The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: We all love Amazon because all it takes is one click to get a package in the mail, but do you think Amazon is bad or good for America?
Tell us why you answered the way you did.
Talk about it….
Don’t care if it’s bad or good for America as a whole, all I care about its good for me.
Wow, is this the new America? Sad
I don’t think Amazon is bad or good. It’s convenient. Convenience has its pros and cons.
Good…employs a lot of people
And yet treats those people terribly.
……and you know this how, chuq?
If they don’t like it they can go elsewhere..
… good – hopefully sets a benchmark for other companies to “get it in gear”
Of course it is a good guy because I own its stock. Sure there are bad side to Amazon because it put brick and mortar out of business, cause increase in package theft, put more work on postal workers but that is not Amazon problem. Also majority of Amazon’s profit come from its web services.
If it wasn’t owned by Bezos I would order more from Amazon. I always look for alternatives.
Well that makes alot of sense..NOT
@ Tor Makes sense to me.
Good: Daily, one truck delivers 150 packages, keeping 150 trips to the store by individuals, thus lowering emissions.
Cons: Google your items. Amazon doesn’t always offer the lowest price.
individuals *off the road* , thus lowering emissions.
Tell that to Torcofuel.
I still prefer brick & mortar stores. Amazon is okay for what you can’t get in the brick & mortar stores anymore. Over all, not sure it’s as good as it could be.
Me too Dorothy. I recognize that local businesses need local support. Up near Anderson, CA, a Walmart Supercenter store was built, and the small businesses in that area took a hit. A serious hit. I do buy items on Amazon when they aren’t available locally, but if you want to see your city center shuttered with “CLOSED” signs, then Amazon is the way to go. And in the end, where do locals go for employment? What does you city look like after everyone closes shop? They look like Seligman, AZ after highway 40 was built in 1979.
Bad, I choose to boycott them as they always mess up my orders, 9 of 10 orders I used to get from them were wrong item, wrong color, previously used when supposed to be new> now that I use other services i have no problems.
Good because inventory taxes kept many smaller businesses from stocking less popular items so Amazon was a solution for that. As an example I recall in the 1970s I could walk into a small town drug store and their paperback section would have the current science fiction releases but with tax laws that because less and less possible.
Amazon also has an interesting streaming video selection though not exactly like YouTube anyone can submit a movie or TV series there as long as they follow the guidelines.
I think it can be a very bad thing. Brick and mortar stores are slowly dying while Amazon takes over almost all markets. The loss of the ability to go in and actually see and feel the merchandise before purchasing has been removed. I feel as it grows that manufacturers will drop some of there quality in production since a lot of people will accept a lesser made item since it’s a pain to return or may not last as long. It totally changes the purchasers power. People will strongly disagree with this just do to the convenience of using it.
I have to say overall, it is good for America. There are many aspects that are good, job creation, facilitation of goods acquisitions by customers, platform for smaller sized businesses to operate without much of the overhead they might need otherwise, has funded many a retirement. On a light note, the success of Amazon has provided the opportunity for Captain Kirk to actually be in space, if for a bit of time. In a sick sense, it helps feed the insatiable tax jones our politicians have, directly and indirectly.
Amazon is tainted by Bezos’ immorality. It is bad for America like Newsom is bad for California. Simply unbelievable how this country continues to elevate cheaters like Bezos and Newsom. I don’t care what the Pope says, celebrating those who trample the marriage vows,will get you more of the same, Marital cheating demonstrates a flawed morality and such behavior should have serious consequences. It weakens the institution of marriage, an institution designed to offer protection and security for the rearing of children. Marital cheating is child abuse, pure and simple.
Bad. You often times can find the same item at a better price elsewhere. And from a small business. If we continue ordering from Amazon, we will only have Amazon and their high prices. Monopoly. BAD.
Amazon is bad. It is guilty of cultural approbation! They have stolen the name of a race of great women warriors!
@MM Oh get the “Woke” outa here with that warriors crap!
Amazon creates lazy overweight couch potatoes and has dangerous speeding delivery drivers. It is the demise of brick and mortar stores and creating an epidemic of porch pirates and credit card fraud.
I think it is BAD~
Well said, Aunt Barbara! Those big trucks put out much more in the way of pollutants than cars, too.
If you figure in the gas and your time to run from store to store looking for the best deal on something you negate any savings you may have had on it. Amazon has the best prices most of the time I’m shopping for something without having to leave home, to me it’s a “win,win” proposition. For example I ordered two gas powered leaf blowers for far below what the brick and mortar stores sold them for. One I put away to sell for after the ban goes into effect here in CA. Had to get one dig in at Aunt Barbara before the year ends, Merry Christmas all.
@nytemuvrr You do all the comparative shopping onlibe before you go out to make your purchase — at the place with the best price. If they don’t have it in stock, you have a backup place to purchase it. Or, you call ahead to see if they have it in stock.
@Gittyup….Customer Service for checking prices and availability sucks, some snot-nosed kid giving me bunk information over the phone doesn’t work for me. Also there’s a much better variety of items from online vendors than what gets stocked in the stores. If you shop smart online you rarely have to pay for shipping now. My Pappy made this point to my Mom and Grandma back in the 60s when they would run across town to use a 10 cent coupon off on a bag of Gold Medal flour. They used probably 30 cents of gas to save 10 cents, plus the 30+ minutes of driving time and the wear and tear on the car. It didn’t make sense to me then or now, it’s not a hard concept. Shopping online now you also don’t have to deal with so many stupid people and crazy drivers. And BTW, I weigh the same as I did in highschool. CHS ’72
As someone who lives on a tight budget price is important to me and Amazon sometimes has the best prices. As Addlepate said, it’s best to check around for the better prices and I prefer brick and mortar stores but they don’t always have the best prices. I also like doing my shopping at once and not have to go from store to store looking if something is in stock and Amazon provides that convenience.
What’s amazon?
Overall, Amazon is OK as long as there’s enough competition (eBay, Newegg, Etsy,….) to keep them from getting too big. I use Amazon on occasion, but most of my needs and wants are usually available elsewhere, at a price I’m willing to pay.
I used to avoid buying from Amazon, choosing to support local businesses. But since Commie Costa county began forcing “show me your papers,” I either use Amazon or go to Solano county. I don’t care if every business in this dystopian county crashes and burns.
I told a clerk in a major store that I would prefer to patronize them but they were often out of what I wanted. Restock your selves. Then I noticed a lot of clerks were there to discourage shoplifting theft. Also, my sales tax go to the addressee city.