State public health officials urged families to get vaccinated against COVID-19 this week as part of a “week of action” prior to Thanksgiving and other holidays that include large gatherings.
With everyone in the state ages 5 and up now eligible for the vaccine, and with all adults now encouraged to get a booster vaccine dose, the California Department of Public Health said that it plans to conduct outreach efforts and host vaccination clinics across the state throughout the week.
As part of the agency’s vaccination outreach, the CDPH also launched new public service announcements this week featuring state Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and Los Angeles Dr. Ilan Shapiro.
CDPH officials said the agency also plans to continue its partnerships with ethnic media outlets and community-based organizations in an effort to address vaccine hesitancy and “reach California’s diverse communities.”
State officials are attempting to hedge against a winter wave of cases similar to last winter as people are more likely to gather indoors during the holidays.
State officials have warned that COVID-19 in addition to the flu could lead to a deadly winter, particularly among the unvaccinated and vaccinated people in high-risk groups such as those over age 65 and people who have weakened immune systems.
“By fully vaccinating every eligible Californian and providing boosters to those who are eligible, we can protect ourselves and our friends and family by keeping our immunity against COVID-19 strong heading into the winter months and holidays,” state Public Health Officer and CDPH Director Dr. Tomas Aragon said in a statement.
Adults in the state are encouraged to get a booster vaccine dose if it has been at least six months since their second vaccine dose or at least two months since their single Johnson & Johnson shot.
Some demographics are also being prioritized for boosters, including J&J recipients, people over age 65 and people with underlying medical conditions.
While the three available vaccines remain highly effective at preventing serious COVID-19 illness and death, public health officials at all levels have argued that their protection begins to wane after several months, and that preemptively boosting the immune responses will maximize protection against existing and potential variants of the virus, which could become more contagious and even circumvent vaccine protections.
“All eligible individuals are encouraged to get a booster to protect themselves, their family and to celebrate the holidays together safely,” the CDPH said.
As of Wednesday, more than 30 million California residents have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, roughly 76.8 percent of the state’s total population, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
So they encourage supplementation as long as it’s “vaccines”.
ZERO mention of diet and healthy lifestyle.
What a Joke.
Yep exactly my 90 year old mom got shingles from her booster. she hasn’t been in this kind of pain ever.
Zero mention of washing your hands before touching your face.
If your mother had got the shingles vaccine that wouldn’t have happened.
Can’t blame the booster on that..
No lol
Some have speculated that eradicating the chicken pox (remember we all would catch it intentionally and had lifelong IMMUNITY) is what is allowing shingles.
Had chicken pox still been around – your immune system would have recognized it and dealt with the shingles.
Our state officials are jerks.
Stop treating us like idiots as we are old enough to know what is right and wrong. The initiation of mandates are just the start of trying to control us more and more.
Common sense and our liberties are being shaken to its core. Step up and protect our rights.
We tried that approach. The hospitals filled up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chuq- FALSE. They just didn’t have enough staff because they all got scared from the fear campaign and quit. THAT is why the hospitals “filled up.” Not from COVID.
Yep, Chuq
We are still in a moderate surge in the hospitals .. yep yep .. we have 29 COVID patients. 8 of those in ICU. Those hospitals are FILLED UP.
Maybe some day you will look back on this and realize that they hospitals ‘filling up’ was a data perception, and might not be a reality.
As of Wednesday, more than 30 million California residents have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose, roughly 76.8 percent of the state’s total population, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Isn’t that the percentage they claimed would be “herd immunity”?
Guess that no longer counts.
Many people have had the virus and survived, they have natural immunity.
But that doesn’t count, even though antibodies are used to heal people who get the bug.
Simple and affordable medications that have been proven to work have been banned in the US.
Not once have I heard that living a healthy lifestyle would help people avoid the bug.
If your self announced “leaders” really wanted people to survive, all forms of medications would be available to the people to suppress this man-made virus.
But no, we only have a secretive and dubious gene-altering drug that’s supposed to cure this thing, but it doesn’t.
More so-called vaccinated people are in the hospital than undrugged people.
Live a healthy lifestyle.
Take care of yourself.
Your “leaders” never will.
This has been a moving target since day 1. The goalposts move when the prior goal is reached.
The booster will knock you on your back for 2 weeks like it did gavin so you’ll probably miss one of the holidays if you get the booster lol
@Bruh got my booster two weeks ago. Half a day of mild flu. No problems.
And now I’m ready for the holiday season with friends and family. It’s the anti-vaxxers who will be hiding, not those of us who trust science. 😉
I am vaccinated and still hanging out with the unvaccinated this holiday season. Looking forward to all of us in the same house chowing down on Cioppino and Turkey. They are not, and have not been hiding.
The ones hiding are the ones who got their vaccine and are still worried that they may catch this virus from someone (vaccinated or unvaccinated).
I personally have not gotten my booster and at this point, have zero plans to do so.
@greg nothing you say can be verified so don’t deflect. Your boy gavin got his booster and was out for 2 weeks.
No the anti vaxer’s will not be hiding, making stupid comments like that is ridiculous.
Anti vaxer’s mix in with everyone else and the vaxer’s don’t even know it.
The forcers are the only ones hiding, scared of a virus that has an insanely high survival rate and almost exclusively affects the old and infirm. The rest of us have been living life normally this who time because we don’t fall for this fear campaign.
According to Canadian researcher Denis Rancourt, there has really not been any increase in deaths during the pandemic when you compare death statistics over the previous decade. His website:
You can find his findings and published research there plus video interviews. For a great overview I recommend the video with Drea Humphrey in the video section. This is not misinformation, it is all based on statistics from Canada, US, UK, Europe and Australia. Decide for yourself.
Wow! The claims of the anti-vaxxers get more and more absurd all of the time. Next we’ll hear that getting Covid adds 20 years to your life.
@The Observer, easy to say that but have you looked at the data Rancourt presents? Appears you haven’t.
Dr. John Campbell
COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status,
a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3: (125 nmol/L)
Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Seriously…does anyone actually pay attention to these clowns and destroyers of small businesses? Looks like COVID PORN will be with us far into the New Year.
State officials? There is nothing official about those people!
People are wishing up to the vaccine bs and are not going for the boosters like they did the first doses.
It’s like they have been told that E.T.s would eat them alive as a delicacy if they didn’t get everyone vaccinated. That would surely account for their psychotic hysteria driven authoritarian behavior. 😄
Pfizer is trying to conceal the entirety of the vaccine data until 2076!!!
Wonder why?
Why are they saying, “anticipated winter surge” what is the science behind that? …State officials are attempting to hedge against a winter wave of cases similar to last winter… How can it be similar to last year, we have a ton of people vaccinated. These guys are stupid.
Get your shot…. Follow the money!!!
Yes, follow the money!
Pfizer is anticipating $26 billion in COVID vaccine sales this year. To put that in perspective: In 2020, all of Pfizer’s revenues added up to $41.9 billion. That means the $26 billion figure for a single product would surpass 60% of the firm’s total sales last year.
Got mine yesterday, arm a little sore, a little tired. Won’t be around a good number of family til Xmas.
Fauci has stated that there is an increase of new infections by fully vaccinate people because people who are fully vaccinated have not received their boosters. So now if you have complied with their vaccine mandate, you must get a booster every few months or else. I have a feeling by this time next year, some of you will be on your 20th booster if you don’t die from the first 19 previous booster shots.
@JJ Most vaccines take a series of 3 shots.
It’s like none of you have had children or known parents of children your whole lives. Ask them how many shots their kids needed for vaccines to go to school. Ghead. Ask ’em. Learn something, I double dog dare ya.
@greg there’s a clear difference between this COVID vaccine, and vaccines of the past. This covid “vaccine” is experimental using new technology. It does not have the years and years of data that other vaccines have. There is no debate on any of those facts no matter your politics.
If you don’t know how this “vaccine” is different from the rest of vaccines kids get your either ignorant or purposefully trying to mislead people. Either way, you shouldn’t be speaking on the subject.
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I am actually shocked at the misinformation in the comment section first of all you should not be referring to this experimental gene therapy as a vaccination it is anything but it reduces your immune system to nothing you have no idea what you are doing to your body you do not know what is in it you do not know the side effects stop watching mainstream media any of you that give it to your children should be put away in prison for the rest of your life I look forward to the uneducated comments to come
You refer to uneducated comments. It looks like you need the education to learn how to use punctuation.
Let me ask this question what do you think your chances of hospitalization or death are if you are even to get the virus be careful it’s a trick question
…”public health officials at all levels have argued that their protection begins to wane after several months, and that preemptively boosting the immune responses will maximize protection against existing and potential variants of the virus, which could become more contagious and even circumvent vaccine protections.”
So, these same officials admit that these vaccines dont work?
Good luck getting an appointment before Thanksgiving we tried and everyone was booked.
Safeway and Costco have been taking some walk ins.
The Walmart pharmacy in Martinez has been giving the shots to walk-ins. They have both Pfizer and Moderna. I think Moderna gives the best protection, but you can get whichever you want.
@ bdml. Did your Mom get the Moderna shot? My wife broke out with Shingles and after doing some research we found a large group of people who had the Moderna shot broke out with Shingles around 3 months after getting the shot.
This has become really convoluted. To be vaccinated (numerous times), or to not be vaccinated? It seems fair to say that most American citizens simply want to be able to make that choice for themselves, without debilitating consequences. The current WH administration feels that Donald Trump did a terrible job managing Covid. I’m pretty sure it was Donald Trump who was responsible for having vaccinations become available to combat Covid at “warp speed”. Before the 2020 election, then presidential candidate Joe Biden and his vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris stated that they would not trust any vaccine obtained under Trump. Fast forward to one year later, and NOW the current administration has mandated that virtually all American citizens be vaccinated? Ummmmmm, did people just FORGET that? Maybe it’s just easier to go through life with the attention span of a gnat I apologize to any gnats I may have offended.
Oh no. I forgot to put a period between my last two sentences. Don’t want the punctuation police after me. Not sure I would ever recover from a slaying like that.
When comforting the Grammar Nazis just say, “there, their, they’re.”