Police in Concord are seeking the assistance of anyone who may have witnessed a hit and run collision Friday morning that involved the rollover of the victim’s vehicle onto its roof.
A Concord police spokesperson said the collision occurred just before 10:35 a.m., when officers were dispatched to a rollover hit and run collision involving two vehicles.
According to police, a Mercedes Benz sedan exited 1441 Detroit Ave., colliding with a Ford sedan that was traveling southbound on Detroit Avenue near Oakmead Drive.
The collision caused the Ford to collide into a curb and roll onto its roof.
The driver of the Mercedes Benz continued to a nearby street to flee the scene.
The driver of the Ford was transported to a nearby hospital for minor injuries.
The incident remains under investigation.
Anyone who may have witnessed the crash is asked to contact the Concord Police Department’s traffic division at (925) 671-5096.
There are two security cameras on the roof across the street at 1470 Detroit Ave. Might be good to check. You can see them on Google Street View. https://www.google.com/maps/@37.9675483,-122.0406833,3a,15y,59.87h,93.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0LL8DNA5Up9Nna-0dYntRA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
I wonder if it was the same gold MBZ that side side swiped me 2 weeks ago on Monument.
The driver didnt stop.
He took advantage of traffic and took off.
Scumbag of society for fleeing the scene.