The Concord City Council on Tuesday will consider approving the final map for the Clayton Road Townhomes development, 70 three-story townhomes on 3.87 acres at 3512 Clayton Road.
The planning commission approved the project on Feb. 19, 2020, and the council denied a subsequent appeal. The project is on Tuesday’s consent calendar, meaning it’s considered routine.
The site is near El Monte Elementary School and Concord Community Park, on the southwestern side of Clayton Road.
The council can’t deny the project if it finds the final map is in substantial compliance with the map already approved by the city.
The Concord City Council meets virtually at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and can be seen at (webinar ID: 863 9153 0805, passcode 592903).
The item cannot be scheduled on the consent calendar.
Any discretionary action, such as a pending decision on the final subdivision map, is subject to publication of a public hearing notice in accordance with State law.
If the city council does not correct this potential error, the decision is void and subject to challenge by ANY interested party.
Good thing you brought that up . The counsel probably didn’t know that . .
Nice technicality but I’d call the city and see what’s up, before challenging it. Unless you like getting into a legal bureaucratic hassle.
I’m interested. I’m sick of this council getting away with breaking protocols…I mean LAWS
Any citizen my contact the city clerk and ask the item be removed from consent for discussion. This is something my union brothers and sisters did with the county at least 100 times over 30 years. So contact the city clerk and ask for the removal.
Exit 12A is correct. It must be agendized and publicly NOTICED ahead of time as a public hearing. At the meeting, Council can move it to Consent Calendar but must allow Council members or ANYONE in the public opportunity to remove it from CC for discussion. Better remind Joelle.
How many of you have xfinity? There was an outage all night nation-wide!!!
The outage at my house only lasted about an hour and a half.
BUT it did come right in the middle of The Voice…. and when it was Blake Shelton’s protégés singing on a VOTING night, so no one from around here would have been able to support people on his “team”.
Are there any vacant lots left in Concord?
Plenty of nooks and crannies left in Concord Fred.
Plenty Fred…most of which are filled with tents.
Doesn’t need to be vacant Fred. Plenty of properties are redeveloped every day.
Concord is pretty much one huge vacant lot. Hahahaha!
Good thing it’s approved. They started the process a few weeks ago.
Lafayette had no blighted lots when I grew up there. All trashing happened with the invasion of Yuppies and other wealthy spoiled brats that ruined Lafayette.
It should have never been allowed to crowd the town so much it takes a half an hour to drive on Mt Diablo from Carol Ln to Happy Valley Rd.
Those tickets tacky condos just make Lafayette look trashy
The old best guys car audio location. Surprisingly large lot right across from Concord tap house, goodwill parking lot. If it improves that neighborhood I’m all for it.
@Schmee……originally Clayton Valley Lumber Co.
High density housing has never made an area better. Not once
@juan – I beg to differ. At least a half dozen fallow or blighted lots in downtown Lafayette have been vastly improved by modern condo and apartment developments. That stretch of Clayton Road has nowhere to go but up!
Lomarinda Larry
Lafayette had no blighted lots when I grew up there. All trashing happened with the invasion of Yuppies and other wealthy spoiled brats that ruined Lafayette.
It should have never been allowed to crowd the town so much it takes a half an hour to drive on Mt Diablo from Carol Ln to Happy Valley Rd.
Those ticky tacky condos just make Lafayette look trashy
Just wondering where the water and power will come from.
Doggie Dad. you are right! and adding more traffic on clayton. Are they going to put lights there? or just more accidents?
@Ms Mom,
Not just on Clayton. There are 2 roads to get to 680, the only road to get to 24. It is not like Ygnacio is light on traffic during 3-6 PM, and Treat. I hope there is some “infrastructure” (heck, the Dems just pumped another trillion plus, although most of that is for social justice junk, or ways to benefit the DC transit system-why did they choose there?) to improve traffic conditions, but we know that is unlikely.
Do you wonder where the air will come from too?
Doggie Dad,
The Concord City Council believes the required solar panels on these housing units will provide the necessary electricity. The Contra Costa Water District told the Concord City Council a decade ago that they have more than enough water available for the 13,000 housing units and 28,000 jobs that will be built on the CNWS, USCG housing, and North Concord/Martinez BART station properties and the multiple apartment buildings to be built in downtown Concord that will house an additional 22,000 people, so providing water for these 70 townhouses shouldn’t be a problem. The Concord City Council’s constant approval of these horrible infill housing projects needs to be curtailed.
That location is served by the CCWD and PG&E. Next inane question!
Ms. Mom,
The Concord City Council is approving projects that will make Concord a city with a population of 200,000 people. Several Concord City Councilmembers have repeatedly said they know traffic will be a problem and existing Concord residents will just have to deal with it. Concord Mayor Tim McGallian and Councilmember Edi Birsan have said they believe self driving cars and “smart” traffic signals will alieve increased traffic in the city, while Concord City Councilmember Laura Hoffmeister has said that she believes personal drones will ferry individuals over the city to desired destinations and that will alieve increased traffic problems.
I guess everyone can be content to breathe more radon and gasp.
Shhhhhhh. People of Claycord don’t believe radon exists. Don’t you know that radon is some kind of liberal lefty myth according to many on here?? (snark snark)
I am glad these new units will be owner-occupied. The last thing Concord needs is more rentals.
Uhhhhh they won’t be all “owner occupied”. People will purchase as income property. And currently a PUD can have up to 20% rentals and still have affordable common area insurance premiums. And if the HOA board does not pay attention there will be more than 20% rentals.
The time has come for the Concord City Council to return to inperson council meetings if they’re going to continue approving every project a developer proposes. They should have the courage to face the citizens of Concord in person.
@Well Folks – WTH is your problem with people who opt to rent dude? Most long-time owners in that corridor couldn’t afford market rents on a one of the dilapidated apartments along Clayton Road, let alone a brand new modern condo!
You’re lucky upwardly mobile renters would even consider living among such downtrodden neighbors.
Renters, socially, sometimes have “no skin in the game” or a vested interest in maintaining a quality community environment.
In the end, it really comes down to HOA management and adherence to community standards.
No issue with renters. Just correcting Always Right with the fact that the units will not be 100% owner occupied and that there are restrictions within a PUD with regard to insurance.
Hey “dude” learn to read. And FFS grow up and stop with the slacker “dude” crap. Sounds ignorant. And thankfully I escaped Concord a few years ago .
None will be below market rate