Home » The Water Cooler – Getting Rid Of D & F Grades In High School – Good Idea Or Bad Idea?

The Water Cooler – Getting Rid Of D & F Grades In High School – Good Idea Or Bad Idea?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


School districts throughout California are phasing out D and F grades. (watch the video above to learn more)

QUESTION: Do you think this is a good idea or a bad idea?

Talk about it….


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Sorry wrong direction.
What we need to really be doing now is not telling kids they’re the center of the universe and the world came in existence just before they were born. That they are it, no matter what they do or how they perform. If anything goes wrong is someone else’s fault.
It’s time they realize that decisions in life have consequences. They have responsibilities and obligations. Call me old school, the society will not endure on the current path.

Perfect response!! You are SO SO right! This society where every child is a winner and gets a trophy is leading them down to a horrible future! There must be “actions — consequences” if we want them to grow up into competent adults!!

If a student is paying attention in class, doing the assignments to the best of their ability, and is still having a difficult time passing, then the teacher should do their best to help that student, and find out why the student is having such a hard time. When a student keeps failing over and over, and the teacher does nothing but give out D’s and F’s, without attempting to find out why that student is failing, then the teacher is failing as a teacher.
Jay Leno is dyslexic. He talked about how his teachers kept failing him, and never tried to find out why he was having a hard time. It was easier to give him a failing grade, and his classmates called him stupid. Jay is one of the lucky ones, he didn’t let it bother him, and he went out and made something of himself. There are a lot of kids who aren’t so lucky and will develop a low opinion of themselves, even though they did their best. That low opinion of themselves will only lead to more failures later on in life.
Young minds need all the help they can get, so they can grow up to be productive citizens.


How pathetic and embarrassing.

Can I get restorative justice for all the endless D’s and F’s I received 40-50 years ago ?


You can get rid of Ds and Fs but you can’t raise some people’s IQ number.

An unbelievably foolish concept, the dumbing down of America and especially California continues unabated. This further allows students to escape the consequences of their inactions or failure to prepare. It’s better to challenge students to strive to improve and not go in opposite direction. You do realize that the current morons in power are creating an even less motivated and less educated generation. Very scary and sad…

Well there you go no more studying needed your guaranteed to pass and graduate.

“Your” guaranteed should read “you’re”(you are) guaranteed. Did you graduate?

@Masked Poster – Torcofuel could care less, but we’ll never know how much less.

Horrible idea! …more cancel culture! … another example of the dumbing of America!…. other countries are going the other way… even our teachers are getting a free ride not having to be certified anymore… ridiculous

Now you know why they’re getting rid of SAT tests for college.

Marxism is a political program of race grievances and economic envy packaged up and sold by lies and manipulation or “narratives”
It is time for everyone to recognize this and throw this government to the curb
A very small minority of people are seeking to reengineer society to their advantage and are causing great harm to the health and well being of millions of people

This is great but doesn’t go far enough. I think that students should get A’s in every subject across the board. Students who, in the past, earned anything less than an A only did so because they suffered some form of societal injustice that prevented them from achieving.

This is comical
Just have parents go to the school registrar and pick grades
Better yet pay for grades like many private schools or colleges already do
I love this idea
I also want a new car and free groceries!!! Yay!!!

Time to throw the participatory awards on the trash heap. There is nothing wrong with people trying to better themselves through competition or a grading system. People’s skin is way to thin these days, the need for constant cred and virtue signaling is disgusting.

This is a great idea. The stupid one can be on the same level with the smart one. Everyone is equal – isn’t this what the “progressive’s want? Keep voting for the left causes and this is what we get.

As a parent .. NO this sucks.

Am I suprised with today’s culture? NOPE!

People do not want to take accountabilty for their actions.
People do not want the consequences of their actions.

California is trying to raise a STUPID population,and unfortunately, they are succeeding in many areas.

Really not a good idea. This proposal reminds me of a movie quote:
Danny: “I’ve always wanted to go to college”.
Judge Smails: “Well the world needs ditch diggers too”.

Throw The Book…
We are in the midst of a Cultural Revolution.
Farmers are now Doctors.
Doctors are now Farmers.

What’s next, renaming Abraham Lincoln HS…because Lincoln doesn’t meet the presumed moral fiber of today’s school boards?

I’d be really worried this would create doubt in a student’s mind regarding his/her ability even more so than a D or F grade. At least with a D or F grade you have some measure of where you stand and whether you need, or even want, to do anything about it.

I think the two grades D&F should be merged into one new grade….
“DF” it’s much more appropriate.

@Dr. Jellyfinger Good idea. In some circles, the D and F are actually considered status symbols. So, combining them would attribute additional rank and standing in a group where they are admired … and clearly identify certain individuals as seriously badass.

Wow Gittyup! I never gave it that much thought…
I was thinking more along the lines of an abbreviation, the initials of a more unflattering name.

Oh, sorry Jellyfinger. My mistake!

No…. I like your idea better!
It gives the dumb kids a sense of pride…. they could get “DF” tattoos & have “DF” Pride marches.

Bad idea.

It’s been tried before and it failed.

Just like socialism and communism.

They all fail.

My kid’s participation trophy is bigger than your kid’s! (I guess they’ll call it “grade equity” or some other hare-brained thing.)

So if you do D or F work you get what? Like I said before pass them if they remember to bring a pencil to class.

We have enough SNOW FLAKES!!!

Life can be hard, but it’s still pretty good in this country even if you are dumb.

No. Separate the failing kids from the rest. Analyze their skill set and place them accordingly. One size fits all is asinine. The excellerated group can be culled as well. These kids also have a skill set to be acknowledged.

If the work is below acceptable levels, replacing the D and F grades with Incomplete would be an alternative if no student could pass a class with work incomplete. In other words, a level of competence must be reached before credit is awarded. The Incomplete designation would allow the student to continue to work on the subpar assignments until they demonstrate an acceptable level. In the past, I have given a student a grade of Incomplete which gave them time to demonstrate their acquisition of the minimum level of ability in the subject area. If they did, they were given a grade of Pass. If they did not, the grade automatically reverted to Fail and no credit was given. The Pass grade is GPA neutral so it neither raises of lowers the GPA. I believe the goal of the No D or F movement is to encourage concentration on knowledge rather than specific grades. For those who make a comparison to the elimination of SAT tests, colleges have not found a correlation to SAT scores and success in completion of post secondary studies. In that way, it was a flawed vehicle for determining who should be admitted to college.

If the work is below acceptable levels the child should fail the class. It is not incomplete when the child is turning in the work at unacceptable levels. It is not incomplete if the child is not trying.

You really think the child will continue to work on the subpar assignment until they get an acceptable level? No child will do that when they know that they cannot FAIL the class.

Grades are a reflection of knowledge … Yes, sometimes a teacher needs to teach a different way, or test a different way … but to say grades are not a reflection of knowledge is idiotic.

Either do the work or fail the class. Children (and many adults by the comments here) need to learn that there are consequences to their actions. You do not, nor should you, get a ‘participation’ trophy or a ‘pass’ because you were there. Earn what you get.

Who is suppose to benefit from this? Certainly not the kids.

Liberal politicians will benefit. They thrive on people being so stupid they will vote democrat. Imbeciles are easy to manipulate.

Does a disservice to kids who make the effort to get good grades.

What kind of idiots do we really have trying to run this country ! un motivate everyone. dum dums everywhere.


Imagine what will happen when one of those -C students is your doctor, lawyer or a rocket scientist. Woke education is a deliberate attempt to destroy educational excellence. And to see just how successful they have been, look at how many people support this abomination of desolation.

If you can’t ever receive a bad grade how will you ever receive a great grade ?

A simple solution would be to award high performing students with grades of AA and AAA.

Everybody gets a trophy! Everybody passes! Hell, let’s award everyone who attends high school at least 25 percent of their required days a PhD!

Sure, why not. Give them all A+s, and participation trophy’s, and no college admissions requirements, and……..
And when they ever have to move out into the real world and take care of and provide for themselves, and there’s no one there to wipe their rear ends for them, and they crash and burn, they can blame it on all the system.

So I guess you can presume an OUSD student who gets a 2.0 GPA is a flunky and 3.0 is just barely making it and a 4.0 is just okay.

Need to listen to the reporter and ignore the anchor lead-in to determine what this really is. Not talking about D or F for Course. Ut is about D or F on a Test or missed homework assignment. . Rather than receive D or F on Test given the chance to retake the test. Given more time to DO the homework assignment rather than D or F and move on without learning the material.

The objective is for the kids to LEARN the material. Not abad idea.

I know I’m in the minority, but I think getting rid of Ds and Fs is a great idea, especially for elementary school and middle school. For one, they sure aren’t needed for kids in those age groups. Grading is much more important in high school to weed out college bound kids from kids that are on the fence about college or would be better off putting them on job related paths. There should be more of an emphasis to figure out which path kids are heading towards a lot sooner so they don’t just fall through the cracks. Teachers don’t need to give Ds and Fs to kids that aren’t making the minimum C because a C grade is already underperforming. They can usually tell something is wrong either with development of a child or at home/ the parents if work turned in is poor and if attendance is poor too. A lot more needs to be done to address latter and giving Ds and Fs doesn’t do anything except label a kid as “less exceptional” at an early age.


It reads like satire, but we simply live in a clown world!

-Retroactively reduce fines for toll bridge violators.
-Reduce penalties for thefts under $1,000 (prop 47).
-Make it easier for homeless people to live on BART trains.

And now this.

Then we wonder what happened to the “good old days”.

Please make note if you don’t vote in elections. Do it while you can, because soon we will join NYC in allowing non-citizens to vote.

TERRIBLE idea. Now education becomes nothing more than a participation trophy, too. How do you measure and stratify those students who are learning and who are not? Under this idea, those average C students now get lumped in with those that cannot, will not, or simply have difficulty learning. How do you identify those students that are falling behind so intervening steps can be taken? Grade inflation on the lower end will result in grade inflation on the upper end too. Competition is a great thing..in sports, business, economics, and in education too.

Very bad idea as come from a family of teachers. Grades give an indication where the strengths and weaknesses are for students.

Stop masking things that need to be addressed and do what is right. California students are some of the worst taught and educated and I am speaking from reality. Stop pushing students through just to get funding it is hurting everyone.

raising a bunch of dumb, ugly haired pansies. Have fun with the outcome.
Weak and Woke.

So… B’s and C’s become the new D’s and F’s. Just cut right to it and give them all A’s.

Yes why not. The stay at home learning traumatized the kids. My grandkids
didn’t care for it. Luckily they had parents that also stayed at home form their jobs that were able to assist them with their work.
I was raised by a single parent back in the day and my Mom probably would
not have been able to stay at home with me to help me with school work on the computer. Some kids didn’t have access to the Wi-Fi.
Some kids fell behind on their work. Let the kids get back into the classroom learning and if they don’t do well give them a second chance, everyone deserves a second chance to take a test.
How many Attorney’s pass the Bar Exam on their first try?



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