Home » The Water Cooler – Should Kids Have To Be Tested For COVID-19 Before Returning From Christmas Break?

The Water Cooler – Should Kids Have To Be Tested For COVID-19 Before Returning From Christmas Break?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you think all students should be given an at-home COVID-19 test to administer the day before they return to school from Christmas break?

Talk about it….

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No, because the kids have almost 0% risk and the adults have all been vaccinated.

Not one kid 18 or under has died from COVID. You have no proof whatsoever. Amazing how you just say things that aren’t true at all.

https://www.cdph.ca.gov/program /cid/dcdc/pages/covid-19/covid-19-cases-by-age-group.aspx

Keep talking Sam. Makes you look worse every time you post. And that’s just only California. All your so called proof gets de dunked every time you post. Amazing how you say things that aren’t true huh.

@ haha-
https://www.statista.com/statistics/ 1191568/reported-deaths-from-covid-by-age-us/

Only 650 U.S. kids under age 17 have died from covid. I’m going to make a guess that more kids have died from choking, falling down steps, or drowning. Your logic dictates that we ban food, replace stairs with ramps, and outlaw water.

I agree with one part of your post: “There’s always a risk”. That one statement is a perfect summary of life. There is always a risk and a sane, competent person weighs the risk to determine whether the benefits of taking action (or not) outweigh those risks. The numbers don’t lie. Kids have almost no risk of dying from this.

“With” COVID PCR TEST HOAX is different then “from” COVID PCR TEST HOAX. But really it’s the same. They would have died no matter what the fake PCR COVID HOAX TEST said. It’s a HOAX. Don’t ever forget who attacked us.

The table Haha refers to really supports the zero number, with 41 observations of suspicious death out of a California population of 39 million over two years. The 41 number is statistically and analytically zero. Is it mathematically zero? Probably, because of the misclassification of those dying with covid and not because of it. I have one friend and one relative who are both nurses, they do not know each other, and both say the numbers are cooked. And, as far as analytics, did you see that, “More adults between 18 and 45 died of fentanyl overdoses in 2020 than any other leading cause of death, including COVID-19, motor vehicle accidents, cancer and suicide.” Source: https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/fentanyl-overdoses-become-no-1-cause-of-death-among-us-adults-ages-18-45-a-national-emergency

Considering “Christmas Break” doesn’t exist, no they shouldn’t have to take a test.

I’m sure the comments on this will be negative and people screaming tyranny. But if something as simple as a test before kids return from spending the holidays around relatives and potentially being exposed to Covid, this would stop a potential wave and help our medical professionals by not overwhelming emergency rooms.

No emergency rooms have been overwhelmed by schools being in session. Anywhere. Spread in schools is less than spread in the community, as a general rule.

But for older kids, maybe high school, I don’t think this is such a bad idea. I think it isn’t necessary but I wouldn’t put this in my top 100 of onerous and stupid things being done in the name of “controlling” the spread of Covid.

Are they tested for HIV, AIDS, Syphilis or Herpes???

You parents need to hold the line!

Absolutely! Can we ask Brandon for gynecologist services?

Do your kids have unprotected sex? If so, yes they should be tested. As you well know COVID is airborne so all they have to do is be near someone infected.

Doh—Herpes, (HSV-1) or HIV, (the virus that causes AIDS) can be transmitted without having sex.

Doh just can’t get enough of fake news. Why would you get tested for an STD? I’m pretty sure you would know if you something. HIV is faucis old HOAX. Definitely stop all testing.


All students should be tested. As long as no D’s or F’s are given.

NO! It’s gotten to the point that people just need to accept the virus and depend on natural immunity. Just because you get tested positive doesn’t mean you’re going to end up in the hospital or die. People die every day but not once has the world stopped. It’s a virus and there will be variants. And this constant flip flop has become a joke.

Apparently, nobody has ever died from the flu or anything else. Heck, even the Health dept admits that they Never kept a record of flu deaths for those 65 yrs and older.

It’s a Total Joke. Bunch of Branch Covidians.

People…let’s stop this bullsh*t!! Isn’t it time to tell these people to back off?
Make your voices be heard !


@Doh–Hear my voice: perhaps stay in your bubble like John Travolta character in The Boy in the Plastic Bubble…

MDUSD has tests that parents needed to sign up for and then they will distribute them tmrw Friday. It’s a first come first serve basis. So they don’t have enough for every child in the district. I didn’t sign up my three kids for the tests. The kids have to take two Covid tests before the break is up. Think my kids will enjoy another two weeks off from school, don’t you?

Sure, let’s do a take-home test.

But the cost of the testing will come out of the existing school budget and will not be reimbursed or included as part of next year’s budget nor as a tax increase. IOW, the school district eats the cost of the testing 100%.

Agreed, FED up! This article is definitely worth a read. I was able to find additional information about the antiviral drugs: Molnupiravir and Paxlovid that prevent the virus from reproducing if taken within 5 days of symptoms…also monoclonal antibody treatments.

Dr. Farnitano spoke about these treatments at the last Board of Supervisor meeting but their website does not mention these treatments–only vaccines/boosters. Why aren’t they advertising this treatment?

Paxlovid hasn’t been approved by the FDA yet.

Teachers should be required to retake the CBEST before returning to the classroom! Can you imagine what they would say if that was required?

and the CSET too

Teachers in California do not need to take the CBEST test anymore. They can be a teacher even if they got all Ds in college. They don’t require the CBEST or any other test. Rationale: People of color were disproportionately not passing the test so the test was racist.

So now there are people teaching our kids that cannot pass a test that is basically 8th-grade level. The only requirement to teach in California is you have a be a pink or green-haired social justice warrior that thinks math is racist and thinks Biden and Newsom are God.

Just say No! They already are loosing money due to lack of kids going back to school! It’s fffing ridiculous and I’m tired of these powers to be overstepping our parental rights. How about doing better background check on their teachers to prevent pedophiles from working in the school. That would be money worth spending.

My kid was given one yesterday from his school. Made in China . Follow the money.
Not complying
If my kid is sick he stays home until healthy – pretty simple . Not testing a healthy child – no way !
I want to call his school and ask them if he’s sick as a dog but tests neg if it’s ok that I send him in … TB , Ebola , strep throat any of those it’s ok as long as it’s not covid ??? 🙄

The division is real
Faith over fear

As an FYI: the title of this Water Cooler question implies that the kids “Have” to be tested. They were offered to families for free from a grant (I think statewide, and districts did not pay for them). As mentioned above, they don’t have enough for every child. They are encouraging that kids who get the kits be tested before returning…. they did not say it is a requirement to return to school. Fairly easy decision, if you feel like being cautious… test them (it is free, and convenient). If not, then don’t.

Until today I could have answered the question, “Do you know anyone who has had Covid-19 or its variants?” by saying, “No”.
But this morning I found out that …. only two homes away… both the parents and their 6 and 9 year old sons are sick and have tested Positive for COVID-19. ALL FOUR were UNVACCINATED. Both adults are nurses at Kaiser Hospital and ascribe to the “our God will protect us because we are good” litany.
The 9 year old is so far able to recuperate at home. But that little 6-year-old might have to go to Benihoff in Oakland…. they “just don’t know”.

You’re lying. Kaiser nurses are all vaccinated for months now. Besides there’s no such thing as male nurses. Cool story tho. You are 100% lying. What’s the point?

Sam, this just happens to be a married lesbian couple! The birthmother of the two boys was in a heterosexual marriage back when her sons were born.

The neighbors themselves were the ones previously (maybe 2-3 weeks ago during a sidewalk conversation with another neighbor and myself) firmly stating that they were not vaccinated (and telling the religious convictions underlying WHY they were not).

There most certainly ARE male nurses (at all levels of certification, including up to Registered Nurse)!!! However, since both of these neighbors are women, that fact is not relevant to the information I was sharing….. that now I do personally know some COVID patients.
And now I am praying for this little boy and for those who love him.

Your signature rudeness does not trick others into thinking you are correct… not about any sort of topic. Care to tell us why you continue?

Nope, try again. Two Lesbian nurses working at Kaiser are definitely vaxed to the gills. Lesbians and religious convictions lol…🤣 now you’re just gas lighting.

I call out liars. That’s rude to you because you want to get away with your lies. It’s pretty simple. Unlike you I don’t need to trick anyone. Truth stands on its own. Lies and propaganda always fail. But by all means you keep praying for the imaginary kids sick with the omicrons coof and the two lasbian unvaxed female Kaiser nurses…

Frankly, it’s hard to believe that two nurses at Kaiser are not vaccinated. Kaiser is the likely source for results of the clinical trials for one, or all three, of the Covid-19 vaccines prior to their release for Emergency Use Authorization to the general public. Kaiser routinely tests drugs for pharmaceutical companies, on members and staff alike, before they are released to the public. Kaiser members and staff may not even have given Informed Consent, or know this is a common practice at Kaiser.

Deeply religious unvaccinated lesbian nurses…. raising two boys…..
I doubt anyone could make THAT up!

I thought I’d heard it all when I found out Kate Pierson was on the other team (I went into a terrible depression for about an hour). I’m over it now…. nothing surprises me anymore.

Anyway, I wish for a speedy recovery to all those who are ill, really…
being sick sucks…. but I truly believe the whole Covid 19 Pandemic (God’s gift to Democrats) has been a political tool from day 1 & we are all being squirreled by not only our own government but by many governments around the world.

There are billions of dollars to be made & no shortage of people willing to sell their souls and tell endless lies for power & wealth.

A July CDC update on the count of flu cases for the 2020-2021 season, which the agency designated to be between Sept. 28, 2020, and May 22, said about 1,675 people tested positive for an influenza virus.

The latest flu estimates from the CDC say between 39 million and 56 million people were sick with the flu in the 2019-20 season.

Doctors & hospitals make more money treating “Covid 19” than they do treating the flu…. figure it out.

Dr Jelly
I love your comedy posts, but thank you for these serious well spoken words. They say I’m harsh, but this is what I would say if I had any f’s to give.

Dr. Jellyfinger, you can add to the truth of the unusual circumstances the fact that these two women have shown themselves to be unselfish, practical helpers to those living near them.
Of course, they DID build a tree house which is one platform for the tall zip line they built diagonally across their large back yard. And they do have a couple of pot-bellied pigs.

But my favorites are their puppies and their beautiful laying hens….. different types, so beautiful. Then there is the rooster: he considerately waits until after 9:30 or so in the morning to greet the world, but he does serenade for quite awhile. (No problem as their yard is two doors over…. about an acre and a half from me.) Again at about 10:30-11 at night, the rooster hears the owls call from the gigantic fir tree next door to me, and the rooster enjoys crowing along with them.

This has been my residence for 57 years now. Some of the nearest homes have changed hands, but almost all my neighbors have been friends with and caring of one another.

The little boy is better today and has been taken off ventilator support.

They didn’t put a little kid on the vent. Everything you say is a lie. You can’t have a rooster in city limits, and despite what leftists think nothing would ever prevent a rooster from crowing at sunrise. Who do you think you’re talking to?

Deeply religious, unvaccinated ,zip-lining, lesbian nurses ……
raising two boys with chickens, potbellied pigs and a rooster who thinks he’s an owl

Looks like I have the outline for my next novel …….

Thanks Antler!

Now we know what Danielle Steel has been doing during COVID.

Sam, you are just digging yourself farther into your mental mire!.

Young COVID patients most certainly are put within a ventilator tent if the ICU staff determines they need it. This little boy did! (Are you confusing this treatment with “intubation”? … because I cannot speak to that procedure re children.)

Yes, I know that roosters are “against code” in Concord! But in fact, he is quite the character re his sleep-in approach to life. Therefore, he is treasured, and so far evidently no one within earshot has reported him. I actually find it more strange that he likes to “converse” with owls (or maybe warn him away from his hens?) so late at night. These are not the Great Horned Owls living/working so close to us right now, though once in a great while I do hear that type calling from farther out in the CNWS open space.

More annoying to me is the constantly “whining”, high-pitched daytime bleating from the miniature goats in yet another neighbor’s yard. But at least those neighbors close them up in a dark shed during sleep hours, and they stay quiet.

I actually feel sorry for you the way you need to writhe in your own spider webs of making EVERYTHING be about politics!

You lost the plot when you said lesbians with religious convictions. Those don’t exist. No offense but you are clearly to old to have the knowledge or capabilities to understand what is going on. You probably get your news regarding COVID and your current world view from CNN.

I’m not sure you know this but they are about to completely shut down because they are all getting arrested for sex crimes with children. Enjoy your life, we will handle the world you boomers allowed to be destroyed. But no seriously enjoy your life.

Sam was the one who informed me that my dear brother in law who passed away last January from COVID had not died of COVID, because it’s a hoax. I’ve heard that ignorance is bliss, but I wonder if it really is. Sam could sure tell us.

Statistically speaking, your brother-in-law had 2.5+ co morbities. If you say in all honesty you believe he died strictly FROM covid, then he died from covid and to you it’s not a hoax. However I have presented way to much facts, data and information along with dr faucis own words for anyone, if being honest could disregard. Everything I have ever said has become truth in time. Both of you have come at me for simply having “the news” before you. Dont get all high and mighty on me now. I don’t believe in unicorns and I certainly don’t believe in a highly religious lesbian couple but whatever makes you happy.

There was nothing wrong with him. No disease, chronic or otherwise. Up till the week prior he was as healthy as anyone I ever knew. He was 58 years old. Is that a “co morbity”, Sam?

Sam! Most readers here can recognize that you are trying to use diversion …. or anything and everything else… so that you will seem to be some sort of “winner”.

It was the lesbian neighbors THEMSELVES who stated that they are not vaccinated because of their religious convictions because God will save them. I had no control whatsoever over their statements (nor of what God’s Will might be on ANY subject).

Claycordians who have read your comments on this or on any other subject are quite aware that you have only destain for the intelligence of and for the intrinsic and ongoing value of senior citizens to our society. That is YOUR problem (perhaps the culmination of the way you were raised?) because each of us knows what our lives and hard work (including constant research from many national and international sources) have meant to our families and to other people.

I am not a member of the “Boomer Generation”! I was born before
WW 2 and so understand full well what the pandemics at that time “meant” and what it took to stop them.….. VACCINATION and quarantine! I had both diseases at the same time when I was 8 years old. My having missed only 3 months of school back then (and still walking with only a slight limp now) left me thankful and wanting to protect others.

My medical opinions have nothing whatsoever to do with politics, and your rude written contortions cannot change that fact. My children all are “Boomers”; but I don’t know what monikers are given to my grandchildren’s and my new little great-grandchildren’s generations.

I do indeed enjoy my life, thank you!

The bottom line should be “Do No Harm”.



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