Home » California Joins International Alliance Against Fossil Fuel Use

California Joins International Alliance Against Fossil Fuel Use


California joined the international Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Thursday.

The alliance of national and subnational governments, initially formed by Costa Rica and Denmark, is committed to phasing out oil drilling permits and ending gas production.

France, Ireland, Sweden, Greenland, Wales and the Canadian province of Quebec signed on as core members, committing to a timeline to end oil and gas production that aligns with the goals from the 2015 International Paris climate deal.

“Our goal is not small, our ambition is not modest. We hope that today will mark the beginning of the end of oil and gas,” said Dan Jorgensen, Denmark’s Minister for Climate, Energy, and Utilities, at the Alliance’s launch.


California signed on as a second-tier associate member, alongside New Zealand and Portugal, meaning the BOGA recognizes that the state has already made productive steps to reduce oil and gas production.

In a video statement on the Alliance’s launch, Newsom said the cost of climate change is too high, and governments need to act more forcefully to address the “smash mouth realities” of climate change.

“Of course, here in California, we understand those well: extreme heat, extreme wildfires, extreme drought,” Newsom said.

He highlights California’s recent proposal to prevent new oil wells and facilities from being built near sensitive locations like homes, schools and hospitals.


Brought forth by the Department of Conservation’s Geologic Management Division in October, the proposed regulation would set back new oil developments from building within a 3,200-foot area of communities, and would set pollution controls for pre-existing establishments.

“We know that oil production harms public health. And when all production occurs, and particularly near communities, low-income communities, communities are impacted by that production: kids in particular developing asthma … it harms the health of expecting expecting mothers disproportionally as well, and the many chemicals by definition that have caused cancer,” Newsom said.

Newsom also highlights California’s $15 billion climate package to assist in climate change-related disasters and fund the state’s clean transportation goals.

“California is a global leader in combating the climate crisis with bold action to protect our planet while growing the economy, but we can’t meet the challenge of this existential threat alone,” Newsom said in a statement. “With fossil fuels powering much of the global energy system, it’s critical that we partner with other states and nations around the world to build momentum for the phase-out of oil and gas production. Together, we must move beyond oil and usher in a cleaner and greener future that safeguards our communities, environment and the economy.”

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That’s not legal. The governor of a state can’t just make international alliances. This is called treason.

Sam, I rarely agree with you, but this time I agree with you 100%. Problem is, I can’t cite any code or statute to support my position. I have, perhaps like you, an unsupported opinion that only the federal government, not states, can make these kinds of deals with governments. Is this explicitly in the Constitution? I’m guessing it is, but maybe it’s not? Can Sam or anyone else cite the law about this?

The U.S. Constitution distinguishes treaties from other agreements and compacts in three principal ways. First, only the federal government can conclude a “Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation.” States can make an “Agreement or Compact” with other states or with foreign powers but only with consent of the Congress (Article I, section 10).

The problem is there is so much treason going on at the moment, where do you start. gavin again just re issued himself emergency powers for the pandemic. Our state legislature has been irrelevant for the last 2 years. We are ruled by a dictatorship and nobody seams to mind a bit or even understand. My guess is 50/50.

Thanks Sam!

Newsom also signed an executive order continuing his claimed state of emergency through March 31, 2022.

Why doesn’t Newsom just issue an Executive Order declaring himself King of California?


If he did declare himself King, how many fools would still believe he has our best interests in mind and follow him blindly? I know area on this board would ….

It if he did declare himself King, I think even more people would step up and call him out on it. At least I hope there would be more ….

Ah yes another left wing agenda, they will regulate it and restrict it without any viable alternatives. Brilliant as usual.

I want to see Gavin, his wife and his kids walking to work and school. And their homes had better be free of all fossil fuels as well. And as for Aunt Nancy’s jet trips between DC and Kleptofornica? Just say no!

“… governments need to act more forcefully…”
Are we getting a clue yet?

Especially interesting is that those exact words were just said by prince charles last week. Like I already said this is a treasonous alliance between california and a foreign government, which is in direct violation of the constitution.

The main thing to realize is that Prince Charles, Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, AOC, and any other lib who is pushing this lame-brain scheme to reduce, then eliminate, our use of fossil fuels will never suffer any consequences.

They will continue to fly and drive where they want, when they want. They will heat their main residences, their vacation homes, and their swimming pools. They will import any luxury goods they want to consume regardless of the “carbon footprint.”

These rules are only for the peasants. Sadly, the California electorate just says “Please sir, I want some more” and continues to vote these crazies into office.

Californians: “we need to ban gas engines, fossils fuels and mandate electric cars!”

Also Californians: “why are gas electricity and groceries so expensive!?”

I’m sure Newsom will form a committee to get to the bottom of this. Probably price gouging from those evil businesses. I know! Let’s do price controls!

There is no saving this state from its own idealistic idiocy.

Another burden for the working class. What a chuckle head. We don’t think for a second Newsom and his privilege will give up petroleum. Air travel for them but not for us.

More realistic and more effective way of combating pollution would be to stop annual wildfires through forest management.

Careful, that’s racist hate-speech!

How dare you suggest something logical that requires actual effort!

We need to vote this nimrod out next year!

Does anybody have an alternative? Everything we use has some relation to petroleum. Plastic is made of it. A bar of soap, and your favorite bottle of shampoo, is made with oil. Even the food we eat, the wrapping uses petroleum. Factories that produce everything we use need it to lubricate their machinery.
Only in Newsome’s dreams is California is a global leader in combating climate change, but California is becoming a global leader in Marxism.

I told you so.

Plastics and soaps can all be made out of hemp or hemp byproducts. You may have used Dr Bronners hippy soap, it’s a hemp based soap that has sold god knows how many gallons over the years. Paper products, fiber products, ropes, and it doesn’t cause ungodly amounts of violence and death like the rotgut sold at your local Safeway!

Even those Yoga pants liberals love are made from petroleum products.

I will be happy to stop using fossil fuel when there’s a good replacement in about thirty years.

Hemp. No, seriously. Mercedes has used mostly hemp based plastics for like a decade or more. It worked for the founding fathers, perhaps it can work for us. The conquest of America would not have been possible without hemp fibers, which enabled Europe’s ships to cross the ocean.


All of the problems in California can be attributed to a state that was built for a population of 20 million not 40 million and the wonderful commies in our government do nothing about the massive population increase then blame it all on their climate change boogeyman.

They know the systems will continue to crumble under the weight of a population that is too much for it to handle, which they will then blame on their “climate change” boogeyman. That’s why nothing ever gets fixed or improved, because then they wouldn’t have their rallying cry for their..ahem..”voters”.

Also why they constantly push for migration, to claim migration is happening because of climate change and to further strain our systems to also blame climate change. They do all this while spreading literature in other countries to entice them to come to the US, and provide them with lawyers and resources once they get here, and use foreign aid as bribes to other countries. They need them to stay so the system continues to be strained to further their societal change thru what they call “climate change”.

Oh and their “infrastructure” package is not going to fix anything. It’s more smoke, mirrors, and fancy words but is really being used to pay back their owners.

No amount of green energy will EVER keep up with the world population that is about to explode in the next 20 years. They know that as well, but they won’t be the ones suffering.

California needs to be split into 2 or 3 states.

I’m not so sure about that “exploding” population thing(?) With all the young people (even 5 yr-olds) being given the Jabs, there will be many, many infertile women that can not bear children. Read the reports and explanations of various scientists.

And no amount of taxation will fix it.

It’s all just PR anyway. Just empty words to make the state look good. So what happens if instead of global warming we get an ice age? Oops. Thing is they just don’t think things through. They want to be in the moment and at the party. And what do they have to replace fossil fuels? You can probably phase out fossil fuels but to do it right might take a couple of centuries.

Good PR? No, this is to prepare you for an ever expanding restriction on freedoms dressed up as environmentalism.

2022: no more new gas gars over 40MPG allowed’

2023: no more new gas cars over 50mpg allowed for sale

2025 no more gas cars allowed for new sale, electric only or fuel cells

2027 all citizens restricted to 10000 miles travel per year, to protect the environment

2031 all citizens restricted to 3000 miles a year without $$$$$ extra taxes or political connection.

2040 America invaded by and conquered by surprise nuclear blitz of Chinese Empire which never dreamed of hamstringing its industrial and military development for the sake of romantic notions of environmentalism.

Yawn …

So is he going to try and cancel all the car shows in the area as well? Think of all that fossil fuel burning this weekend at the Good Guys Show. It will be GLORIOUS out there!

OK, show me a replacement energy source which can meet additional demand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, with press of a button in a control room. Wind and solar are neither 24/7 nor consistently reliable in their outputs.

How many of you know CA pays other states to take excess electricity produced during peak solar generation and has been since 2016 ????

‘Transition to Nowhere
California’s switch to a primarily solar and wind-powered grid is a dead end.’…
“… California governor Gavin Newsom issued emergency orders to procure more natural gas-fired electrical capacity to avoid blackouts.” …

“In recent weeks, the European continent has also suffered blackouts, near-blackouts, and skyrocketing electricity prices triggered by a massive lull in nature’s windiness. Grid operators across Europe rushed to buy fuel and fire up old gas- and coal-fired plants. Europe petitioned Russia for more natural gas, and German coal plants ran out of fuel, causing a scramble (including in China) to get more (doubling global prices). Even long-forgotten oil-fired powerplants were pressed into emergency service on grids from Sweden to Asia.”

‘This change in net metering could doom California’s solar boom’
modesto bee https://tinyurl.com/ymrj9wnf

More on net metering,

How wonderful they can pat each other on the back on how green they are.

TVA’s Raccoon Mountain project, water is pumped to the reservoir on top of the mountain and then used to generate electricity when additional power is needed by the TVA system. An they’ve been doing that since 1978.

Quiz, where in CA is there a smaller version of TVA’s Raccoon Mountain ?

Pumped hydro generation, file that away.

‘Zero-carbon pumped hydro can help Oregon’s looming energy capacity crisis’

Then again those making money off battery storage of electricity, . . .
must be good for campaign contributions . . . NO ????

I think there’s a pumped storage plant in California east of Fresno – Helms . It’s around 1200 megawatts. But it’s limited as to the amount of generation per day .

If you ask a wokee to show you a replacement energy source they’ll probably have a nervous breakdown right before your eyes. For them it “does not compute”. 😄

And there’s a difference between energy storage (battery) vs energy source (solar, fossil, hydro, wind).

Gotta recharge those batteries from a SOURCE.

I love to watch the pseudo-engineers stumble over everything in their paths. Makes you wonder how some people can breathe without directions in their hands.

Too bad Gavin Newsom could not attend the climate summit in Europe as this was his chance to shine on the world stage. He was planning this but came down with covid reactions and disappeared for 2 weeks. Then dishonestly blames it on his children’s Halloween and his wife called anybody the question that a hater. He’s a hypocrite and a liar.

The truth is his wife wouldn’t let him go because she found out a woman Newsom used to work with (during office hours & after hours too) was going on the trip as well.

He’s probably just hiding out until the black eye & fat lip heal.

This is like drug dealers joining a group called “People against Drugs”

We reuse/recycle/and repurpose – everything. My depression era grandparents told me this was going to happen in my lifetime. My spoiled brat parents are a lost cause. I think these these happen in “cycles” (be prepared). We need very little/(and I feel the less I have – the better). My “addiction” is used books – and I’m trying to stop buying those too.

The greatest generation 🏆. Followed by the filthy spoiled me me me boomers. They let it all fall apart for some hippy dope. And they still don’t understand what happened on their watch. Stupid.

90% of my belongings are used and that’s only because the other 10% could not be found, or not found at a level of quality for reuse.

I have the same book problem…

Enjoy your weekend.

Both generations had it easier than generations X, the millennials, or the zoomers. These newer generations would do anything to swap places with a boomer or a greater generation-ite. Things are so much worse now.

To add insult to injury, these boomers don’t even care to look at the world they created. Trump forced them to look at what they did. That’s why you got complete fools like robert denero and alec baldwin acting like rebellious teenagers mad at daddy. Those simps are the weakest type of man ever. And so is anyone who blindly follows them.

Blah, blah, blah,….in one ear, and out the other. Sorry, but I don’t care about the, liberal, progressive, far-left, or marxist versions of the climate crisis. I wish they would stop telling us, “the science” is settled; because, it’s not.

We the people of California are in charge of this state the governor can kiss my can that man is a tyrant and a socialist that will not get his way I know he wants to be president someday and we will make sure that that never happens he is a horrible human being I have sent many emails letting him know so he’s going to end up killing hundreds of kids with his mandates of shots that are not FDA-approved not that that means much but that goes against federal law and international law it’s time for us to stand up and stop the insanity now this country is headed toward socialism at a rocket pace

Y’know, somehow, someway, I bet Jay Leno, Jerry Seinfeld, and all the other left-leaning Democrat celebrities with half a billion dollars in the bank and a huge garage of 100+ classic gas-guzzling cars will be immune from this. Somehow, they’ll get to keep their gas guzzling classics, but YOU will have to give up yours, or be unable to purchase someone else’s.

Leno and Seinfeld can have 50 or 100 PLUS cars which call get 5 miles per gallon, but YOU must live in a pod and drive a car that gets 50 MPG!

I am keeping all two of my gas guzzlers, and that is the only kind of car that I will ever own and operate.

F—- you Newsom!

I’m keeping my 74 LTD with a oil burning 460 till I die. Eat my smoke Gav.

Great, how much is THIS going to cost us.

Newscum ought to stick to what he knows best …. Screwing the people of California and screwing around on his wife.


Says the guy who flies around on private jets and gets shuttled around in a gas hog SUG.

Wake up America.

The life they intend for the masses:

“Americans Need to Learn to Live More Like Europeans
Supply-chain shortages are constraining U.S. consumers’ endless appetite for buying whatever they want whenever they want. It’s about time.”


The life they intend for themselves:

“Mike Bloomberg just bought a $45 million Colorado ranch. Take a look at the 4,600-acre property that comes with a helipad and a golf course.”


Does anyone actually believe Newsom blew off his trip to the climate change conference to spend Halloween with his kids?

Then he is unseen for 2 weeks?

Pretty long Halloween celebration!

How naive must we pretend to be?

Does the name Lindsey Cobia ring a bell?


Extra! Read all about it…..


Then Newscum’s “ first partner” claims that anyone who doesn’t believe her is a “hater.”

After all, maybe they’re working. Maybe they’re with the kids.


She can’t even lie well.

Dropping out of sight for two weeks to let the bruised eye and fat lip heal up! LoL!

There is ongoing protest/drive, etc to eliminate fossil fuels!! Now what happens if there is another atmospheric river that interrupts sunlight for 5-fday or more?? What if a car renter is told that an electric vehicle is good for a hundred or so miles but is undercharged?? Unlike gas stations all over America there WILL NOT be charging stations available everywhere! Then again I have not heard that there are charging capacity like you would to fill a fuel tank in a few minutes. Most EVs require minimum 8 hours to overnight charging!
Then again where is all this electricity coming from??

C’mon – don’t question the politicians…. They’ll tell you the infrastructure “will be available” and it just requires “planning.”

They’re not interested in the facts or technology.

They’re lying if they say they do….

I’m not so sure about that “exploding” population thing(?) With all the young people (even 5 yr-olds) being given the Jabs, there will be many, many infertile women that can not bear children. Read the reports and explanations of various scientists.

All illegals who are given Ivermectin at the border. There are discussions to give these new residents a kind of UBI, free health care, housing, food and clothing. I shouldn’t even be here – but my ancestors fled the Bolsheviks – and immigrated here legally (meeting all criteria). Tens of millions were murdered or died in the gulags in Eastern Europe. I should be grateful / but I’m seeing a repeat of what happened to my ancestors – only this time – there is no place to flee to. I’m grateful my grandparents aren’t here to see this – especially my great uncles who died in WWII (fighting the Nazi’s).

I happen to be a big fan of fossil fuels and I love global warming. I appreciate the fact that it is reliable less expensive than so-called green energy which is nowhere near Green without fossil fuels there will be no electric cars there will be no plastic so-called green energy is very unreliable and very expensive.

Fossil fuels are, a mature technology, and safe (as long as some dummy isn’t smoking a cigarette while refueling). Cars that burn gasoline are running cleaner than ever, and there’s room for electric/alternative fuel cars, if an individual so chooses. We don’t need government encouragement.



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