Home » No Need For Testing? County, State COVID-19 Testing Sites Closing For The Holidays

No Need For Testing? County, State COVID-19 Testing Sites Closing For The Holidays


COVID-19 testing is apparently taking a break for the holidays in Contra Costa County.

All county and state COVID-19 testing sites in Contra Costa County will be closed the following days:

  • December 24
  • December 25
  • December 31
  • January 1
  • January 17

As of today, there are 1,436 active cases of COVID-19 in Contra Costa County, and 10 people are hospitalized in the ICU.

The population of Contra Costa County is 1.3-million.



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Taking a break? But this pandemic is a public health crisis!
It’s a crisis except when it isn’t convenient?

What if you’re taking a flight that requires a negative test. Or attending an event that requires a negative test? I am not planning to do either of these things but, I’ve heard on the news that it is required in many places.

Considering the state and county are all over this like a pitbull with a bone, they should remain open, or relax their BS rules.

Couldn’t agree more.

Why can’t the County bless the people with giving us those days off from ANY covid mandates? You know, like a test to see how it goes? Cuz science right?

I think my user handle is an appropriate response to this.


Remember everyone, there are self covid exams sold in stores! stay safe

That’s not the point. Self tests are not accepted for major items like
– flights
– visiting someone in hospital
– certain restaurants wont accept home tests

Basically – its a punishment for not taking immunization. You risk not being able to function in society for a week or so after Xmas

They better not stop testing too long, the pandemic may totally disappear.

Come sign the petition to restore normalcy and sanity to Contra Costa!

No more paper checks at businesses, no more mandates-


A measly fraction of a percent.

How will we all survive without this wonderful service? I guess the wuflu takes a break on the holidays. Remember what Dr. Fraudci says: If friends or family are coming over for the holidays, ensure they are tested before allowing them into your home otherwise we will all be dead by the middle of January. Good luck people.

so they forced a mandate that you have to either have a negative test or be vaccinated to enter almost any non shop business, then take away the ability to have a test.

Business don’t accept the self tests to the best of my knowledge, so over the Christmas and new year period people can what?

I hope the all get lumps of coal in their stockings!

Makes sense, COVID only strikes within 6 feet and if you aren’t wearing a hokey paper mask during non holiday times. Or if you’re at a wedding in your backyard, French Laundry or a Toni Tony Tone concert.

Some of these sites are open 7 days a week for 12 hours a day. The workers need a break too.

As was mentioned, there are tests available for purchase at CVS or Walgreens, so no excuse if the County or State sites are closed for the holidays.

If you are traveling and need a test, plan ahead. You need a negative result within 72 hours of a domestic flight. Don’t blame the testing sites for your ineptitude. Take responsibility for yourself.

Thank you for inserting FACTS and common sense, Trolling the Chuckie!


If this were a real pandemic…

But it isn’t.

You nailed it.

The entire world is faking a pandemic? Have any facts or data to support your comment?

Our government is so bad it’s embarrassing.Good by United States.

Anyone old enough to remember the made-for TV movie, “Death Takes a Holiday”?

Looks as if Karen Mitchoff has. Or is it just her Union supporters who are taking the Holiday You be the Judge.


Remember when the metric for freedom was hospital and ICU numbers: CANT OVERWHELM THE ICU! Well, only 10 “Covid” patients in the County, yet we are all prisoners to the almighty health orders. The ONLY way this is ever going to end is to vote all these crap politicians out of office. Every.single.one.

Paul spitting facts! agreed 100% all of them need to go ASAP

It’s a pandemic of fake PCR tests. Do you see it yet? Some of us have been calling it from the very beginning. COVID IS A HOAX. Stop complying with all of it.


800,000 dead people would disagree with you. Stop watching faux news and supporting Trump. Hillary 2024

Billions of alive people would agree with me.

hillary is going to prison for overthrowing the government.

Hillary 2024? Hahahaha, now that’s funny!

Hillary after Biden?
Argh! I’d rather have Groucho!


I fully respect all healthcare workers and believe they deserve a day off, BUT, according to the government we’re in a never ending pandemic. So if COVID testing and vaccination was truly urgent all those listed above would be open and fully operating (paying there workers double time, of course). Let me tell you, neither getting a COVID test or even an appointment for vaccination is an easy task. You think you can walk-in to a pharmacy and get a shot? HA! Go ahead and try. If this were so urgent, a matter of life or death, with non-stop mandates being dished out to the public, why are these places closed on holidays then?

Sheesh people, it takes 2 days to get results from a Covid test. If you are traveling or going to a gathering for Christmas or new years and you waited until the day before, then it’s too late anyway. Enough with the fake exasperation.

What if you get infected 10 minutes after you were tested?
Oh well… we all gotta go sometime.

I myself have been given an estimate from my own doctor that my death is only a matter of time now… I’ve come to grips with it & accepted my fate….20 or 30 more years at best… probably.

Wasn’t it just announced that the Covid mutation was on the rise? And that harsher mask restrictions are now in place.

politics – at its best

These mandates will not end unless the people stop complying. Florida has the lowest infection rates in the nation and has no state ordered mandates. People are free to wear masks, not wear masks, get a jab, or not get a jab. They are free to live the way they choose, as it should be. California’s vaccination percentage is as high as any other in the country and infection rates are climbing. Coincidence? Hmmmm?

LOL – is this for real?!

Not all sites are closed. Kaiser is open on dec 24, and dec 31 and Jan 17.



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