The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you feel safe going into a mall or department store right now after seeing the recent stories about criminal mobs rushing in, stealing hundreds of items and assaulting people?
Talk about it….
I always feel safe going out anywhere cause I carry. Someone comes at me or my family in a threatening manor I won’t hesitate to defend myself. I have in the past and most certainly will again if need be.
I won’t however try to stop anyone from shoplifting, rioting, or anything else being looted, burned or trashed, that’s the cops job even though they won’t intervene, but trespass on me no problem taking them out.
Seriously though isn’t it illegal to carry in California sadly?
No it’s not…I’ve been carrying for 40 years in California.
I’m a tough guy even without a gun..but you never bring your fists to an agressor with a gun. That’d be like bringing a skateboard up against a guy carrying an AR-15.
Not for me, I’m HR218.
Also having our main residence in Placer County it was very easy to get carry permits for everyone in our family there, The Sheriff’s department doesn’t have their heads up their asses in those counties outside the immediate Bay area and issue carry permits. So my first 20 years in CCC I carried with no permit, no big deal, then bought a place in Placer and got permits.
We have lots of friends in CCC that carry without permits, it’s not as rare as people think to carry with no permit it’s concealed no one’s gonna see it anyway.
Wanna permit get property in Nevada or Placer counties.
California is sorely behind the times WRT shall-issue CCW. Shall-issue CCW is taking the nation by storm as more and more states adopt the policy. The police are a day late and a dollar short when it comes to our protection. Every human being on earth has the right to self-defense and the right to carry the means to defend oneself and one’s family.
The first thing I am doing when I retire out-of-state or to a free county in the foothills is to apply for a CCW permit.
Not sure about the malls. Most of the stores I would shop at are not high end merchants.
Yes. I don’t go into Macy’s that often @ Sun Valley Mall, which is where I normally go in to. I mark my surroundings from the moment I park to walking in and what’s around me. I never look anyone in the eye, but usually know when I being watched or followed.
Had that happen at the Stoneridge mall years back coming down the escalator. Many rapes had been reported there. Guy marked me, followed me from store to store standing back, all the way thru, waiting for me to exit. I intentionally went into more shops than intended I was alone. He’d stand outside and wait. Told the employees, Security got him. Realize that is different than what is happening now with these groups, but safety is safety and risk is risk as a shopper. One knows when someone is protected or marked.
I don’t visit any of the high end stores that are getting robbed so no.
Also, alot of the corporate businesses that are getting drained of merchandise supported the riots last summer so I don’t feel particularly sorry for the business, though I do feel for the employees and that have to deal with all this crap because their bosses decided to promote this toxic culture.
…. nope… not WC BP anymore or Sunvalley for now until tougher prosecution arrests and apprehension is demonstrated. Heard about the wacko back in WI I think it was where a guy killed 5 people and hurt 40+ driving through a shopping crowd because of a family disturbance…. that street in BP between Nordy’s and PF Chang would be an example of where a wacko would do the same thing 🙁 We need a tougher DA first thing.
You most definitely heard wrong and should reconsider Where you’re getting your misinformation.
What happened in Wisconsin was a Christmas parade and an upset 8lack thug INTENTIONALLY mowed down those in the parade. Intentionally. on Purpose.
Media has caused ALL of this and need to pay the price.
Anon – no, just listened to the report again on TV – he had a family dispute – was in WI and yes it was intentional – same could happen on the street I mentioned. Media caused this? Where are you getting your information?
We’re a little bit uneasy. We did decide to stay home last night and not go to Walnut Creek.
We went to the Veranda in Concord instead which was very nice.
Hate to say it though – and I’m sure it’s politically incorrect – but if we are anywhere now, and see gangs of black youth charging we will definitely a planned exit strategy.
Veranda, you mean The Home of auto burglaries? BP is much safer than anywhere in Concord/PH, not that it counts for much.
There’s a difference between see youths of any color charging, and getting out of the way, and being suspicious of just a few people or a family and being. The former l think most of us would react that way, the latter a totally different story.
No. And if you don’t either, consider sending an email or making a phone call to your representatives. If you are in the Claycord area, that is:
Tim Grayson: https://a14.asmdc.org/
Steve Glazer: https://sd07.senate.ca.gov/
Mark Desaulnier: https://desaulnier.house.gov/
Tell them that you want to see something done about the rising crime in the area. When people do not feel safe, they vote for whoever is going to actually do something about it. Time to repeal Prop 47. This cannot be allowed to continue this way.
@happy Squash
I like your suggestion and information. Thank you. I just want to add some more info: Mary Knox is running for District Attorney in 2022. She is an experienced Deputy DA with the know how to do a responsible job for our county.
Mark DeSaulnier is running for re-election next year and he usually votes for policies that are not always good for average Americans.
Here’s an article dated November 22, 2021 that you may find interesting and informative from the California Globe, entitled “California’s Alarming Cocktail of Criminal Justice ‘Reforms’ Responsible for Major Crime Wave” about legislation passed regarding crime in California.
How come all these folks that own guns swear they don’t feel safe anywhere?
I guess guns don’t keep anyone safe. Odd.
Who is saying that? Anyone who says they don’t feel safe even owning or carry a gun shouldn’t even own one.
It is almost impossible to get a carry permit in this county unless you have a business related reason, such as carrying cash after hours to deposit, or a real estate agent working alone, things like that. If you are well-connected and wealthy, then you can get one. Otherwise, nope. Your gun stays home. Criminals however don’t worry about carrying without a permit.
Have no fear, the Supreme Court is about to change all of that. Mind you, I’m not in favor of everyone carrying, I think an 8 hour class through the Sheriff should be required, it’s a huge responsibility.
Went to Walmart today, no problem. Busy though, looks like a lot of people got the week off.
Well I guess Walmart would probably not be a target of such mobs. They lose their merchandise through constant individual thefts. Notice all the lock cabinets now? Even for aftershave or batteries! The BLM protesters often do finish up their rallys by ransacking a Target store.
No way….. when me an my homies go looting we always head to the Target store…. Walmart carries too much Chinese crap…. Looting Walmart would be un-American.
Yes, our family feels safe. If we observe anything criminal, we’ll be happy to observe and be good witnesses and not try to be any kind of heros by intervening-thats the responsibility of law-enforcement. It’s reassuring to have a Conceal to Carry permit if things go South.
I am more concerned about 2A folks trying to play hero.
I am more concerned that we have people looting store with no fear then I would with a few responsible gun owners using their God given rights.
My wife doesn’t like going to DTWC anymore, especially after dark. I hope the city morons enjoy their tax revenue loss.
I am not afraid to shop anywhere. There has always been a risk of a robbery, or even an armed robbery, in just about any store. A bank is probably at greater risk, but that doesn’t stop me from doing my banking business. However, I wouldn’t trust anybody that, in my view, looks and/or is acting in a suspicious way, especially if they are wearing a hoodie over their head, and their pants down below their drawers. Everything in life is a risk. Driving in traffic, walking down the street, even eating, there is always the risk of choking to death. I just don’t go through life worrying about it. I usually exercise a little caution when using an ATM, but that’s about it.
I used to carry often, when doing bank drop box deposits at night (part of the job – had to do ’em) or riding shotgun for a friend that had to do the late night drops on his job… no permits, the boss didn’t know I carried either. I kept one handy when I worked tending bar & managing restaurants too (not on my person, but within easy reaching distance).
I could have gotten in trouble, but I didn’t.
I just looked at it as part of my life insurance policy.
Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Hey DAWG: and what ethnicity would anyone meeting your cautious eye be?? My experience is that it’s almost always a member of the 13%
Getting pretty sick of it, myself. Maybe we made a big mistake in this country 300 years ago(?) It would have worked out a whole lot better if the new settlers in this continent decided to pick their own cotton.
Just one man’s opinion.(??)
@ Redrazor….. I had to grab my gun once when a guy tried to break into my home about 3:00 AM… he ran off & cops caught him… it was a White guy….
Sh*t comes in many colors…
redrazor—I’ve been saying the same thing for years. The 13% complain about slavery, but if it wasn’t for slavery, they’d still be in Africa. Anybody that has studied history knows it was the Dems that fought to keep slavery, and the Republicans fought against it. US Grant and Lincoln were both Republicans.
White privilege my a$$, they are the most privileged in the country. The government bends over backwards to appease them, and the only thanks we get is violent behavior. One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of the bleeding heart libs that defend them live in predominately White neighborhoods, and when any minority family moves in, the same bleeding heart libs are the first to move out.
….stopped shopping after dark a LONG time ago, so I’m alert but not fearful.
I wouldn’t feel safe in the Bay Area, especially in a high-end department store or a drug store.
But in my new home state, where open and concealed-carry do not require a permit, I have no fear. People are polite and the 5 or 10-finger discount is ‘discouraged’.
I always feel safe as I carry too. If myself, or someone is facing imminent danger, I’ll do what I’ve been trained to do, no questions asked. Kyle has set a new tone in America. It’s “fool around and find out”.
Let’s go Brandon.
It only takes a small amount of imagination to project into the near future when a similar media fueled race narrative will drive the black mobs crazy
What are we supposed to do then shelter in place?
Soon we will hear on the media their lament that only “if we would all get fully vaccinated that the crime waves will end”
These are Obama goons and they are not acting in isolation
It is a conspiracy to steal from middle class white areas
We have a Marxist DA who was funded by Soros
Dem politicians take orders they don’t act individually
This is why there is only silence from them now
#MeanTweets 2024
I feel safe. In the words of FDR “you have nothing to fear but fear itself.” There is inherent risk in everyday living, and I’m not easily intimidated.
I would LOVE it if Nordstrom just closed the store and left. Also Tiffanys, Macys, and every other store on Broadway Plaza. That’s the only thing the WC city council will understand.
… unfortunately you may be right
Time to move to Alamo or Danville?
I wonder what would happen if people just started going into Nordstrom or Macys, pulling a pair of shoes or a garment off the rack, and then walking out with it. Not big groups of people like what happened Sat. night, but just individuals (but 100s of them) taking one or two things and just walking out without paying.
What do you think would happen? It would be an interesting social experiment.
Been saying this for months.
Everyone go into the store, pick want you want and leave.
Watch how fast things change after a week.
@ BORbeliever ~ It’s already happening in San Francisco. Walgreens has permanently closed 17 of its stores because shoplifters are making them unprofitable & dangerous.
I have not really considered this until the above question was posed. I generally do not like going to malls/department stores anymore, although if they decorate nicely for Christmas, may go for that. At my core, I would not be afraid to go to these places; I am more afraid of spending money. If these gangs begin assaulting more, perhaps I would think twice, as I am not able to (legally) conceal carry, though I wish I were. It is comforting knowing there are trained, armed people out there (Torco, Make My, Chris, Jeff); more are needed
I’m surprised people have no guilt or remorse over these crimes. (And everything else going on) Thank the Lord I was made to go to Sunday School! It made me a better person for life!
Badge 1104—Low levels of intelligence are also associated with a low level of emotional intelligence. A consequence of low emotional intelligence, results in not feeling any remorse, and is a key factor in criminal and violent behavior.
@happy Squash
Contact our “REPRESENTATIVES” ???????
They don’t care. How do you think we got in this mess to begin with????
Well said!
Rumor has it Governor Newsom is aware of the situation and has a plan. He has identified the “Root Cause” of this behavior: He is personally leading a task force to go after those crooked Hammer and Crowbar manufacturers.
I am concerned when shopping.
Let’s defund the police and hire guidance counselors.
Poor misguided criminals just need a shoulder to cry on.
Give them a livable wage (with built-in increases), homes, cars, healthcare, food, clothing, cell phones, PG&E, water, taxes, and child care, and they won’t be criminals any longer.
I hang out at many malls. In the long run (like a year or more) it is safe.
However, if I hear any coming up protest ( especially when it relate to police shooting or court verdict with racial undertone), I stay away from the mall because troublemakers (arsonists, looters,..) are there. Having said that, I am going to wait for the verdict from GA and the release report of SF police involved shooting that happened last Friday . If the verdict is acquittal or the deceased of the shooting is black, I stay away from mall
So, my wife goes to Nordstrom WC on the way home and there’s nothing amiss in the store, it’s as if nothing ever happened? I’m beginning to wonder if this is all fake.
Yea insurance fraud comes to mind in alot of these occurances.
No. I don’t feel safe in my front yard anymore, nevermind a crowded mall. And, I’m angry about it.
I will be called a racist to extrapolate the actions of these groups who attack merchants to my own personal safety and the safety of my family as shoppers and visitors. I can easily imagine even this very legitimate question that is posed here to be labeled as racist by a certain class of people. The same people who like to make excuses for these horrible acts against the very fiber of civil society, who dismiss it as some rare anomaly, rather than seeing the dumbfounding frequency and what it says about a significant segment of the country.
That said, we should extrapolate and be concerned. Each of my parents were victims. All they lost was money, so I am grateful they were not physically harmed. Even then it was traumatic. “They” (interpret “they” how you will) look for vulnerability, for soft spots. My parents were older when they were victimized, once in Walnut Creek and once in Pleasant Hill. My mother is a widow now and I got her a personal alarm and I insist that she does not go out alone.
You might be physically fit and sharp as a tack, but even then, keep your wits about you. Always be aware of your surroundings. If you see a group of “them,” just know they are not selling girl scout cookies.
It is the world we live in now, unfortunately. I hate to say it, but the writers of “The Walking Dead” wrote a line for a zombie apocalypse that is pertinent today: “The weak get taken.” My reaction to the news of the past weekend: mourning. Heaven help us all.
Years ago, my father-in-law was mugged in San Francisco by a group of “them.” They literally kicked him to death.
When they start doing smash and grabs at the flea market that’s when I’ll worry!
It happened at the Antioch flea market about three months ago. I asked the on-site manager that why the market had 4 armed security instead of 1 armed security. The on-site manager honestly told me that the black robbed vendors
Personally assaulted, no…my car being assaulted, yes. Constantly evaluating whether it’s safe to park…at malls, certain parts of town & especially at trail heads,