Home » Mail Carriers Starting Rounds Earlier Than Usual During The Holidays

Mail Carriers Starting Rounds Earlier Than Usual During The Holidays


Mail carriers for the U.S. Postal Service will start their rounds earlier than usual in the Bay Area during the holiday season to keep up with heavy volumes of mail and packages expected over the next month.

Neighborhood letter carriers will be out as early as 6 a.m. during the postal service’s peak season, which runs from Thanksgiving to New Years Day, according to a post office spokesperson.

The U.S. Postal Service will deliver between 850 million and 950 million packages over the holidays. In all, an estimated 12 billion letters, cards and packages will be processed and delivered.

The busiest week is expected to be December 13-18, when nearly 2.3 billion pieces of mail, including greeting cards and packages, will be processed and delivered, according to the post office.


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That sounds good but where did they deliver a child’s birthday card mailed 3 weeks ago? Had a return address and not returned either.

Birthday cards sometimes contain money. You should have made it look like a bill.

Sometimes a piece of mail will get left at the bottom of a mail bag. Will be re-delivered in 23 yrs or so…lol

Sometimes mail gets mistakenly delivered to the wrong address and the receiver chooses not to pass it to the intended recipient or give it back to the postal carrier.

Some neighbors are great while others not so much.

One next door neighbor sometimes gets my mail and walks over to put through my slot. I don’t think I’ve had the neighbor on the other side ever do that. I would get their mail and just put it through their slot but a carrier asked that I return it to them so they’ll know when they mess up.

A couple years back I didn’t receive a wedding invitation from a close relative and they wondered why I didn’t show up. It must’ve wound up at some other house. I know at the time there seemed to be a carrier in training delivering mail.

… really? 6:17PM here – still no mail… sometimes we get it by 9PM … no kidding

Been to the post office the last few years? What a perfect example of government workers and government waste.

Like police, firefighters, courts, environmentalists, DMV workers, and all the rest, it’s yet another facet of the socialist welfare state.

Let private enterprise handle all of it, as needed, and watch the costs shrink and service improve. Common sense but will never happen.



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