Contra Costa Health Services Public Health Nursing Car Seat Project will help parents and caregivers keep their children as safe as possible in the car thanks to a $90,300 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS).
The one-year grant from Oct. 1, 2021 to Sept. 30, 2022 funds a Child Passenger Safety Technician and car seat education program that encourages the proper installation and use of child safety seats.
The grant funds the following activities:
- One-on-one/virtual appointments to inspect and install car seats.
- Child safety seat education classes for parents and caregivers.
- Child safety seats at no-cost to nursing case management clients and low-income families following education classes.
- Promote safety seat recycling and importance of discarding used and expired car seats
- Work with community partners to promote child passenger safety education.
“The OTS grant funding is critical in helping families, caregivers and education professionals keep children safe,” said Michelle Rivero, a program manager for CCHS. “Protecting children is everyone’s top priority, and properly secured car seats are one significant way to prevent harm to children in the event of a crash.”
“Like seat belts for teens and adults, correctly installed car seats are the best protection for children while they are traveling,” OTS Director Barbara Rooney said. “Car seat programs are an important traffic safety ally.”
Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Wow! Imagine the years of education and training it must take to become a ” Child Passenger Safety Technician”
I’m so tired of the government telling me what to do!!! First all this vaccine stuff and booster because of Covid and now they say I need to put my kid in a car seat and wear a seatbelt? My mom never buckled us in and we all grew up fine. Tired of big government telling me what to do.
We even sat in the back of a pickup, and guess what? None of us ever fell out.
Why vaccines ? 50 million Covid cases in the USA. 805,000 dead people due to Covid in the USA. Car seats prevent deaths and injuries of children. How do you spell, DUH ?
I remember driving down the highway at 70 mph with my wife in the front passenger seat and our one year old son standing between us bopping to the radio. We were lucky many are not. Buckle up it saves lives.
More money wasted on something that already exists. For as long as I can remember, you’re free to go to your local police station and have the police check to make sure that you have the seat put in correctly. But hey, let’s continue to throw money away and let CA pay for it.
Where do you think the police learned to property install a child safety seat at? I can tell you it is not a learning domain taught in any California police academy.
Those OTS grand paid for the training and have been doing so for years. It is a good program.
The people on here just love to complain don’t they… as a mom to two kids in car seats and one on the way I have done my job in continuing to educate myself on how to keep my kids safe and I still make mistakes. 90% of kids I see are buckled in wrong, or in the wrong kind of car seat to keep them safe. Police and fire fighters are not all educated on this like people think and finding the resources of where to get the answers as a new parent is not that easy. This is an underrated issue and I am happy something is being done about it!
I love people who complain about people complaining. What does your pot call your kettle?
@Martinezmike Thanks but did I complain? I made an observation and then explained why I as someone impacted think it is a worthwhile investment… have a nice Christmas.
This was clearly a gift to someone. One safety employee for an entire county is a farce.
Don’t fire stations do this for free in CA? They did in our home state back east.