The Nordstrom store in Walnut Creek was the target of looters late Saturday evening, according to Walnut Creek police.
The store, located at 1200 Broadway Plaza, is in the city’s fashionable downtown shopping district and a main anchor tenant of Walnut Creek’s iconic outdoor regional shopping center.
The incident comes roughly 24 hours after looters descended on several retail outlets in San Francisco’s Union Square.
There is no word yet on arrests.
No surprise shopping without dollars crowd found another excuse to descend on Walnut Creek. Not showing a strong law enforcement response first time, showed WC was an easy touch.
Hopefully this time WCPD nails them and DA prosecutes, sending a message ! ! !
Haha, aww look at you, that’s so adorably precious that you think WCPD and Becton actually give a s***. Did you not see the skin color of the “youths” who did this? They are an oppressed people committing nothing more than what you might call a “lifestyle” crime, i.e. self-enacting the reparations of which they are owed. *IF* WCPD actually investigates and *IF* they actually make any arrests, and (HUGE) *IF* Becton prosecutes, they’d get charged with nothing more than petty theft.
“Send a message!!!” Oh man, you are just so cute in your naïveté.
This will turn into a weekly or monthly incident because the black thieves know have the green light from the D.A. and Prop 47. Besides, who’s going to stop them?
So true. San Francisco and Bay Area will turn into another Detroit.
the arrested were white you racist moron
Although WCPD hasn’t officially identified suspects, the hours of video show specifics, and it isn’t White kids doing it. When society becomes honest, and the black community confronts this behavior, then these crimes will cease.
@ Real Chris. – Source? I have not found any description or pictures of the perps that were arrested. Where are you getting your info?
Real chris is a lying marxist. It’s what they do. Look at all the main stream media saying St. Kyle the Kenosha Kid killed 3 blacks.
Fake news is domestic terrorism.
@Real Chris- the video of it on Twitter shows the perps which does not fit your info
Early Black Friday Day Sale?
This was Black Saturday.
So they were a day late and a dollar short?
I worked in Broadway plaza in the 90’s
This stuff happened back then too
25 cars coordinated to descend at a specific moment?
Really? I don’t think so. Not on this scale and not organized at this level. This is almost RICO-level crime.
And then three strikes happened. We need to end this restorative justice crap.
Not like this!
And are you forgetting about the broadway plaza looting that happened last year where most stores were vandalized?
This time it’s was only Nordstrom’s, but they’ll be back for more.
Ever since the Walnut Creek City Council became politically correct and started worrying about issues like transgender bathrooms homeless rights, etc they’ve ignored the big stuff for which we’re now suffering.
Puff … I did several searches for similar events in the late 70’s to mid 80’s … I found none, yes there were incidents of Shop Lifting, but nothing approaching this scale and coordination,
I’m claiming after Fact Checked, your comments are erroneous
And, before last year’s BLM looting in Walnut Creek, it was the Apple store there that was targeted. Why most of these petty thugs are better dressed, better accessorized, and better connected electronically than people who actually work for a living. I’d say they’re also are more materialistic.
@Puff- yes grab and runs of jeans or purses happened at Nord and Capwell’s in the 90’s. It was never more then a driver waiting in a car and 2-3 doing the grab and run. It really slowed when they moved expensive items further in the store and started cabling them. It was nothing close to what has been happening recently.
28 yrs retired LEO in Contra Costa -if your not seeing that things have changed in regards to theft and crime in general in CA you are blind…when businesses start seeing their loses too great and decide to pull out of WC, which is starting to happen in SF, maybe things will change…
NY Post says two were arrested at gun point.
Funny how on a Saturday night in WC, when WCPD is out in force chasing down DUIs, they reportedly only made two arrests.
At least they weren’t all at the station like last time Broadway Plaza was ransacked.
I guess they didn’t see it coming? The exact same thing has happened in the past.
Remember when wearing a mask in a store was prohibited because it basically guaranteed the criminal could evade detection on security camera. Remember when racism was parroted as the cause of every problem in the world and as such our civic leaders hadn’t decided it woke to ban arrests for theft? The oddest part is that I still think that most Bay Area residents dont see the cause and effect here.
Just another way that liberals are trying to protect their criminal voter base. I know criminals and liberal voter base is basically synonymous, si it’s redundant saying both…
Nothing will change until either the businesses start to leave or harden up the front of the stores with bullet proof glass and entrances with armed guards and only daylight hours.
I don’t think there are any people left to elect that are “tough” on this type of social “unjustice”,
Caught 3 out of 80? WCPD you have investigating to do.
Lax enforcement and punishment of crime emboldens criminals and criminal behavior.
These looting incidents are a result of spineless voters and enter officials.
.. and let’s all thank Governor Newsolini for releasing more than 20,000 convicted felons over the last two years.
Exactly how many looters were there?
Any signs or shouts pretending to be a protest?
All Black or all White?
Was it a riot or just a mob of smash & grab thieves?
(as I predicted would happen in Walnut Creek after the Sunvalley heist)
I’ll take “what racial make up of this group of clowns could have possibly done this” for $500 Alex. They’re not helping their cause much with these shenanigans. The divide will once again continue to grow.
My want to check out Antioch. Lots of new cars in the video. Stimulus checks did wonders for a lot of people but me.
Our neighbors happen to be shopping at Broadway Plaza last night. They said that they thought it was a BLM protest rally
Shoot to kill!
Walnut Creek city government wanted diversity and equity: Here it is!
It’s only a matter of time before innocent people are injured. Then what?
It’s doubtful we’ll ever see those trendy “Justice for so and so” yard signs if a victim happens to be Caucasian.
But hey, this is what they wanted. Sadly city government doesn’t understand that law abiding families won’t spend money downtown if this continues. And looters don’t generate tax revenue. Perhaps this should be explained to them in simple terms they can understand.
Yeah, we live in Concord and were planning to move to WC. Now it’s just as crappy. Maybe even more so because WC seems to have more whites with those damn signs in their front yard totally misunderstanding what they mean and totally trying to speak for actual people of color. Done with the PC bullcrap. The whole Bay Area is basically on the moronic PC crap train and most people have no idea how to use their critical thinking skills thanks to the liberal public school indoctrination centers.
Fearless, Are you suggesting that only white people are hurt by these kinds of grab and run stealing? Stores employ people of all races, all races own businesses, this kind of crime hurts EVERYONE who are honest. You are not suggesting that only white people are honest are you?
Don’t you get it by now? We don’t care about your little commie word games. You really think asking if people think “only white people are honest” effects us? Your games are played out. Psychology is not your forte. We are way to powerful to fall for some middle school level psychological head fakes. Yeah sure we think only whites are honest lolz. You’re ignorant if you think that works on us. You have no idea the type of Americans that have been unleashed by decades of ignorant trash trying to run game. We like the rock of Gibraltar up in here. Get a clue and come correct next time you post or don’t post at all. Nobody needs your word salads trying hard to squeak out an irrelevant point. We are done with the marxists and we’re taking back our bay area
As noted recently, several blacks in high-ranking government positions have been trying to get close relatives pardoned and released from jail. Just guessing, but it looks a lot like they all have criminals and unwed mothers somewhere on the family tree. Sooner or later those crappy friends and relatives of theirs destroy the peace and quiet of a community.
… heard 3 arrests… Nordy’s is only 2 blocks from the police station – know they don’t stay there – but residents in the ‘burbs say response time on the weekends is delayed because they’re patrolling downtown…. hmmmm.. the new chief was supposed to allocate more resource to fight crime too hmmmm seems to be a disconnect.. if caught they’ll get a slap on the wrist
Yes, Randy: from the new “limp-wristed” Police Chief!?!?
Know it all Sam. Don’t you know that the communist are very tough on crime, look into what the Chinese does to their criminals, and what communist Russia did to theirs. I’m a middle of the road democrat or liberal, perhaps more independent. I’m for business, a supporter of Israel, and for locking up criminals. However, you seem to believe that you know me better than I know myself.
Catch and release isn’t working – Time for a change in the DA’s policies or to change the DA….
The change needs to start at the top. Unfortunately, he survived the recall.
Change needs to start at the top. Unfortunately, he survived the recall.
This is the kind of thing that happens when police forces are diminished, restricted, and generally demeaned.
Now the lawless are uncontrollable and the people demean the police.
People have no one to blame by themselves.
They elected their so-called “leaders” who lead them to lawlessness.
Why can’t looters be shot? This is hella unfair. I mean I don’t go up to Vallejo and steal everyone’s food stamps and welfare checks!!!
You might want to drive over to Vallejo, it is a very diverse community, with several nice areas, such as Glen Cove, black, whites and Hispanic lives there. I use to live in Benicia and know Vallejo quite well.
That’s what happens when let all the criminals out of jails and prison. What were they thinking.
Nothing like a peaceful protest!
Could WC PD view security camera footage to get the license plate numbers of the thieves getaway cars, and then go after all of them? Of course that would probably be considered racism if they did that.
Entirely predictable event
WC BP has become known as a destination to shoplift
The story has made Breitbart and it’s now the third embarrassing story about WC on Breitbart recently
WC is getting a bad reputation as a city that is sitting by helplessly while these Obama goons ransack the place every time
What will Diana do?
It was her public declaration that she will not prosecute looting theft that has enabled this event
Diana must now resign
She has failed the law abiding citizens of the county
As an old expression from the 70s goes, “You get what you ‘stroke'” and Becton definitely “stroked” this sort of behavior with her public announcements regarding crimes such as these.
What will supervisor Mitchoff do?
We have not heard anything from the board about the growing violent thefts in WC since the BLM riots last year
Nothing has been communicated to Diana about her radical news release that I am aware of so does this mean that Mitchoff supports it?
Mitchoff represents WC and she needs to do something for the city now or resign
The county BOS are useless. What needs to happen is:
1. WCPD should arrest every damn one of the looters, including those associated with the looters (driving the cars).
2. Kick Becton to the curb and take a tough stance on criminals and file charges on EVERY arrestee.
3. Reduce the value from $950 back to $400(?) to make it a felony at $400+.
Yeah, it’ll overwhelm the courts… but, by God, it’ll send a message to every POS that comes into town. Lord knows that the soft on crime stance being perpetrated by the liberals hasn’t done one damn thing. All we hear from the left is “well, they ‘needed’ that big screen TV” or “they’re just misunderstood.”
Failing that, every town is going to go down the toilet.
Nah, forget the BOS. They’re useless….
Keep voting democrat and this is what you get.
This was reportedly planned on Facebook. I guess FB is only interested in suspending conservatives. Nordstrom should send Zuckerberg the bill if true.
50 to 80 looters wearing ski masks, the whole thing over in about a minute…
Well WC, you asked for it!
I looked at the video,and stopped it at times to get a good look on the scumbags who did this. It was very hard to get a good look to see what race they were. As far as I could tell 2 people got into a white car, one was black or at least dark skinned, could have been Hispanic, the other looked white. Another person running down the sidewalk definitely looked white. From what I could see most were carrying only one or two items, they don’t come off as being very bright.
WCPD is not even finished investigating last year’s Looting.
So WCPD were caught off-guard again?
80+ people at the same time, at the same location… Intell didn’t show that they were organizing on Facebook, Group Me, etc? Or WCPD missed the signs again?
This is why citizens needs to Kyle Rittenhouse themselves. WCPD won’t help us.
Newsom and other “woke” (LMAO) mayors / governors enabled them with their social media RHETORIC.
Why weren’t their social media posts removed???
You people who stand by and permit your cities to be invaded and ruined by OUTSIDERS had better arm up and get out there and protect what is yours or you will have NOWHERE to shop.
If anything……..puncture the tires of the thugs vehicles while they’re looting.
80-100 people with boxes & bags. How many getaway vehicles were there? Assuming 4 per car, that would be 20 to 25 vehicles heading out of Dodge City at about the same time. North Main, Mt. Diablo, Civic drive, Olympic Blvd. some are just two lanes and narrow. Most are relatively dimly lite.
While pedestrians with excellent eyesight and who are fit may have been able to see and hear the commotion, how about your elderly parents, grandparents, grandchildren in strollers, jaywalkers, people out for a stroll or walking their poodles?
We must realize that smash and grab robberies have a large circle of potential victims who maybe getting out or getting in their cars, shoppers with bags and perhaps small children crossing streets, and those preoccupied by their smart phones, who might find themselves in the path of an escaping thug. Or you and your family in your car going home in an intersection where one of the escapees doesn’t yield to your right of way!
What is also troubling is the that they had hammers, crowbars, and handguns as well.
I thought Sunvalley was a no go after a dozen thugs hit a jewelry store during shopping hours.
Now we find that Broadway Plaza is even worse!
When will the sales tax mavens get the point, 8.5 % of nothing is nothing. Freedom implies safety. Without felling a sense of safety, who will risk a night out of shopping and dining in W.C? S.F. Union Square is worse. Are we all destined to shop at Amazon, eat in with DoorDash?
People find communities that are safe, have good schools, and are peaceful desirable. Some of us have struck out!
We can’t live in fear where bureaucrats only concern for safety is to require COVID checks to get into restaurants, masks for stores.
Perhaps the FBI should track interstate thievery gangs rather than those who go to school board meetings and complain! We are upside down now, and it started at home locally by watching social decay occur, and reacting by accommodation.
Well said, Jollycholly….Walnut Creek has turned into a cesspool of dregs of society with our district attorney as an enabler! And the bureaucrats have a distorted vision of priorities…brings to mind the Guns N’ Roses song, ‘Welcome to the Jungle’–a harsh, lawless environment.
Well said, Jolly!
Walnut Creek is trending on Twitter. Not because it’s a great dining and shopping destination, as the city council likes to brag, but because it’s now known as the town where thieves run rampant.
I think it’s time for the CSI franchise to create a new show called CSI: Walnut Creek. It can about how armed thieves and rioters run through the town stealing stuff,intimidating and injuring residents while the police stand by and do nothing. I think it would be a hit!
I had family members that shopped there Friday night and they told me that usually there are security guards obvious near the doors but noticed that none seemed to be around.
Maybe they should get a hint from Costco and check receipts before you leave the store.
It made the Daily Mail website as the top story. Seems lie they have more information with their coverage than our own local news stations.
The Daily Mail is the best news site out there. The EB Times doesn’t even have the Nordstrum story in its web paper.
Ricardoh – as soon as I saw the news on this published everywhere in every media – I emailed the Sr Editor of the EB Times and he admitted that yes – this one should be reported on… (but nothing had been done – online or otherwise) … he has told me in the past that shootings, regular holdups etc happen so much now in WC its run of the mill so they won’t report on it…sad it has come to that ..but also sad EB Times cannot be relied on for timely news anymore
Brandon’s America
Yesterday I looked up a mattress pad for my bed on line. Today I had ten adds for mattresses on Facebook.
These people used the internet to organize. Why are they not being caught before the fact.
Use promo code “Poso,” and buy it from Mike.
It’s called equity. I’m really surprised at all the outrage. I thought all you democrats were in favor of social justice.
Wokeness is literal AIDS.
Marxists running our schools is domestic terrorism.
The parasitic minds must be stopped. Most people don’t even understand what they are supporting. Liberalism is truly a mental disorder. You are being used against yourself.
For those saying they were black, watch the video-see the white legs. Also they were wearing masks. Racist much?
How dare you assume someone’s race by the color of their skin. Unbelievably racist.
@KT- I don’t what race the perps were but the only video I’ve seen on Twitter shows a most likely female wearing tan tights. There is no one in shorts….
Here is the best footage. There are also many still photos you can look up.
There is not one pale person in the whole bunch that can be seen. If you can actually produce evidence to the contrary then I would like to see it.
You’re just spreading disinformation otherwise. There was not one pale skinned person in any of the footage or photos I have seen.
Not sure why others need to bring a persons race into the picture. Bad people come in all colors.
That’s right, marxist scum comes in all colors.
Those looking at everything through race are domestic terrorists.
You are so right. We had 2 incidents at the Macy l work at. First incident 2 blacks ran of with Addidas merchandise right in front of me, value under $500.00. Other incident one white male came in from the mall, cut the wire on 4 Coach handbags value btw $1500 to $2000.00.
Yeah but, this particular crime was done by 80 black persons. Not sure why you need to distract from the facts of this case. They were all black entitled scumbags looting because of the Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty verdict. This was organized crime by a nonprofit BLM group. That’s RICO baby. I can’t wait to see these commies get rounded up. 20 year minimums for all of them.
Well, when a population that is around 13% of all the people commit about 90% of all the crimes? I mean, maybe this is important information to look at in trying to stop these things? It’s just basic numbers. Numbers are not racist. They are data. If we wanted to figure out how many people played video games daily, but we idn;t want to “stereotype” on gender, so decided to leave males out, what kind of information are we going to get? And, how would that then lead us to market our games in the future to be profitable? That is why this whole wokeness thing about ethnicity and crimes is ridiculous. Of COURSE it is important.
There are times when trying to identify anyone, for whatever reason, has it’s place. I don’t see that being the case here, these thieves were so covered up, face etc. that they would be hard to identity no matter the race, at least from the pictures and video. Hopefully police has more to go on so they all get caught.
You haven’t seen all the videos or heard first hand testimony. It really doesn’t matter if nobody is doing an investigation into who organized the looting online. I really only matters if anyone wants to be aware of their surroundings. You act like you care if people get caught but your really if favor of this. Just admit what you are. I know you defend the convicted pedo chasing and attacking a minor. Your again on the wrong side.
Why on earth are we calling these thugs who are participating in organiz crime, “Looters”. They are not Looters, that is down playing what happened. This is organized robbery and threatening our town.
Media should be more responsible with their words, they should know better
I didn’t see any BLM signs or hear any protest crap…. these people were just a mob organized to steal like the Sun Valley Hammer gang did.
If nobody even ties to stop them… why not do it?
Excellent point, man.
When the guys in Goodfellas pulled off the Lufthansa heist, the airport wasn’t “looted,” it was hit by a well-organized gang of mobsters!
Time to start selling ski mask ! $$$$$
This is what your democrats would call utopia. The answer for Nordstroms is only one door in and out. Armed guards at the entrance with authority to use what force is necessary. Provide identification when entering and a receipt on leaving. Oh my mistake democrats don’t like identification.
“democrats don’t like identification.”
Except at COSTCO. Never hear ’em gripe to their Representatives about that. Nor about having to show a receipt on the way out, either.
Maybe COSTCO should handle voting in CA.
And this is why the Kyle Rittenhouse’s of the world have been created
Here’s how you Force Walnut Creek & Newsollini’s hand:
You have approx 50 – 100 Open Carry individuals show up…..Government HATES competition so they’ll call the National Guard and the the open carry patriots can go home. Mission accomplished.
If the low down crooks were White that would have been reported.
We can’t handle the truth… that’s why the government & the media hide it from us.
We are such children…….
Sad what’s happened to Walnut Creek, and the Bay Area in general. I predict a rise in vigilantism in the future, mark my words.
@DD, my thoughts exactly.
It’s a matter of time before a bystander gets killed in the course of these robberies or citizens start shooting at the looters. Sad.
Two of the guys arrested are from San Francisco. The other is from Oakland.
B urning
L ooting
M ayhem
Obama and Biden would just say the looters were just expressing themselves.
These people were no more politically or BLM motivated than the Sun Valley Smashers were.
Facing reality is unpopular with the politically correct left.
I was downtown last night just prior to this happening. There were quite a few police cars and what appeared to be a heavy police presence just outside of Nordstrom and the former Neiman Marcus building, but shortly before heading home a number of the police cars went tearing out, lights flashing as though heading to a call. That would coincide with the reported incidents of gunfire that were being posted last night. One does wonder if that was not a diversionary tactic by these thieves to draw the police away from where they were waiting for trouble, opening up a window for them???
In the store, find what you need, and out of the store in less than a minute plus parking being available right by the door sounds like a great shopping experience. The Shop Walnut Creek organization likely will be touting this level of service and accessibility.
Did you know you can steal one item from Walnut Creek Macys and not get stopped? I have a friend who was security at Macy’s and finally quit out of frustration due to his inability to even question obvious shoplifters. A group of girls would come in every Sunday evening and load up their shopping bags and walk out. He tried to stop them once, they cried wolf to a manager. The dumbass manager yelled at the security guard and politely escorted the girls out with the stolen merchandise! Another group of guys come in around closing time grab items and run. He did manage to stop some young kids who tried on a Rolex watch and tried to run out with it. He still got yelled at by the new manager for doing his job.
This story does not ring true, I have worked at Macy’s Stanford Shopping Center for almost 10 years and 2 years at SunValley Mall, all managers and sales associate try to stop stealing, and managers have no say over security. Security have are the ones that decide what merchandise gets locked up, managers have no say in that, I have never seen a manager interfere with security. All departments have to report “shortage”, we get audited often for security violations, and if any are found the department gets written up, which does not reflect well on the department manager.
If you vote liberal you’re part of the problem
All are high value targets. Engage and fire at will.
3 blacks just mowed down dozens and dozens of white old women and children in Wisconsin. Congratulations lunatic leftist democrats, you supported the communists and now you get communists.
Sam, What do you know about the Wisconsin incident. Has it been reported what the persons motive were? This is not a right or left issue, criminals have no political beliefs, nor do they care who is president. To suggest that those of us that lean left approve of this kind of crime is ludicris, it is disgusting and I hope the thieves get caught and dealt with harshly, as do all of my liberal friends. NO ONE CONDONE THIS, at least no one who is of sound mind.
Once again you are wrong. This is 100% a political and race thing. You can listen to the scumbag leftie rap about killing cops and BLM yourself.
The BLM rapper has a video on youtube.
Go ahead and apologize. You should know by now I ALWAYS have receipts for my posts
Sam: the perps name and criminal record were already discovered this afternoon. Darrell E. Brooks! Age 39. He was just out of jail on bail yesterday or Friday.(??) Long criminal record. Hope they hang him and the other riders from light poles on that parade route for all BLMers to see. Leave them up there for at least a week. Public hangings would surely put some fear in these animals.
“There is none so blind as (s)he who will not see.”
“Criminals have no political beliefs, nor do they care who is President”
Hanne sees all & knows all…. she must have a crystal ball.
“To suggest that those of us that lean left approve of this kind of crime is ludicris”
Yet they vote for people who routinely let prisoners go free or refuse to prosecute criminals (Gov. Newsom & Diana Becton for instance)
I just saw a photo of the person arrested for “The Wisconsin Incident”…… Well…..let’s just hope the White people don’t riot!
If they do, I doubt the Democrats will bail them out of jail.
This is horrible. 😱
Do something city council of Walnut Creek.
Don’t let this continue to happen. ☹️
My suggestion is the first report of something like this happening again is shut down all freeway on ramps for west bound 24.
Stores should put Apple air tags on random high-end items and remove them when the item’s are sold.
Apparently one person was pepper sprayed and two employees where physically assaulted. Talk about burying the lead.
Why is it so importan for some to identify these thieves as black?? Do you feel better, because they are a different race than you. I don’t see the point, they might be black, but there are lots of honest black people, are they suppose to feel guilty because someone of their race are thieves, like some kind of collective guilt? Do those of you who are white, feel quilt or shame when white commit crimes, and we all know that criminals and murders comes from all corners of society. Just blame the thieves and wait until you have the facts to make a judgement, otherwise you are just creating division.
Organized crime is organized crime. If it was the Italian mafia or the Mexican mafia it would still be organized crime. In this situation it’s black. What’s your point?
They are living up to their stereotypes. That is why some like to point it out. Are blacks supposed to feel guilty … like some kind of collective guilt? Am I supposed to feel guilty about slavery, and pay taxes to fund reparations?
I really think it’s just a reaction to how major media outlets handle things badly, and it’s a sad state of affairs.
No mention of race by the press in the horror in Waukesha until it became unavoidable that it was a black guy. Only when he was publicly ID’d and the press couldn’t cover it up anymore did they finally mention that he’s black.
I’ve begun watching this, and it’s above 90% predictable: if there’s some crime or whatever, and they catch a suspect; if the press won’t mention the race of the suspect 90% off the time the suspect is black.
Conversely, the same press, if a white guy does the same thing, they’ll have his race in the first sentence in the reporting, and be working every angle they can to make him a “white supremacist,” a Trump voter, and be talking about how he has a third cousin who lives right next door to one of the Proud Boys’ Mom.
It’s really nothing personal, Hanne, it’s an artifact of how our news organizations are misbehaving; how they’re making things more divisive by the way they’re handing race. They ought to be consistent, but they’re not, and it’s both obvious, and predictable.
So, if local news omits the race of suspects it totally telegraphs that the suspects were black, and people are gonna say so if the news won’t.
Hanne, Blacks only represent 13.4% of the population here in the USA yet they commit 37.8% of all violent crime & 27% of all crimes in total.
I think the point of all the comments is to question “Why do blacks have such a disproportionate share of the crime statistics?”
It’s America……we are supposed to have “Equality”.
Mr. Finger: I’m not sure where you are getting your statistics but the FBI page on crime by race shows more than half of all murders and more than half of all robberies are by blacks. See attached:
Funny and sad thing is they are all driving nicer and newer cars than any of my working class friends and family, working hard to get by.
Anybody can buy a car…. dealers just have to find buyers who are willing to pay thousand$ in interest charges over years of monthly payments… or lease it.