While some California residents opted to leave the state during the pandemic, far fewer people are also moving to the state from other parts of the country, according to new research from the University of California at Berkeley’s California Policy Lab.
The amount of people leaving the state has increased by 12 percent between March 2020 and September 2021, a figure roughly on pace with pre-pandemic levels, according to the California Policy Lab.
However, while migration to California generally kept pace with migration out of the state prior to the pandemic, entrances to California have fallen by 38 percent.
“The public’s attention has been focused on the so-called ‘CalExodus’ phenomenon, but the reality is that the dramatic drop in ‘CalEntrances’ since the pandemic began has been a bigger driver of recent population changes in the state,” said Natalie Holmes, the report’s co-author, a California Policy Lab research fellow and a Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley.
The researchers found that all 58 of the state’s counties had seen declines in migration from other states, with entrances to California decreasing between 25 and 45 percent in every region of the state.
That rate was even higher in the Bay Area, as San Francisco, Santa Clara and San Mateo counties each saw their out-of-state entrances fall by roughly 50 percent.
The number of people moving away from the state from those counties rose by 34 percent, 26 percent and 15 percent, respectively, according to the California Policy Lab.
“If these trends continue, the implications for California are significant, ranging from federal funding allocations and tax revenues to how many seats we have in Congress,” Holmes said. “Population swings can have even more dramatic effects on local jurisdictions.”
While data on emigration to California from other countries was not included in the report — and has supported California’s population growth in recent years — overall growth slowed to such an extent during the pandemic that California’s year-over-year population declined in 2020 for the first time in more than a century.
Likewise, while California’s population grew between 2010 and 2020, the results of the 2020 U.S. Census found that the state’s growth occurred at a slower rate than other parts of the country.
It has more to do with the horrific politics in the state and the tyrannical mandates. People want to live freely and not be told what to do by people that do not have their best interest at heart…have a lot of friends that have bailed for that exact reason. I have an elderly mom that I won’t leave behind but as soon as I can leave I will. Greener pastures are to be had elsewhere.
We looked at (traveled to) options before and during the pandemic. We bought a home out of state and moved during the pandemic. It was tricky, complicated, and the moving services were expensive. We are in a much better political/tax environment now, people are friendly, and masks are optional.
BTW- We moved my 86-year-old mother at the same time and she is quite happy now. It can be done.
Kudos for getting out and I am definitely happy/jealous of your situation. My mom will never leave CA. or her house sadly, I wish she was down but I just want her to be happy she is 90 and now has a painful case of shingles thanks to her Covid booster. Enjoy free life I hope to get out of here someday & join you!
Good job Gavin!
Good job Democrats!
Good job people who keep voting Democrat!
I wouldn’t be so quick to blame all of it on CoVid. I think some is systemic dysfunction Government, Taxes, Crime, cost of business, and Housing. I fully expect more, CA leads the Nation in unemployment, my old employer pulled out to Texas, taking 203 Jobs with him. Gavan and the Democrats are just in denial
So for every productive taxpayer that leaves we have an illegal alien take their place…. it all evens out….. in fantasy land.
@ Dr. Jellyfinger~
I was thinking the same thing.
“While data on emigration to California from other countries was not included in this report……”
Sure. Illegals and H1Bs.
What was the influx of illegals onto CA?
California has some great natural features such as the weather, beaches, and mountains for skiing, amazing agricultural land for farming but all that cannot make up for the self-inflicted damage done by our one-party system. Gavin’s agenda to additionally make California the country’s abortion tourism state will probably lead to more middle class flight.
Who wants to move somewhere where crime is up, quality of life is way down, your kids will be kept from school or treated like prison inmates there, and there’s no end in sight as far as politicians are concerned.
Oh yeah, and it’s also crazy expensive.
Translation = The mass exodus continues.
California will be nothing but rich white people without masks and poor brown people in masks serving them. The democrat dream. Just like the 50s
If the Bay Area is any indication, California will be nothing but Chinese and Indians, with a splatter of white people mixed in for “color.”
“The public’s attention has been focused on the so-called ‘CalExodus’ phenomenon, but the reality is that the dramatic drop in ‘CalEntrances’ since the pandemic began has been a bigger driver of recent population changes in the state,” said Natalie Holmes, the report’s co-author, a California Policy Lab research fellow and a Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley.
I guess we the “public” are, in reality, stupid.
I believe that anything that comes out of UCB is tilted so far to the left that it loses all sense of reality.
I don’t trust the numbers quoted to be true.
Illegals are not included which makes the study worthless.
I wonder how much this costs the taxpayers.
Whatever the amount, it was a waste.
Cool, so we should see a decrease in traffic?
You really think so? Have you been out of your house lately? Traffic is back to prescamdemic levels. Traffic will only get worse not better.
Expect a decrease in licensed and insured drivers. And more auto theft.
I know what! Let’s blame the slowed growth and mass exodus on….. are ya ready? COVID!
(just don’t mention feces, used needles, tents and stench, and the most expensive real estate in the country!)
Let’s not forget our wonderful Gov & leadership…
Counting the days until we leave. Five long months.
Can’t come soon enough! So excited for my children to be free again !!
@Puff. I am so excited for you. We got out of there in August and even though going through so many major life changes – finding new jobs, a new home, new school, etc. it was so well worth it. I haven’t worn a mask since getting off the airplane when we flew here. I still can’t believe the number of people who wear a mask in a completely free state and who excitedly choose to get jabbed in a completely free state. But that is their choice and that’s what makes This is a great country. A few weeks ago we were in a parade and there was tens of thousands of people in attendance. We live freely, go to the beach, life is great. So hang in there – it will all be worth it. I wish you the best on your move.
Have you selected a new home state yet?
Good luck. We feel blessed to have made our move. The atmosphere in a free state is refreshing.
Prop 13 is the last thread holding our middle class together and when the COVID scam dollars run out the Marxists will try again to repeal it
This is their big prize and CA is bankrupt without it since it cannot just print money like the Fed
Property taxes will soar if they repeal 13
Funny how Texas and every other southern state is a one party system but they seem to be okay. Wonder if it has to do with your warped values? No, that couldn’t possibly be it. Trump wouldn’t let you think for yourself. It’s amazing the fools that support a fool.
Texas is anything but a one-party system and until recently was a Democrat stronghold.
The dems think they can flip Texas or at a minimum, increase the number of purple counties.
All the techies moving to Texas from blue states are making Texas even more purple.
Thanks Missy. You have explained perfectly the logic that is driving good people out of this state. I mean you have to be a fool not to love California with high crime, highest cost of living, highest taxes, government regulations,highest poverty rate, homeless everywhere , education system that is 38 in the US ….. Those foolish Trump supporters just don’t get it right?
Spoken like the good little Marxist you are. Wife born and raised in California as well as my children. We thank God we are out of California and concord every single day. Enjoy your pending lockdowns!!! Texas land of the free and where you can give your opinion (even if your a progressive and wrong).
Oooohhhhh the irony of supporting biden and calling others fools for supporting trump. biden is the ultimate fool, the biggest fool I have ever seen in all my life. You support him.
Trump is a stable genius. Watching democrats like missy lose grip on reality is a small victory in the middle of this battle.
explain why housing developments in other states are popping up and they are being filled 75% by california transplants…half my retired friends with no family ties are moving OUT… I see more rentals popping up that are filling with multi-families…3 families in one home etc.
Pandemic isn’t the reason… The states mismanagement, crime, and invasion of illegals is the reason we left. This isn’t about a pandemic, it’s about the idealogical war that’s happening in front of our eyes.
Residents can leave any state for any reason, but the main reason people leave California is the cost of living. They just don’t want to admit it because it bruises their ego, especially men. The only couple I know that admitted to the cost of living being too high was a very wealthy couple in Orinda that moved to Texas. Hmm…
I believe Trump was the president during most of the pandemic. He closed the borders, right?