Home » EdSource: What’s Next For CA Schools After COVID-19 Vaccine Approval For Children?

EdSource: What’s Next For CA Schools After COVID-19 Vaccine Approval For Children?


By Carolyn Jones – EdSource

With this week’s approval of a COVID vaccine for children, California schools and parents began looking ahead to a new era — one that might mean fewer mask and testing requirements, but one where deep ideological divisions remain.

A day after the Centers for Disease Control gave preliminary approval for children ages 5 to 11 to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, California followed suit and allowed children in California to begin receiving jabs as soon as Thursday. Some counties, including Santa Clara, have already started accepting appointments for children.

“This is going to give a lot of parents peace of mind,” said Dr. Norma Perez, a pediatrician and medical director of AltaMed Health Services in Los Angeles. “We’re 20 months into this pandemic, and this is a really important step to get us back to a state of normalcy.”


Vaccinating children will be a crucial step toward achieving herd immunity, where virus transmission tapers off because so many people have been exposed through vaccination or by becoming infected, Perez said.

The federal government plans to give California 1.2 million doses of the children’s vaccine, enough to vaccinate all 5-to-11-year-olds in the next few weeks, health authorities said. Vaccines will be available at more than 4,000 clinics and schools across California, and the state is launching a public information campaign to encourage children and their parents to get vaccinated.

“Vaccines are how we end this pandemic, and the ability to vaccinate more children who have remained vulnerable to COVID-19 strengthens our fight against this deadly virus. Californians ages 5-11 can now get the same robust protection that has helped save countless lives,” California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly and director of the California Department of Public Health and State Public Health Officer Dr. Tomas J. Aragon said in a joint statement Wednesday.

“Last year’s winter surge was devastating in our state, and it is critically important that all eligible Californians supercharge their protection against COVID-19 ahead of the winter months,” they said.


School districts are also encouraging parents to get their children vaccinated, but so far it appears no districts — except Culver City Unified — are requiring it. Gov. Gavin Newsom announced last month that COVID vaccinations will be required for children to attend school the first semester after the Food and Drug Administration grants full approval to the vaccines, which could be as soon as January 2022 but will likely be later.

Los Angeles Unified, San Francisco Unified and Fresno Unified are among the districts that will be offering free COVID vaccines for 5-to-11-years-olds over the next few weeks.

“We are delighted to be able to offer voluntary vaccine access to students in this age group,” Los Angeles Unified announced Wednesday. “The COVID-19 vaccine is highly encouraged for children ages 5-11. … COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective and the best way to protect our students, staff and families, and public schools are natural sites for our students and families to receive this life-saving vaccine.”

Meanwhile, parents’ response to the vaccine approval for children is mixed. Only 27 percent of parents of 5-to-11-year-olds nationwide said they’d immediately get their child vaccinated against COVID-19 once a vaccine is available, according to a survey released Oct. 28 by the Kaiser Family Foundation. About one-third said they’d never get their child vaccinated, and the rest said they’d wait and see.


In some parts of California, such as Shasta County, students and parents have staged school walkouts to protest vaccine requirements, saying vaccines should be a personal choice, not a public health mandate.

Some parents have expressed concern about possible side effects from the vaccine, including a rare heart inflammation called myocarditis. In trials, no children ages 5-to-11 contracted the illness, although older children, especially boys, are more susceptible, according to the CDC. Most cases are mild and patients recover at home, Perez said.

So far, the most common side effects of the COVID vaccine, for children and adults, are sore arms, fatigue and mild fever, Perez said.

Megan Bacigalupi, director of a statewide parents’ group that advocated for schools in California to reopen, said she was thrilled about the vaccine approval but wants to see the state lift mask requirements for children at school and ease up on COVID testing.


“We have kids getting vaccinated, teachers getting booster shots, adults getting vaccinated at high rates. Schools are becoming incredibly safe,” she said. “I cannot imagine the uproar in, say, eight weeks when people see 18,000 fans at Chase Center not wearing masks but meanwhile a group of 6-year-olds who’ve all been vaccinated still have to wear masks. … It shows we are not prioritizing the needs of children.”

On Oct. 20, the state Department of Public Health said it would consider updating its mask requirements for children by Nov. 1, but so far has not issued any changes to the requirement that children wear masks indoors and outdoors while at school.

It’s probably too early to relax mask and testing protocols because of the looming flu and cold season, Perez said. Also, it will likely take a few months before all children receive their COVID vaccine.

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Not one kid in the county that age group has died of covid. Why put a short term vaccine in any kid? It has been said you can spread covid after you have been vaccinated so what is the point?

Because of this article I decided to look up Mt Diablo School District. You can get a lot of information about the county from school info. I would never guess looking around the county that about 70% are at the poverty level. 70% percent of students get a free lunch in Mt Diablo School District. Almost every high school is well below the national average in subjects like reading and math and by far the minority in this county is White people.

Looking at the data from Ed-Data for the Mt Diablo Unified School District, I am seeing that you are incorrect about white students being “by far the minority.” Below is how we rank from highest to lowest according to the chart for “Census Day Enrollment by Ethnicity.”

Hispanic or Latino – 13,275
White – 9,145
Asian – 2,413
Two or More Races – 2,386
Filipino – 1,422
None Reported – 1,118
Black or African American – 1,037
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander – 201
American Indian or Alaska Native – 40

Going by those numbers you can see that white students make up the second largest ethnic group in MDUSD. Obviously we can’t know about the “None reported” folks but even if they were all Asian (the third largest group) it still wouldn’t knock white students out of their top spot.

I’m not certain what your point is with regard to vaccination and poverty rates or race but I thought you might appreciate having more accurate numbers.

Add up all who used to be the minorities and get back to me.

Fauci kills dogs

So your version of this math is that white people are a minority because there are more non-white people than white people? That’s pretty bonkers. The 201 Pacific Islanders are in the majority according to you because you mush them into one group with every non-white person as a single monolith? So everyone who is non-white is ethnically the same? By your math, white folks would still be “the minority” if they represented 49% of the students in schools.

Again, white students are the second largest ethnic group in MDUSD.

Just to be clear, if we use your version of math, every single ethnicity is the minority when considered against every other race put together. The Hispanic / Latino group is the most represented ethnicity but by Ricardoh math they can claim to be in the minority because all the other races added together equal 16,604 non-Hispanic students (excluding the “no answer” crowd here).

Chuq: Ricardoh’s math follows the terms as they are commonly used in statistical analysis. A majority white or majority black county would mean more than 50% of that race compared to the sum of all others. Statistical analysis does not care what your politics are.

Hi To-Do list, claiming that Pacific Islanders are somehow in the majority because they aren’t white does seem to be more about politics than math.

The term “racial minority” doesn’t just indicate the number of them, it takes into account their power and resources.

But if you want to go by sheer numbers of members (for political reasons) then every race other than Latino / Hispanic would be a “minority” not just white students.

Chuq: I believe the term would be that non-whites are the majority, and Pacific Islanders are part of that non-white population. The lines are blurred anyway and are just used for broad statements. For example, what does white mean? Some parts of the US government (and it changes over time) consider immigrants from Spain as European white, while other agencies consider them Hispanic, while others now let people self-identify. The Spanish from Spain being considered in the same group as Londoners makes little sense. Go back a 100 and some years and the government did not think Italians were white either.

Chug try to remember back to your socially class. You absolutely add together and use the percentage of the group population. I mean even the national census does that.

Read the last paragraph again, so we are now going to wear masks during cold and flu season? Wowser. From 2 weeks to flatten the curve, to get 80% vaccinated (I mean of all, not just eligible), to it’s cold and flu season so masks are good.

So is anyone still enjoying the train wreck of Ghouly, Newscum and Brandon?


“So is anyone still enjoying the train wreck of Ghouly, Newscum and Brandon?”

The country was a viral s-hole at the end of 2020 with a collapsed economy.

Yup, I for one, am very much enjoying a vaccinated America with a rebounding economy.


Of course you are. Not suprised in the least … LOL

As for ‘was’ a viral crap pile, we still are, just worse. Can’t unload the ships in LA and deliver the goods because of the California diesel laws. CA is one of the world’s largest economies, but we cannot unload a few ships in LA and Oakland.

And a vaccinated America? Less than 60% of the US is vaccinated … but if you want to call that a win, you go right Greg.

Again, not surprised you are enjoying the steaming pile of crap we have become …

A May 2020 meta-study on pandemic influenza published by the US CDC found that face masks had no effect, neither as personal protective equipment nor as a source control. Why are they wearing masks?


As of July 2021, 1,000 cases of myocarditis, or pericarditis, have been reported as a side effect of the vaccine. If my child was one of the 1,000 cases, I wouldn’t be too happy about it. A risk is a risk, no matter how low it is. In my opinion, it’s reckless to say it’s such a low risk, that we can mandate the vaccine for children.
Any heart disease, no matter how rare or mild, can lead to further heart complications later on in life. So they are in effect saying, we want to protect children from getting COVID, but they might die from heart disease when they grow up.

It’s amazing how stubborn they are. You could remove most of the myocarditis risk by just doing one dose in young males: the strong majority of the myocarditis cases are in young males after dose 2. So make a slight adjustment, seems like a no-brainer, right? You get most of the vax benefit and remove most of the risk.

But bureaucratic inertia and the tendency to hold onto decisions once they are made – it’s like these are the most powerful forces in the universe.

More broadly, it’s highly questionable whether the risk-benefit ratio is favorable for this vax for kids and teens with no known risk factors. A very small number of kids get seriously ill from Covid, and in most of those cases, you could already tell that the kid has risk factors. So make the vax available and recommend it for kids with risk factors. But nope, can’t do that. One size fits all.

Ultimately, for purposes of approval by FDA, it comes down to benefit:risk. I have not read the data, nor am I going to, but without any research, it seems that the likelihood of kids age 5-18 succumbing, or even requiring hospitalization, is so low, that the benefit could not mitigate/outweigh the risk (primarily cardiac, which in and of itself is low). I would rather my child catch COVID and develop naturally acquired immunity. That is just me.

At some point you have to trust the people whose lives have been dedicated to this stuff. One the advisers on the CDC panel is a Pediatric Cardiac specialist and stated, without hesitation and caveats, that the risks of Covid-19 in kids 5-11 while very low, still clearly outweigh the expected risk of myocarditis from the vaccine in that age group. I’ll take the professional recommendation from a specialist in the main area of concern over the opinions of a politician, general practitioner, ophthalmologist, podcast comedian, claycord crackhead, whatever, any day of the week.

@Annoyed thank you for your reasoned logic. Also, according to Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who was on the aforementioned podcast, developing a cardiac condition as a result of a Covid infection is much higher than developing myocarditis from the vaccine. All of these internet virology specialists know better I am sure.


The FDA is the same agency that screwed up the rollout of Covid testing in early 2020. As the virus was spreading in the US they not only failed to make a test that worked, they prohibited other labs from making their own tests. The same FDA that made the US a global laggard in the availability of rapid antigen tests, even though many of manufactured in the US and sent overseas. The same FDA that pretends like natural immunity doesn’t exist.

This is just to point out that it is not the Oracle of Science, but a bureaucratic agency. Yes, their scientists are experts. But they aren’t the only experts. Other countries have experts too, and many of them are not vaccinating young kids and are only recommending it for young teens if they have risk factors. Or, like Norway, they give a single dose to young males.

Go listen to the discussion at the meeting where they approved this – it’s online – and see if you think “the experts” think this is clearly beneficial for all kids in this age range. They agreed (nearly unanimously) that for the whole category taken collectively the benefits outweigh the risk. But they weren’t asked whether they thought a more fine-grained approach was reasonable. They didn’t get to vote on that, and it’s clear some would have appreciated the chance to do so. Many were explicit that they think mandates are not appropriate for this age group.

What a bunch of bullsh*t. Who, in their right mind, would ever believe a word these people say.

Please folks…take a moment to do some non-bias research outside of the United States, California and especially outside of the bay area. Be curious. Many other regions have been taking a very different approach for a while now, children have been back in school like normal since August of 2020 or earlier, many maskless and with very little problems, if any. There’s a whole world outside of California’s narrow minded, primitive rules. Most places have actually moved on long ago and are living life fully. Truly worth the effort…perhaps use Duck Duck Go or another international search engine to find out as much as you can. Google has, of course, created an algorithm where mostly US google-approved information comes up to reign in the “too-curious”.

More and more are using reason, critical thinking and their natural curiosity to “think outside the box”. Unbias and updated data, results, therapeutics and regional approaches are out there…and it may astonish you.

Other countries have banned these vaccines for children under 18, some banned for under 30 and many have less than 5% of their whole popular vaxxed. Many countries have already reached heard immunity and are doing great now, many have way less cases than the U.S. We would be naive to believe blindly without at least considering as many sources as possible. Even if you’re pro-covid “vaccine” and pro-mask, it’s worth a little time to at least take a moment to look beyond our borders. So much has changed over the last few months and more and more data is out there for you to consider. True, it may be tricky to find unbiased data, but you’re probably smarter than you think to root out the obvious garbage.

Just another anonymous voice saying be curious and follow your instincts… 🙂

Excellent post … ETO

well done.

@Ever the Optimist,

Thank you for your calm and rational post. I agree with your observations. I will have to say I have never seen a state (and I’ve lived in several) that is as insular as California. For most people here, life begins and ends with California, and there is nothing outside of what happens here. It’s astonishing really.

You conclude by saying people should follow their instincts. For me, my instinct was to get the two-shot vaccine, but that’s the end of the road for me. I’m not getting on the boosters bandwagon. I’m done. If boosters become mandated I’ll just have to stop going to places that require them.

What’s next? More incompetence, more far-Left indoctrination and more parents looking for an alternative to public schools.

This story reads like it was written by some computer algorithm
Complete blue pill dribble
“ so far our experimental gene therapy poison has killed no one”
Well lady program needs to scan around a bit more
Maybe it should scan the VAERS database

As with any source of information do some due diligence, research source organization of press release. As well as past press releases and authors for bias towards issues. Being a skeptic is good, . . . being an informed skeptic is even better.

Some particularly misleading stuff here, pretty much par for the course.

First, the quote from Ghastly Ghaly:
“Vaccines are how we end this pandemic, and the ability to vaccinate more children who have remained vulnerable to COVID-19 strengthens our fight against this deadly virus. Californians ages 5-11 can now get the same robust protection that has helped save countless lives,” California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly and director of the California Department of Public Health and State Public Health Officer Dr. Tomas J. Aragon said in a joint statement Wednesday.

You wouldn’t think, reading that, that unvaxxed children are at less danger from Covid than fully vaxxed adults. Or that young children spread the disease less than adults. And yet those things are both perfectly true, and well known. It’s just not something people on Team “everyone must get vaxxed” say out loud.

Second, the article points out that no cases of myocarditis/pericarditis were found in the Pfizer trial for 5-11 year old children. But that trial was far too small to detect this side effect, let alone measure it. That trial was about 2000 kids. It wasn’t powered to detect adverse effects that occur once in a few thousand cases, or once in ten thousand cases. The trial wasn’t intended to deal with that known side effect at all, so it is very misleading to imply that the trial told us *anything* about its prevalence in this age group.

Finally, and this is just so common and so dumb: the article cites an expert saying something like “XYZ are so important to get us back to normal life in terms of schools.” But says nothing about the fact that much of the US, and most of Europe, is ‘back to normal’ in terms of elementary school, without any big bad thing happening. It’s not journalism, its just stenography for the bureaucrats.

If one political entity is imposing some restriction and saying it is necessary to prevent bad effect X, and a bunch of other political entities don’t have that restriction, and have no great problem with X than the first place does … maybe a real journalist would point that out, rather than just parroting the party line. Sigh.

“ But that trial was far too small to detect this side effect, let alone measure it. That trial was about 2000 kids. It wasn’t powered to detect adverse effects that occur once”

Our children are going to be the trial. That’s why the companies won’t remove the liability protections.

What’s next? Why CRT of course.

Huh? CRT is a right wing buzz word. Stay in your lane. History is full of good and bad and the truth should not be obfuscated. Belly ache all you want with your regurgitated Fox news talking points about the virus and your silly Brandon nonsense, as asinine as you sound. I am not a fan of either party, and don’t support mandates for masks or vaccines, but this CRT nonsense needs to stop. Historical crimes against humanity, such as the Atlantic Slave Trade and persecution of the European Jews, should be taught truthfully based on Historiography, with no regard to your feelings.

@Batt B “Critical Race Theory” is hardly a “right wind buzz word.” It is a liberal philosophical theory developed and taught at institutions of higher learning, Stanford for example,


defined as a movement that

“… conventional civil rights and ethnic studies discourses take up but places them in a broader perspective that includes economics, history, setting, group and self-interest, and emotions and the unconscious.”

However, be prepared to be challenged intellectually because most liberals won’t grasp the implications of such a theory or how divisive it will become … sorta like Biden didn’t fully grasp his Afghanistan withdrawal plan … or lack thereof.


Balt B: What is this information you think that is being suppressed? Please tell us. We know about slavery. I can tune in PBS and literally get three of the four channels covering it at the same time (yes, really, that has happened), with the fourth a kid’s educational cartoon populated with carefully chosen ethnic groups. I have inherited original pictures of the holocaust I will eventually donate to the Simon Weisenthal center. You want to tell me about it? What I hear from my kids in school is about indoctrination and obsession with race in an attempt to shame people for things they have nothing to do with. That is what CRT is all about, quite in contrast to ending racism they want to magnify it and use it as a political tool. If you have kids in school then defend why they are being tested on the Virginia slave laws but have no clue who was on what side in WWII, or about the Vietnam war. If you don’t have kids in school, please go away.

Critical Race Theory” is hardly a “right wing buzz word.

CRT has been implemented for over 30 years. It’s not a curriculum, it’s their way of life. They are trained marxists. It’s systemic.

Sick marxists have been tearing things down sense the “woman’s” movement.

Don’t ever forget your own experiences in the public schools. You know what they have been pushing and it ain’t new.

I fear for our children.

I desperately hope I am wrong.

The current government wholly supports abortion.

Our current government wholly support the Covid drug.

I believe that alone should dissuade parents from letting their children take that gene altering drug.

Golf. Foxtrot. Yankee.

These people pushing this are evil, and I do mean EVIL. I saw a couple clips where a little FIVE YEAR OLD who just got injected with this experimental serum said she “had to do it to save the world”…and in another a boy around 7 is crying because he’s “so happy to finally be safe”. So yeah, the parents filling their kids’ heads with this fear-mongering garbage and sticking their healthy (not talking immunocompromised) are ghoulish freaks…friggin 99.998% survival rate for kids, you complete and total unhinged loons.

Those must be the same people who wear masks outside and in their car. They’ve been scared crapless by lying fauci and the mainstream media that worships at his feet. These people only have themselves to blame, though, because the facts about covid are out there. They just decided to follow the party line and play their part in political, woke theater.

They have created mass hysteria to impose conformity.

“…something wicked this way comes.”

I’m putting my energy out into the greater community – through my local county department of education. I have I am currently working in software development – and have the necessary vocational credentials to do so. All of that being said – I know how to “research” and “write” a basic (well researched “article”) – and will be submitting my “findings” (data based science) to every single members of my county board of education. This has become a necessary task – and it really is a “legal” matter. I am hand carrying these findings – and they have to accept them. This is known as a “paper trail” – and attorneys utilize this kind of research.

Congratulations. You are an American. 🇺🇸


The Brandon administration, throughout the past year, have given us a few zingers:
Increase in gas prices
Supply chain issues
Botched Afghanistan withdrawal
Border issues

For each of those above issues, you would not find many Americans happy with those outcomes. However, I think these COVID mandates for children, you’ll find a good number of folks, especially in the bay area, that agree with them. The Brandon administration will certainly score a few kudos with these policies, and they need as much approval as they can get.

It’s no longer about health.

SF wants to see their papers. How long til Contra Costa wants the same?


Anyone have proof Newosm’s exceptional children have neen injected with this toxic vaccine? I heard he made them exempt.

Anyone else notice how many people are having memory troubles?
It’s rampant here in California , genderless zombies in a trance. is what I see
walking around daily…or have aliens really landed?

Are they abnormally mean spirited too? Some people have been noticing that with certain people.

Parents are leaving and taking their kids to safer more family friendly states.

Sorry let me rephrase, a generation of parents are taking their kids to more family friendly states.

California has traumatized millions of people, an entire generation of parents is leaving and will never return.

In 10 years California will be full of two people: the rich elite raising their rich elite kids, and their not so elite serfs who come from other countries to work low wages at the elite bidding. Similar to what Saudi Arabia and the Middle East does already – they let poor Bangladeshis and other no so fortunate people from poorer surrounding countries in to work as essentially indentured servants.

There is now a covid pill. Medicine !! If you feel these symptoms make sure you get you some.

According to the study’s findings, this is the order of symptoms that people with COVID-19 can experience:

cough and muscle pain
nausea or vomiting

Not necessarily. For one family member it began with a headache and being very tired. Progressed to sinus infection symptoms. Muscle pain and diarrhea were never experienced, though nausea was.

My daughters symptoms were, in order, cold like symptoms then being tired. Thats as bad as it got for her.

Me…never got it. So much for it being highly transmissable.

cough and muscle pain
nausea or vomiting

Aren’t these the symptoms of just about every illness known to mankind?

Probably but if you get these symptoms get tested right away and get the meds.
Deb Shay
Good that you posted that. It would be good if more gave symptoms

Has anyone really looked at what the “substantial” case rate really is? This is not a pandemic -never was – all planned to destroy our country and our economy. Keeping kids in masks is absurd – there was a study that came out a few months ago that said IQs were down 20 points in the last year and a half – let the kids learn in a normal environment – see faces and see the teacher talking.

Covid 19 is the most valuable political weapon/tool the Democrats have ever found!
Jane Fonda said it herself ” The coronavirus is “God’s gift to the left”
She may be a traitor and a commie.. but at least she can tell it like it is.

Another indictment has been handed down in the Durham investigation of Democrat’s claim of “Russian collusion” in Trump’s election to the Office of President. Turns out the real scandal was perpetrated by Democrats who “… disseminated Russian disinformation” after Trump’s election to “manipulate media” and fuel “paranoia” and doubt about the election process.


We should have a class action lawsuit against everyone involved with this lie for damaging four years of government. Then for four more years of giving us Brandon.



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