Home » Average Gas Price In California Continues To Inch Closer To $5 A Gallon

Average Gas Price In California Continues To Inch Closer To $5 A Gallon


California and Hawaii are the only states in the United States with average gas prices over $4 a gallon.

California is $4.61, and Hawaii is $4.33, according to AAA.

The cheapest gas in the nation is in Texas, where the average price is $3.02 a gallon.

A little closer to home – Contra Costa County’s average price is $4.72 a gallon. The most expensive gas in California is in Mono County, at $5.49 a gallon, and the cheapest is in Modoc County, where a gallon will cost you around $4.41.


The highest gas price at a station in Concord is at the Shell Station on Kirker Pass at Clayton Rd., where a gallon of regular gas will cost you $5.09, according to OaklandGasPrices.com. The website also reports the cheapest gas in Concord is $4.19 at Costco on Monument Blvd.

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Internal combustion engines don’t require to be plugged in for an overnight charge.
Wait til there is a prolonged power outage.

Prolonged power outages will never occur. Look what PGE does when we have super windy days.

Oil companies report record profits.

But of course!
Between taxes on top of taxes, NIMBYS who don’t want any production near them, and so-called environmentalist and government regulators who are doing the best they can to make gasoline harder to produce as well as much more expensive, the oil companies can charge anything they want and Californians will pay for it.

Good for them, glad I have stock, makes for a good dividend. Oil is an integral part of any functioning economy. Profit is good. Your pedestrian statement about the profits of oil companies does not provide any explanation/rationale as to why gas in California is almost $5/gallon, whereas, in the example above, in Texas, it is almost $2 cheaper.

When oil was $160- a barrel gas was cheaper than it is now. Why? A few pennies are newer taxes but the rest I can not explain.

There it is. One of our notorious know it all democrat posters let’s the cat out the bag. Completely clueless how things in the grown up world work. Notice how the others have enough sense to keep from posting on this topic. The Brandon administration only exists because of low information voters like you. Thanks. Because of you we will see 7 dollars a gallon.

Let’s Go Brandon

Lets Go Brandon!

Lets Go Newscum!

If Newscum cared about his people, and I mean those that pay the taxes, maybe he could lower our gas prices by removing some of the CA state specific fees that we pay on each gallon of fuel-even if just temporarily. Give us some of our money back … o wait, I am here legally, pay my taxes and am not what people would call a person of color and I do not have identify as any gender beyond the original two. So per Newscum and others, I am a bad bad man … and I must pay for others.

Gavin/s plan to make everybody buy electric cars. He will have a drawing soon with prizes. Should have been recalled and locked up!

Newscum doesn’t care about the people, only loyal to his party and the evil agenda they bring. There’s a supply shortage because of his diesel truck regulations and he doesn’t care about it either. Power, control and money.

Thanks Joe.

I love to ride my bicycle
I love to ride my bike
Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle 🚴 🚴 🚴

Yup when there is a prolonged power outage old dino gas cars are double screwed.

Can’t get the fuel and can’t pump.. ha ha ha. EV’s just have to find any power.. Battery, Generator, Solar.

Gas can, you nitwit.

Let’s Go Brandon!

Thanks Biden.

$5/gallon is a small price to pay to not read mean tweets.

the truth hurts. Dems can’t take it!

Nothing Trump tweeted about was untrue. Instead of being a typical lying politician with a hidden agenda he not only let us know what he was thinking he did the right things for the country. All the things the left doesn’t do. It was so refreshing. That’s why millions love him.

I was more than willing to tolerate Trump’s mean tweets, in exchange for lower gas prices. 5 dollars per gallon is a ripoff.

Gee, we were energy independent under our former president. Biden, under orders from Obama, cancelled the Keystone pipeline and tens of thousands of oil workers (union) were laid off. Biden then green lights Putin on his Nord Stream project, then turns around and begs OPEC to produce more. Did you happen to notice the red tidal wave on Tuesday? Well, until the next red tidal wave comes next year, you’ll have to love with your choice of Biden. You think $5 a gal is going to cut into your budget? Wait’ll oil hits $100 per barrel next year. Your ride on the Brandon roller coaster isn’t anywhere near done. Pain is coming. A lot more pain. Votes count.

November 5th, 2021:
“Bank of America is now predicting that Brent crude oil, which drives gas prices, will zoom to $120 a barrel by June 2022,” CNN reported.

Thanks Brandon.

Keep voting along party lines Democrats!
Don’t think for yourselves just blindly vote for who and what your’e told.
I can’t believe you’re not waking up and getting tired of this garbage already.

Missing mean tweets and $2.00 a gallon gasoline.

Brandon wants high gas prices to discourage fossil fuels, so you won’t get any sympathy there. And president Xi of China said if Brandon wants him to go along with the climate goals, he wants to be paid because they are just a developing country.

Poopy Joe’s AmeriKa.

Voting has consequences. You people should learn to differentiate between a President the Media hates vs a “President” the people truly hate.

Mainstream media = The Greatest threat to our Nation.

Let’s Go Brandon!

Its interesting that Greg or any of the other Brandon supporters are on here defending this rediculousnes.

Still around $3/gal over here in our state that doesn’t even have a refinery. LGB (Let’s Go Branden) wishes to Biden and Newsom.

I still wonder when the majority of voters in California will realize the Democrat Party is their enemy.

Thank you (P)resident POOPIE PANTS!

Picked up some Exxon stock at the beginning of the year. Up 50% and looking forward to collecting another fat dividend this quarter.

Thank you Brandon!

After Brandon takes away your capital gain next year you can thank him again.


I bet if a reporter was “allowed” to ask Joe Biden the average cost of a gallon of gas in either his home state or Delaware, or in D.C where he spends more time sleeping than working, I bet he’d miss the mark by a dollar or more. Same with a gallon of milk. He’s clueless but the media still covers for him. Both Chevron and Exxon reported last week they are cutting back production. Say hello to $6 next year.

Miss the mark by a dollar?

Hell, he’d just stand there with a terminally bewildered expression on his face while he drools.

Most…..incompetent …ever. And nobody can deny that.

Thanks Joe for looking out for the hard working, struggling middle class citizens who are the backbone of America.

If a DEM complains about gas prices, ask them how long they were in cryostasis. Either that or perhaps they were cognitively impaired during obama regime.

Most peculiar vehicles that used to have obama or biden bumper stickers around the neighborhood, no longer have them . . . . . Hmm . . .

So…you really do blame the potus for gas prices. HAHAHAHAH oh wow…that’s awesome.

I blame this president for increasing gas prices, because that’s been his goal since the beginning. I blame this president for the rampant inflation for the same reason.

The price of gas today is strictly on Biden’s handlers. There certainly is nothing funny OR awesome about that.

And he blames OPEC. Anyone with a rudimentary education understands why fuel costs are rising, and it ain’t OPEC. Unbelievable.
On the gulf, they typically extract both oil and natural gas which are metered and sold; clean and efficient.
In Saudi Arabia, as they extract oil they simply burn off the natural gas into the atmosphere because they have no mean’s to transport it. So Joe has really further contributed to the climate change problem by making the US an importer by using dirty suppliers.
Stick that in your woke pipe and smoke it.

None of that matters for Joe, Komola, or any of the other democrat politicians. All that they are interested in is power, looking good on liberal propaganda news TV, and making themselves richer and richer.

This should not be a surprise to anyone. When Jerry Brown bought off our own state rep with a promise of money for local road projects in the bill that jacked up our gas taxes, this was widely predicted. Because the tax increase is spread out over years, our gas prices are unlikely to drop much, unless world oil prices drop significantly.

More proof that Brandon knows NOTHING about economics – let alone real life.

He’s been in politics for 47+ years and hasn’t accomplished one damn thing. And look who’s behind him – Harris the ho and Nancy the drunk. Let’s not forget his adult son and HIS transgressions.

The apple certainly doesn’t fall far from the tree for the entire democrat party.

Go Brandon!

Yay. The world’s 5th largest economy now has the most expensive gas. Is everyone enjoying the Econ 101 lesson on supply and demand pricing?

We still do not know we are being charged an extra .40 cents per gallon for gas since 2015. Oh yes, it is for the liberal, socialist Newsom slush fund that Soros needs as back up to all that he is throwing in to destroy America.

Gas prices should be reduced by .40 cents per gallon immediately from the day the reduction was snuck in going back to 2015.

We need to push back like Virginia did in their governor’s election. This crap from the liberals and progressives needs to come to a halting and screeching halt immediately. It is hitting everyone’s pocket books deeply and many know it was mistake to vote the party that is in power now who loves to spend other people’s money like it is going out of style. A President that falls asleep for his nap during the summit in Glasgow. Really what a joke. He can’t remember from one minute to the next what he has said and freely admits he has no answers. Well many of us have the answer but the leftist media mob shuts us down.

You got what you voted for.

LET’S GO BRANDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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