTRY SHOULD BE TESTED-IMMEDIATLY AFTER SAYING THAT-HE WAS ASKED IF ILLEGALS COMING OVER THE BORDER SHOULD BE TESTED AND WHAT WAS HIS RESPONSE? HE “COULD NOT SPEAK ON THAT” IS WHAT HIS RESPONSE WAS. ACCORDING TO YOU, “masks are meant to slow down its spread until enough people are immunized.” HELLLOOO THE VACCINE DOES NOT PROVIDE IMMUNITY. SO HOW CAN PEOPLE BE IMMUNIZED? ALSO THE OMICRON MAY BE MORE TRANSMISSIBLE BUT THUS FAR HAS SHOWN TO BE MUCH LESS DEADLY WITH MILD SYMPTOMS. YOU ARE THE FOOL. HERES A LINK–MAYBE YOU CAN LEARN SOMETHING
@Phil we’re not a technocracy so any argument about letting experts run our lives is a moot point. No one is a better expert on my life than me.
And there can be no discussion about masks or vaccines until the border is shut down. People are coming into the country with diseases far worse than covid-19, so until there is serious action taken to control all of our borders masks, the covid treatment that they’re calling a vaccine, are all theatre.
@Phil also, the burden of trust lies on Fauci, the CDC, the White House, the FDA etc..they need to do their part to ensure they are to be trusted. They have not done that.
At the beginning of all this people turned to Fauci and the CDC as they were trusted before covid-19, and now for millions of people they’re not to be trusted.
That’s on them for being terrible communicators. If your argument is that they’re smarter than us and therefore should be trusted by default you’re missing the point.
Relax, philly boy. It sounds like you got your booster in suppository form.
Who cares what phil thinks or does. Let him whine.
NPCs like Phil who listen only to Fauci and the “trusted experts” on CNN who haven’t even studied natural immunity and don’t even treat COVID patients themselves are the reason this pandemic has continued. Now shut up and go get your latest software update I mean fact check I mean protected opinion.
Phil, you are wrong in so many ways, it’s a masterpiece of silly.
1. We can’t “get past this virus” because it is an infectious respiratory disease with large animal reservoirs, AND because most of the world isn’t vaccinated, AND even in completely vaxxed populations the protection against infection wanes quickly, so the virus still spreads. Basically everybody in Israel got vaxxed. And Iceland. And Ireland. And yet the virus is still there, still spreads, they have still had waves. It cuts down on severe outcomes (which is good!) but it doesn’t stop spread.
2. There’s zero evidence it is unvaccinated people who are “allowing the virus to mutate.” Viruses mutate, period. Since the vaccines don’t provide sterilizing immunity, they don’t eliminate the virus. So it mutates. The informed speculation is that mutations are more likely to arise in immune-compromised people who get a long-term infection with the virus.
3. The ONLY thing about your theory that recommends it is this: it provides you with villains to blame. That’s it. That’s the only virtue of your theory of what’s going on. It doesn’t fit with the facts about the vaccines and their waning prevention of infection. It doesn’t fit with the facts about the global situation. It doesn’t fit with the informed guesses about the sources of fast mutation. It doesn’t fit with anything except your need to blame someone.
Thank You to all who responded to Phil’s post.
Agree, and saved me from spouting off…. 🙂
Hey, better luck next time Phil.
WOW, I had no idea how many scientists and virologists there are in Claycord. All you so called experts fail to understand that the vaccine does not make you immune but lessens the chance of severe sickness and death. ALL of you have had the DPT VACCINE, ALL your children have had the DPT vaccine. Do what is right and get the vaccine. Even your orange clad hero has gotten THREE DOSES.
The unvaxxed are the ones who are creating the variants, you all sound so angry and uninformed.
follow your leaders and get the vaccine, tRump did it and he know best for all of you
@Bud E, you sound like a windup toy. You must get your information from the pharmaceutical backed mainstream media. A good part of being “informed” is to question the information you’re being given as well as why it is being given. Many here over the years were already bitten by accepting headlines and superficial articles as “information”. Now they have learned to dig deeper. You might want to give that a whirl too.
Some of us, though not medical practitioners can understand research papers as well human physiology. But it really doesn’t even take that to catch on to the fact the public is being scammed by the very evil people and those that they have enlisted in their cause.
So time to wake up and do some homework.
That is 100% propaganda. But don’t feel bad, everything about COVID is propaganda.
@ Bud E
Why would a virus need to mutate in a host that has no antibodies? Isn’t that the perfect growth medium?
How are antibiotic resistance bacterium created? Aren’t they created by people who take antibiotics but don’t complete the regiment and the bacterium lives and mutates to adapt to their new hostile environment and then spreads?
Hasn’t it occurred to you that people who are vaccinated but do not achieve immunization and then get infected are the cause of the virtual mutations? The virus is not killed but adapts to it’s new hostile environment and spreads.
All that @ Bude is missing is the seatbelt analogy. @Bude is your brain just smooth or did one of those flesh eating bacteria take a chunk off? By your logic, if we don’t all walk around with an IV drip of MRNA vaccine, then we’re all racist anti science domestic extremists that need deprogramming in re-education camps.
So it’s likely been circulating here for weeks. No one has been hospitalized with it. Can we just get on with our lives now? Drop the idiotic mask mandates. If you can go into a restaurant and take your mask off at the table, and keep it off for as long as your are seated there, it tells me this is nothing but hygiene theater. Just stop.
Get ready, I fully expect Draconian edicts from CC Health & Sacto
Who are you asking “can we get on with our lives now?” You’re an American, do you know how silly that sounds? These people ain’t gods, they don’t control us. It’s real easy, if they don’t want to do business with someone because of their mask or vax status, they need their product more then you do. Find the people who want to do business with you. It may take you some time and limit your options but it’s the businesses choice.
Totally agree with Sam. “They” are out there and “they” are the only ones getting my business. Commie Costa can suck wind!
That is true. In South africa, where it came from there have been very few hospitalizations and no deaths. This is more like a flu. But the politicians (Democrats mainly) have the public in the tizzy about it.
I think this is actually good news.
So far, it’s been mild cases. As it spreads, everyone will get inoculated and overall cases, no matter vaccination status, will go down. Natural immunity would prevail here.
Discussions with vaccination/booster failures will push for more of them, blame on the unvaccinated, and this cycle continues on with harsher restrictions and punishment for non-compliance. I’m afraid that this will be the likely outcome.
Good news, symptoms are mild on this variant. So hospitals should not be overwhelmed. FDA needs to release the treatment drugs asap. Let’s hope Grampa Joe has a good message to all tomorrow. Or will help spread fear to those not vaccinated? He could show some really convincing graphs about those in the hospital and dying from the virus. Break it down between those vaccinated and those not. Why isn’t he giving a half time message on Monday Night Football? His efforts on this have been horrible.
The movement to restore normalcy & sanity to Contra Costa County is gaining momentum.
Almost 700 signatures to end the mandates, and stop businesses from having to police their customers.
SAY “NO MORE!” Come sign the petition at:
Thanks to everyone that has already signed!
Sadly, I’m afraid that even with a million signatures, no one in authority will give a crap. Their only interest is in preserving their power.
I did sign, though.
Mitch, you’ve accumulated 700 email addresses, correct? Let’s march my friend.
You know it’s omicron because it stays in the upper respiratory tract, it’s a cold. The other variants of sars-cov-2 were better at inflitrating deeper into the respiratory tract.
No surprise, viruses mutate. Have the policy makers reached a ‘point of no return’ with the mandating of inoculations with the therapeutic shots?
The Lancet Regional Health-Europe published an interesting article:
“Many decisionmakers assume that the vaccinated can be excluded as a source of transmission. It appears to be grossly negligent to ignore the vaccinated population as a possible and relevant source of transmission when deciding about public health control measures.”
Cue the censors…
Prove it. Media lies non stop. We are fed up. #purge
..and the crowd went mild.
The “pandemic” only exists to all of the TV watchers. The rest of us are out & about doing our thing. And YES, even restaurants and businesses are not checking peoples papers and No, I will not divulge which ones they are.
Notice how Brandon has issued another threat, however, according to healthcare workers….it’s the double and triple “vaxxed” who are filling the hospitals with their ADE = They no longer have an immune system.
PS: government loves you all so much that they’re now confiscating a parasite remedy.
Hey Phil viruses do not mutate in people that have not taken the experimental jab anybody who’s taken virology 101 knows that you do not vaccinate people in the middle of a epidemic or a pandemic that’s what causes the mutation the virus works its way around it and they become less lethal and spread more easily. Mask cause the virus to spread more so than not wearing one just so you’re aware wearing a mask does not stop a viral infection it says so right on the box. If you believe that 99% of the people in hospital are unvaccinated you are extremely gullible you are being fed lies stop listening to the TV doctors and tune in to some real news real virologists can explain it to you good luck in your psychosis the people that did not take the job are doing just fine the people that did take it are not doing so well things do not look good for them in the future how many jabs does it take to end all this nonsense I guess we’re going to find out. This is not now nor has ever been about a virus it is a communist takeover of this country in case you didn’t notice we are losing our rights little by little our freedoms are being taken away a person that did not take the jab cannot go into a restaurant and sit down and have a meal is that the kind of country we want to live in it’s divide and conquer. Those who have taken the jab and those who have not it’s a scary time I for one will not give up my freedoms for any reason not for safety not to make other people feel better not for any reason!
Bill O’Reilly and Former President Trump were chatting today and Trump had mentioned that he has gotten his booster shot.
Good for him. His body, his choice.
More hysteria in order to suspend personal and social freedoms.
If people turned off the TV, and started their own research, we would be Florida by now.
Remember when they used to make fun of Florida? Ouch.
And again we don’t even care…
N oone believes in natural immunity anymore. Far safer and works better than a toxic placebo they call boosters.
Masks, frequent hand washing and social distance work the best. Try it!
If they really cared about us they would close the border.
Who cares what someone else does? Worry bout yourself.
Here are the numbers from So. Africa, the epicenter for Omicron: hospitalization 1.7% (Delta was 19%). Deaths zero. Vax rate: 26.3% (U.S. is 81% one dose, 66% two doses). Very crucial: previous infection, i.e. Herd Immunity: So. Africa: 70-80%. U.S. doesnt believe in the science of Herd Immunity.
@Paul.Barnes – can you point me to your source….not debating you just want it for my own research. Thanks.
Love all the great responses, and agree 100%. But this is the Christmas season, so let’s all give Phil a break now and wish him and his family a healthy and blessed Christmas.
Man this mark of the beast thing sure is crazy
Phil got absolutely roasted. Love to see it. There’s no glass slipper for this pandemic y’all. Live a healthy lifestyle, take extra precautions if you need to. Don’t tread on others freedom!
Guess what Pfizer just bought. Arena Pharmaceuticals for $6.7 billion. Arena is a biopharmaceutical company focused in part on cardiovascular and inflammatory medicines to a global patient cohort.
If you are “fully vaxxed” then how did they test positive?
Is Trump fake-newsing his own booster status?
You’d think he’d have done his own research and done what the smart thing is, him being such an intelligent guy and all.
I have no idea what this interest is in Trump’s vaccination status. That is his business, not yours. He is not your doctor, not your spiritual advisor, not your chef. His choice on this is no more relevant than whether he likes Mexican food or Thai. His role was, and hopefully in the future will be, the chief administrative officer of the country. I care about his stand on the border, economy, crime, and so on and not his choice of Thai food or vaccinations.
Our governor survived the well deserved recall by convincing people Trump was his actual competitor, not Larry Elder.
Psaki invokes Trump daily to avoid discussing current realities.
Both Joe and Kamala use his name to justify their lack of progress, “Oh we inherited this from Trump, so we can’t be expected to make any progress yet” etc, etc. etc.
Going forward, the less we hear about Trump the better chance voters will judge the current administration for what it is.
You imposing your beliefs on others does not a reality make. For years we’ve listened to this baloney that anyone who supports Trump and his views are cult members and likely uneducated pig farmers from Iowa. I also do not care about Biden’s view of Thai food. I do however care very much about his view of forced vaccinations. Trump is not forcing anything on you. That is in your mind. Not reality. Interesting talk, but have to defer more discussion to later cause I am now going to Broadway Plaza to see more results of your Democrat policies with security and police hoping to fend off more your BLM looters.
It’s just fun to watch you people be utterly confused. You were convinced that real patriots were following Trump because he was a cult leader. I think it’s great Trump told the world he was boosted with the biden jab. I don’t know if it’s true or not but optics are important when you’re in a war. I did see Trump Tower does have a killer taco salad on cinco de mayo. Nobody I know is getting the vax or booster because Trump broadcasted that he took it. In fact he has said the exact same words the whole time. The fact you are acting like he said something new proves you live in a fake news bubble. He has said why he recently said at least 10 times in the last year. Just like the “denounce white supremacy” lie.
THE VISITOR FROM PLANET OMICRON – (2013 MOVIE) – is delightful, funny, and has a positive message. I shared it with my friends and family. Claycord won’t let me post the link – and it was very hard to find. It’s worth trying/ Good Luck!