The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it!
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
We received this letter from a frustrated parent of a 4th grade student at a local school this morning.
Hi Claycord, I need some advice from my fellow Claycordians. My 4th grader came home from school yesterday and told me her teacher told the class Santa Claus isn’t real. Now I fully understand Christmas isn’t about Santa Claus (so do my children), but obviously he’s a huge part of Christmas for many children worldwide. It really pissed me off, for many reasons, because it’s not the teacher’s job to explain those things, it’s the parent’s job.
Am I making a bigger deal out of it than I should, or should I complain to the principal?
Claycordians – what’s your opinion?
Talk about it….
Im my personal opinion 4th grade is old enough to have this discussions in public. However, the teacher should know better. It’s obviously controversial and opinions are widely varied so she really should not have said anything….
That’s so sad and so unnecessary, what was the teacher’s motivation? I would speak to the other parents and see if you can present a united front to the principal!
Teachers in California really should try teaching good old math, english, and science a little more and a lot better!
Teachers be sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong a lot these days, the conversation about Santa is one of them.
You are not making a big deal about it…you are 100% correct and I would be angry as well. What’s next? Easter bunny, Tooth fairy, Religion etc…
That is wrong
I would complain to her directly
And ask her why ???
Let her know it is not her job as a teacher to do what she did!
You’re correct……the parent needs to go directly to the source.
I would start homeschooling then you won’t have to deal with this problem.
Absolutely complain. That is a discussion for the family.
What kind of teacher would even have the expectation that a fourth grade student might still think Santa Claus is real, aren’t they about nine years old by then? I think their peers probably would’ve set them straight by the time they’ve reached eight or nine years old, and it would hopefully be done on a friendly basis to keep the more malevolent types from teasing (otherwise known as humiliating) them for believing there’s a fat old man in the sky who manages to go everywhere in the entire world in a little sleigh with enough presents to deliver to all of the children.🤔
Sensible words of wisdom, Silva. Thank you!
Sensible words of wisdom, you say? I say those words sound like BAH HUMBUG.
Teachers will say just about anything they want to say. They won’t get fired because their union protects them.
It depends under what context the subject was brought up in. However the teacher could have had a better answer ready. If it was just an announcement the teacher was wrong.
no you’re not making a too big of deal out of it – complain to the principal and the teacher – she has no business saying that
You are not making a big deal out of it, and you should complain to the principle. What the teacher did was cruel, and should be reprimanded. Children live in a world of fantasy and make believe, and it’s not the teacher’s job to destroy that world. Then explain to your child that the teacher is a Grinch and that Mrs Clause would be hurt if she found out that Santa isn’t real, and what would happen to all the elves?
Of course Santa is real, has anybody ever proven he isn’t?
I agree with you that the teacher way overstepped his/her authority and it was a sleazy thing to do. However, you haven’t seen anything yet as far as teachers grabbing authority over your kids. They will teach them what political party they should belong to, shame for whatever their ancestors did, and so on. Do not bother complaining because teachers acquire a ‘god’ complex where they cannot be wrong. The first wake up moment for me was when we went to the school for a conference, and our kid was in line a few feet from us and so scared of the teacher she just stood there with a frozen look afraid to greet us. It is so sad what teachers do to these kids.
TDL – I wish you wouldn’t make these broad statements. It’s insulting to the many many teachers out there who put everything they have into these children. My daughter is a second grade teacher and she cherishes these magical moments with her students. She, unlike this ONE teacher being discussed here, is right now dealing with students in her classroom telling one another that Santa doesn’t exist. Who are they hearing that from? She does her best to avoid this question every day. She does not have a ‘God’ complex and realizes full well that she doesn’t have all of the answers. And yes, students, especially the younger ones, embellish (I won’t use the word lie), all of the time. Oftentimes, they are looking for attention from their parents. I would encourage parents to contact the teacher if they are dissatisfied or questioning something that happened in the classroom… that’s their job as a parent. I can’t speak for all teachers, but I will share that my daughter spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to a university that provided the best education for hopeful young aspiring teachers. She went beyond that and also earned a special education degree because of her passion for every child. She was not in a class of one. There are many just like her that are trudging through this education system that pays absolutely NOTHING, because it’s her passion to education and hopefully make a difference in the lives of her students. She’s not “grabbing authority” as you so eloquently put it. We’re lucky we have any teachers left at all.
PL: I wish I was not in a position to make these very negative generalizations but I just had too many negative experiences. I’m sure there are many good teachers and hopefully your daughter is one. The others are the ones we obsess over. One rather mean and petty example recently is my kid told me they handed out in class a list of what Democrats and Republicans believe, had the students read it and raise their hands to indicate which party they support, then segregated them by party at different tables to discuss issues. What the h$ll is that with the wall posters all over about being kind and inclusive but in the class you are segregated by political beliefs? That teacher was teaching division and segregation, physically removing them from their friends to label them by political party. Also, don’t take me too seriously, I am just some person yakking on the internet killing time before I pick up someone else’s kid at school.
It’s inappropriate, but let it go. By the fourth grade most kids no longer believe in Santa Claus anyway. Whether they hear this from older siblings, their friends, etc. kids hear it all the time. A child will believe/disbelieve what they want.
Also – there is always the possibility that the child is making this up. Perhaps testing the parents to see what the parent will say. It’s not what any parent wants to hear, but kids make things up all the time. Is the child telling the truth or trying to get the teacher in trouble?
What would be the kid’s motivation? Seriously why would they make that up to get a teacher in trouble?
Do you think that the kid in LA that came home after being vaccinated made that up? They were told to not tell their parent and here is a pizza? (they had the CDC card, by the way)
The point I’m making here is teachers are so important to our kids and the future of all, it’s imperative that parents are more involved and that teachers, schools, school districts, and schools unions are held accountable for what they say and do!
I draw the line at Harry Hanukkah…
Bay Area residents believing men can give birth is much more grounded in reality
@ Bruh 😂
Although not the most urgent issue, I agree that it is not up to the teacher. Only the parents can determine when it would be appropriate to inform their child about Santa Claus. I wasen’t sure when I should tell my daughter, however I remember driving with her in the car and she informed me that she no longer believed in Santa Claus I think she was 6 and 1/2, and it was Christmas time, so it obviously is something she had thought about. I don’t remember if she gave me a reason, but I don’t think she got it from school. She was born in 1980, now my granddaughter is 5 and my grandson almost 2, so it will be interesting to see how long the believe in Santa Claus.
When you stop believing in Santa Claus, you start getting underwear for Christmas.
And sometimes that’s a GOOD thing! 😁
I disagree with Kentucky Derby to let it go that her son is old enough to know about Santa. If the teacher did say this tell the boy there was no Santa she should be confronted as to why she did it. Not saying the boy making up the story up, but I do agree that it he may have heard it from another child. Then approached the mother with saying the teacher said it, thinking his mother would confirm the story. My opinion approach the teacher and nicely ask if she told the kids there was no Santa. If the teacher states she did, then the mother should then let the teacher know she doesn’t think it was appropriate of her to tell this to the child. Even if they were of age to know. If the child made the story up. She should ask the child why, and let them know that he could come to his parents and be truthful.
All of your arguments are misguided and are totally missing the point. Yes, the teacher was wrong. Because Santa Claus IS real! Why are we obsessing over meaningless hypotheticals?
Phew, thank goodness, my Christmas list required much thought this year!
Hopefully, he(preferred pronoun) will get it, although I’m expecting it to end up at my neighbors, as I seem to get all their mail…!
I’d be more concerned about a teacher teaching fairy tales as facts.
Fourth grade scenario?
My guess is that certain students were arguing and belittling one another from both directions on the subject. So the teacher went over to see what the problem was, and someone asked her the direct question, “Is Santa Claus real?”
I respect a teacher who is honest. Children need to have accuracy and trustworthiness in their mentors and classroom experiences.
You have every right to be upset and if it were me, I would definitely have a talk with that teacher.
Wait?!? Are you telling me Santa’s not real?!? What the heck guys. Not the way I wanted to find out.
Santa Claus probably isn’t the “hill to die on”, but apparently we now know, thanks to Zoom teaching within earshot of parents, that the current lot of teachers have been doing an exemplary job of indoctrinating children to suit their political, cultural, and religious propaganda while postulating that “they know what’s best for the kids.”
In the end, I sincerely hope the lessons learned during the plague puts a camera in every classroom to allow parents to see exactly what’s going on in their children’s daily curriculum.
Hey MDUSD, how about you spend money on webcams in the classrooms instead of teaching critical race theory, non-binary sexual identity, building shared bathrooms, and have BLM on all of your street billboards?!?
I would tell my Kids… Santa would show up as long as you believed in Him… MY 18 yr Olds got lots of nice things…
My children are Santas now, and they still believe.
Bob, totally agree.
Cowellian, we’re still believers, too…….and 4th grade was a very long time ago.
Not a big deal, the sooner you’re honest with your kids about Santa, Easter, etc. the better, make it a teachable moment, if you don’t want teachers breaking your kids myth bubble, get ahead and have that talk.
This is the kind of thing that happens when so many people let the schools raise their children and people elect crummy people to the school board.
Really don’t think it was the teacher’s place, since it does not have anything to do with her job description.
With our daughter, at the age of about 3 years old, we shared there were tradition stories of how Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Faire came about. It was up to Mom & Dad’s to make the fun happen. So, to say the least, when our daughter lost her first tooth, she mentioned it with a big smile, it was time to contact the Tooth Faire.
The talk about drugs & sex came at a later date, and that worked out well too.
Destroying innocence it what they love to do. Teachers are the absolute worst type of people in the world. Childish, lazy, and self centered. Teachers today are some of the most arrogant idiots teaching an agenda thinking they are smart. Let’s be honest, most teachers couldn’t teach anything of value if their life depended on it. But here in the bay area they will teach kids men can give birth and corrupt their heads with marxist garbage.
While I, as posted earlier, don’t think it is the teacher job to inform children about whether Santa Claus is real or not, I would not say teacher the worst type of people in the world. I think most teach because the love children and want to teach them important thing. I’m grateful my daughter had good teachers, I certainly would not want to be a teacher, I worked as a an aide in Denmark with children 2 to 6 years old, I loved it, but it is not an easy job. I doubt that Sam has the patience to do it. Although there might be teacher that fit Sams very dark and negative describtion I don’t think it fit most teachers, Sam seem to be negative about EVERYTHING, must be exhausting.
You’re right, I don’t have the patience for it.
Do you know the saying about one bad apple spoils the bunch? It’s because when your packing apples, if just one apple gets bruised it starts releasing gases that will eventually spoil the box or barrel. We happen to be at the point where most of the apples are bad.
What does saying Santa is not real have to do with teaching, nothing of course. Teachers need to stick to the basics of ecucation and keep their mouths shut regarding myths and their own personal beliefs.
We never did Santa with my son. He was pretty decent about not spoiling it for others. But one year a teacher, one-on-one, told him that Santa was real. He told her that, no, he wasn’t, and that it’s okay because his mom told him. The teacher then proceeded to tell him that if he tried really hard to be really good that Santa would come to the house. I was furious.
They are not schools they are indoctrination centers for the left if we can get the federal government out of our school system we would be a lot better off black lives matter lgbtq CAIR all of them have influence in our school system no one gets D’s or D’s anymore. The schools have completely been dumbed down homeschooling is the only way to go until things change
Absolutely was not the teacher’s place to tell the kids that there is no Santa Claus. I don’t care if it is 4th graders. Teach the children reading, writing, arithmetic, etc…Stay the bleep away from the areas that you have absolutely no right to be. And let’s face it we all have heard the stories about many teachers….not all teachers mind you but many teachers trying to expand their “level of influence” far, far beyond what is appropriate. They need to do their own job and allow parents to do theirs.
At least they didn’t claim that Krampus wasn’t real!
funny how Europeans don’t even celebrate the holiday seasons on the same dates as the western hemispheres do. Why is that ?
What are you talking about? I’m from Denmark, and Denmark and I think all of Northern Europe celebrate Christmas. We have the traditional Christmas meal on the 24th, we then (only few countries do that) join hand and walk around the tree and sing psalms and christmas song. Then we open op Christmas presents. On the 25th at least in Denmakr and the Scandinavian country we have a sit down meal in the middle of the day, it starts with herring, then some warm meals, then smorgasbord, followed by coffee and cookie. Often beer, snaps and some kind of liquer is served. The meal can last a few hours. Christmas Eve is mostly for children and close family such as grandparents, while Christmas day might include a few more family members and close friends. Most store are also closed on the 26th, we need a day to recover from all the food etc.
I’m curious who told you Europeans don’t celebrate Christmas on the same date as Americans?
That teacher a real one for keeping it 100 with it students. Whoever has an issue with it needs to step out into the real world. Santa Claus doesn’t exist but Karen does.
“English mf, do you speak it”
You leave Karen alone…just leave her alone
I never told my son, who is 35, that there isn’t a Santa Claus. I always said that if he doesn’t believe in Santa, he won’t get any presents lol! Although one year it backfired on us. He said that if you won’t get me “whatever” present I’ll just ask Santa!
Ha, Ha, My daughter did the same while she still believed in Santa Claus. I told her to behave or she wouldn’t get any presents, she calmly informed me that Santa would bring presents, so there.
Christmas is under siege, look at HBO’s Santa Inc. ffs.
The whole happy holidays thing is such a farce. Just trying to erase Christmas and Christ.
There’s no Santa Clause?
I would be pissed if this was my child. Actually, I am pissed regardless. Here’s the thing, whether your fourth grader believes in Santa, questions Santa, or doesn’t believe. It is not a teacher’s place to confirm or deny the existence of Santa. There are ways of getting around having to answer if they were even asked. To this day, my grandmother will never admit Santa is not real and I am 39. Same with my 14 year old. She knows Santa is not real but I will never admit that to her. Not because I want her to believe but because it’s something special that is part of her childhood. Its not right for some teacher to take that away. Yeah, kids may say it but when it comes from an adult with authority like a teacher it obviously had a completely different impact. I would not only go to the principal, I would confront the teacher as well.
I am a teacher and this is absolutely not okay. She is pushing her beliefs and crossing the line on a parental decision.
Every year , usually around the time when one of my students is getting a new sibling, the topic of where babies comes from comes up. I stick with science, age appropriate, and then move on. My answer is one cell from the mom and one cell from the dad come together and a baby grows. Then its moving on to the next topic. I tell my parents from the start that it comes up every year and a trusted adult should never lie to a child because then they can not trust you anymore.
One thing that came up a couple of times is I have two children of my own and chose not to get married. One time a student asked what my husbands name is , as my son went to my school. I said I do not have a husband and he said oh you are divorced . I said no I have never been married. He said but you have kids and you have to be married to have babies. I said my family is a little different, everyone’s family is different.
The lesson here is do not lie to your children about having to be married to have babies because scientifically you do not. If you do say that then when they find out you lied you break your trust with them. What you can say is that is your family’s belief and that is what you want for them.
I once had a 2yr old go home and tell her mom that I was beating her with a baseball bat. I obviously hadn’t but had the parent gone straight to my director it could have been career ending. She came to me and we talked it through. My point is that you should talk to the teacher first. Get her take on what happened. If you’re not satisfied then go to the principal.
The teacher no doubt assumed that no 9yo believes in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy or little green men who live on the moon.
A lot of kids are let down and outraged that their parents lied to them about Santa Claus in the first place.
I went to Catholic school in the 50s. We were propagandized every moment we were there by nuns who were not exactly open, friendly or affectionate. The lay teachers had no teaching credentials to speak of and one of them was rather evil. I still think about her.
When my daughter started public school here in the aughts, I was surprised to find that her teachers were kind and friendly to their students.
Mom, thank your lucky stars that you have nothing worse to complain about.
Probably you are over reacting. By the time a kid is 9 or 10 they should have already been inducted into the Secret Santa Society. It would depend on how the teacher revealed this information. In any case, the first person to address would be the teacher, who happens to be an ordinary human being, with normal human faults, such as yourself.
If you tell your kids the Tooth Fairy is a Vampire you can save yourself alot of money…. no teeth under the pillows in my house when I was growing up!
What’s there to complain about…that a teacher told a truth?
The correct response is: “Everyone has different beliefs” much like religion, or lack thereof.
“Teachers” did not do this. One teacher did. The teacher in question was out of line. Please remember most of us are parents as well as teachers. We would never consider discussing such a thing in class.
It is nobody’s business to spoil the fun for our kids. Must be part of the new “woke” idiots who are trying to change life. The new “Core” change in teaching is ruining our kids and hurting the country overall.