State schools Superintendent Tony Thurmond announced Friday the formation of a committee to make recommendations to expand the availability of gender neutral bathrooms on California school campuses.
Thurmond will form a committee comprised of students, school staff and key partners like Equality California who will brainstorm solutions for ensuring that schools have these facilities.
“We have to give our students all the support they need, including access to bathrooms they can use safely,” he said in a statement issued by his office. “I have been inspired by the students who have advocated on this issue and want to give students the opportunity to be a part of finding the solutions.”
Thurmond asked state Sen. Connie Leyva, D-Chino, to co-chair the committee.
How about students using the bathrooms that are already provided.
How long before they don’t have any students going to state-run schools?
I am sick of finding the toilet seat up every time and being walked in on
because of faulty locks. You are right about the risk of rape and more..
Will biologically male students be expelled for hate crimes if they pee on the seats?
Female squatter’s should be included in that lol.
If students are having trouble using a restroom safely, then either the schools need to get some security guards and have the police file criminal charges against the offenders OR the particular students should be sent back to pre-school.
Granted, if every restroom is open to anyone, that would have logistical benefits.
And this is going to improve student achievement in English, Math, etc… how?
That would matter if they cared about improving that. But, all they care about is making “woke” students who will not question their overlords’ distractions from the actual important issues.
This sums up very nicely why our schools are amongst the worst in the United States, keeping in mind that the United Staes schools already fall well below those in the rest of the world!
Truly mind blowing to me!
Look at these confused gender bending fools trying to convince people boys can be girls and girls can be boys. These are the same idiots who believe in the COVID psyop. They are attacking children and society and need to be stopped. These are the domestic terrorists.
I am so sick of these idiots dumping adult issues on kids. Why is this so important ? How many transgender students are there really. Add one bathroom room with one stall just for them instead of forcing this crap on all the other students. 99 percent of the students having to deal with 1 percent if even that of the student population.
Bottom line is:
You have a weiner you go to boys bathroom.
You have a kitty you go to girls bathroom.
How hard is this to understand? You got a problem with this go out back and find a tree or a hole to go in.
Shame on people who set up children for having to use a toilet with a giant puddle of urine in front of it. Not to mention the obvious other hazards.
I would not want my little kids to have to negotiate this stupidity.
BTW transgendered people have been using what ever bathroom they want with out anyones help for decades.
“BTW transgendered people have been using what ever bathroom they want with out anyones help for decades.”
Right, which is why its weird that suddenly heterosexual men are so triggered by it.
Greg ->💩
And humanity has been getting along fine without this “woke” bull$hit for thousands of years.
Leave it to a liberal to create a response which solves a nonexistent problem. An answer in search of a question.
Why not just put locks on each damn stall????
By all means, let’s spend time & money on issues that affect 1% of the student population rather than working on issues that affect most students like, um, I don’t know, the crap reading & math scores at so many public schools. Or the declining enrollment.
Check out the recent story from Abigail Shrier on Substack. She received leaked audio from a California Teachers association conference from just last month. The middle school teacher/ instructor goes beyond offering a safe space LGBTQ club (which I fully support but seems better for high school) and teaches the teacher attendees: how to lie to parents about the club, how to target students for the club by searching through their google search history, how to call the club something different so parents don’t know it’s a LGBTQ club, and that they now target sixth graders for teaching them the current gender woo because it’s better to get to them earlier, the parents aren’t looking for it.
Many of us support inclusion, respecting all kinds, etc. and certainly we respect and support gay students. This goes far beyond that. it’s grooming and it’s creepy. Maybe Tony Thurmond can look into that.
children will be raped and groomed in these degenerate bathrooms
The vast majority of trans adults just want to peacefully live their lives and should be allowed to do so. Unfortunately there are cases of people who are predators using the bathroom laws/self-ID to take advantage and gain access to victims. Not a lot of cases but it does happen. It’s a tough problem.
Happy- they are totally free to peacefully live their lives. But they do NOT get more rights and special rights over the rest of the population. They can peacefully live their lives without insisting everyone else ignore their biologics. I am happy they are happy until their start infringing upon my right to practice science. I will not engage in delusions that worsen mental health issues and that go against actual science. I will not call someone a pronoun that they make up. And, I will never support the opposite sex using the same restroom in a school.
I agree Oh Please. Googlar I agree as well. Children are being brain washed into believing non sense and in the process are recklessly endangered.
How about setting up a committee to find out why kids are being not advancing after being “taught” by this so called teachers union. Why is there another committee being established for something so stupid?…but that is a very stupid question given the people running the education department. It does answer the question.
Easy. Simply add a third bathroom and label them: She, Him, & Shim.
Problem solved.
There are only two.
Buck up butter cups.
Once again, the 1% tail is wagging the 99% dog.
There are only two genders – XX and XY.
Anything else is BS.
As they say, follow the SCIENCE.
Did you learn nothing from Louden County, VA?