The American Red Cross is offering free holiday-themed shirts later this month in an effort to encourage blood donations as the organization says its supplies are at historically low levels.
People who give blood between Dec. 17 and Jan. 2 will receive the long-sleeved shirts while supplies last. Those who donate before then will receive a $10 Amazon gift card.
Officials with the Red Cross, which supplies about 40 percent of blood donations in the U.S., say the blood supply shortage is the worst in more than a decade and has caused some hospitals to delay major surgeries, including organ transplants.
People are encouraged to sign up for donation appointments by visiting RedCrossBlood.org or calling (800) 733-2767, and there is no waiting period for those who have recently received a flu shot or COVID-19 vaccine as long as they are symptom-free.
Gotta wonder, if the stupid shirt incentives don’t work, how far are we from blood donor mandates?
Agree. But I’m more worried about “smash and grab” our remaing blood supplies.
They won’t take my blood anymore. Not sure awarding any prizes will bring in new donors.
Only the weak-minded will fall for this gimmick.
They still won’t accept my pesky English blood!
Great cause, hope they get more donations!
scare everyone out of their wits about the dangers of covid and its variant buddies and then want you to share your blood with the world.
Poor leadership has cause this shortage.
Upcoming….Gavin will give free vacations if you donate a pint !
Waitimg to see Karen Mitchoff wearimg a “Share your grift” shirt
The Red Cross is not the only game in town.
The last couple of times I was there the staff was not up to the professional standards one would expect from such an organization.
I still donate, just to better organizations.
I will never help science or medical. They all burned that bridge by not speaking out on the COVID HOAX.
Sam, I don’t share your opinion, but you are certainly entitled to it. But if heaven forbid, you find yourself unable to advocate for yourself, you should get an alert bracelet or chest tattoo that states you don’t want any of that medical or scientific stuff.
Mr. Rolaids, what you said makes no sense to me. Sam said he did not want to help. The discussion is about blood donations. He did not say he would not use their service in exchange for insurance or cash payments if needed. I also have not donated for a long time for a few reasons, some mentioned here, about the negative attitude of the nurses taking the blood, or not properly stopping the bleeding and getting blood on my white work shirt.
They need to cough up some serious coin for this pureblood. Clean uncontaminated blood is most valuable commodity on the planet. Their a business. Why would I give up the product so they can make profits while I get nothing?
When you have a heart attack or stroke, Get cancer or even injury from an accident. Dont call an ambulance, call Joe Rogan. He will help you
What about a heart attack or stroke from Myocarditis after taking the mandated vaccine? In that case is it ok to seek medical assistance? Should they just show their vaccine card and ID to the Ambulance Driver? Just wanted to clarify.
If Joe Rogen offered his own brand of ivermectin, I would eat it them like candy. How many jabs of the fauci sauce are you willing to take is what you should be thinking about. Worry about yourself and I will follow the science.
This photo really cracks me up. Doesn’t it look like he’s about to start singing, “Tie a yellow ribbon ‘round the old oak tree.”