Home » Be Careful If You Visit San Francisco – Statistics Show Epidemic Of Car Break-Ins Getting Worse

Be Careful If You Visit San Francisco – Statistics Show Epidemic Of Car Break-Ins Getting Worse


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What a sad situation.

Shoot ‘em!

In the leg……that’s what Biden said the cops should do.

It’s exactly what the state government democrats, the SF government democrats and the supporters of prop 47 and 57 want.

This is so very true!.
And what’s scarier it says these liberals don’t see the damage they’re doing and want to keep it up!
Our neighbor drove her Mercedes to Union square parking garage. When went to the car to leave it would not start. So she called AAA. They open the hood and then they said her “you didn’t drive here today did you?”. ..
Ends up they stole her engine while the car was parked in the underground garage.

^Wow! That’s incredible. It’s a perfect example of how criminals run free in SF.

Haven’t been to sf in over a decade, will remember it as it was.

‘San Francisco Is Suffering From The Excesses Of Its Own Liberalism’

That’s my sentiment-I want to remember the city as it was before the revolution. You know-before the turds.
I think it will be very difficult for the city to return to any sort of normality
and it will affect the Hospitality industry the most.

I think the statistics were something like this: here 30,000 cars were broken into in San Francisco. They caught three people two are let loose immediately and one was brought to trial but then released right away.
It’s only going to get worse.
*Will not vote for a Democrat ever again*


And I’ll post again that all of the gun stores have been packed and can’t even stay stocked.

I do care if my ip address is traced, flash mob my house and I’m afraid for my life ~ many will be carried out.

2A was NOT for hunting.

… and this is Mayor of SF London Breed’s example of cracking down on car break – ins? …what a joke… recall? I couldn’t vote in it as I’m not a SF resident..

Which is why I won’t visit SF any longer. If I can’t expect personal safety, or that my car won’t be broken into or stolen, the city does not get my money.

Exactly how I feel. Passing up a party in SF this weekend for these very reasons.

Walnut Creek is bad enough. Why risk going to SF?

I was born and raised there. Moved to Concord in 1980. My grandfather worked for the city, my father was a firefighter for 30 years with the SFFD and I stay as far away from that turd of a city as I can.

To quote DA Larry Krasner of Philadelphia PA: Tourists Shouldn’t Fear Coming To Philadelphia For Holidays: ‘We Don’t Have A Crisis Of Crime’ despite empirical evidence to the contrary.

Just replace Larry Krasner with Chesa Boudin and change Philadelphia to San Francisco and there you go; I’ve given you the official response of the DA of the City and County of San Francisco.

You are obviously mistaken. Nothing to see here. Please move along and watch out for the broken glass.

this is what the libs wanted and here you go.

SF is off-limits except to maintain my rental and an occasional SF Giants game.
Oakland is totally off-limits.. it’s a DUMP.


99% (statistics show), if your stupid enough to leave stuff visible in your car parked ANYWHERE it’s gonna get broken into.
So it’s pretty easy to figure out what to do prevent your vehicle from broken into.

What a shame. Used to be such a great city to visit now I won’t go anywhere near that cesspool.

My family and I haven’t been there in years and will not be going back there ever again. That city is beyond disgusting.

I used to go to S.F a lot. Sometimes I would go and justvwalk around , get a drink. Just hope on BART and go. I haven’t done that in about 10years. Just started feeling unsafe and I would go during the day. It just got gross.

I’m sure that San Francisco governments support, encouragement and love of criminals is in no way causing thieves to come from outside the city to steal and rob.

Concord has 30 to 50 car Break-ins a week .
They stopped putting them in the weekly Police report about a year ago .
I guess they think it will make the city look better .
I want to know where they are happing , But that info is unavailable now .

I try and avoid Concord, too. That’s why.

Any clowns out there still think Liberalism is cool and progressive?

Probably some of you have similar memories:
When I was a kid San Francisco during the holidays was such a magic place. We would get dressed up in our church outfits and visit FAO Schwartz to see all the latest toys; view the giant tree in the City of Paris dome; visit Santa’s village at Macy’s etc. Then on to Ghirardelli Square for dinner. It was all larger than life when you are less than ten years old.

Now, I wouldn’t even consider such a visit. There is nothing charming about crime and filth. It’s sad today’s kids have to miss out on these formerly great experiences in SF.

Agree 100%. Need to add – see the puppies/kittens in the windows of Gumps on Maiden Lane and visit Podesta’s Flowers

News flash just this morning : tourists visiting San Francisco had their car broken into and luggage stolen while they were STILL in the car!!!

San Francisco… liberals’ paradise.
No thanks.

Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair. 😜

Really wanted to get back to the city and eat at House of Prime Rib. Bit of a tradition for us. Love the big Hendriks gin slightly dirty martinis. Now can’t drive in, can’t Bart in and it’s way too expensive to Uber or Limo in.
Just a shame.



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