The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: Do you think local school districts should give students the day off after Halloween?
Talk about it….
You got to be kidding me, No No and No. But come to think about it, if they teach CRT then yes.
Do you even know what CRT {Critical Race Theory if spelling is a problem} is?
CRT is an advanced college level course that is nowhere to be found in any elementary, middle or high school.
Quit listening to Tucker and Newsmax and do some independent research.
Missy, take your lies somewhere else. I hear CNN is hiring.
Cyn, exactly what was a lie in my post? I only stated one fact, and that was about CRT. If you think that was a lie it should take you no more than about 2 minutes to look it up.
Tucker and Newsmax is a factual opinion. Opinions, by definition, cannot be a lie.
Missy, I believe your statement has been debunked so many times that it is just considered lying to keep offering it up. Last time I think it was someone pretending to be an Acalanes teacher saying CRT is not taught, and among other rebuttals was mine pointing out that if it is not taught in school, why does my kid know all about it, what it is, the details about whites being oppressors, how the US would have been nothing without exploiting slaves, and all. She did not get it from tic-tocs. She doesn’t even care about history, so where did she learn all this? Because it is taught in schools and they hide it under other names. See you again in 6 months.
Parents should limit their children’s activities so that they are not overly tired for the next school day.
Who’s in charge?
The Parent or the child.
In too many cases, the child is the one in charge.
In too many cases, the parents are children.
No. Halloween is not what it used to be with the pandemic. I had very few kids come by last night…only about 7 in our court. These were VERY young kids and they all came by with both of their parents.
So with no “students” coming, local school districts should not give the students the day after Halloween.
No way, hopped up on sugar they should have plenty of energy for the day!
No, that’s absolutely ridiculous.
To all of you saying no, you must not know that throughout the school year, the schools have, what’s called Teacher In Service days. It means kids get a day off when it’s not a holiday. Why not have one of those days, the day after Halloween?
Good comment Winnie!
….teachers have too many freebie days as it is – kids need more school not less
Some districts schedule a teacher in service day the day after Halloween. I don’t think that’s a bad idea. If they’re gonna throw those random days off might as well make the best use of it and no one needs their knickers in a wad.
Suck it up like adults do after the Super Bowl.
No, parents have to work. Or at least they did before paying rent was optional.
No I think it is up to the parents to limit activities and especially candy loaded with sugar so they kids don’t get to hyper active. Even if there were no school limiting candy overloaded with sugar is in the best interest of the parents and the child. Does not mean children cannot enjoy their halloween candy, but they don’t have to eat it all in one day.
No way. Just ration the candy spoils and get them to bed at the normal time.
Move Halloween to Saturday!
Nope. Not being sarcastic.
Calling in sick is an “opportunity cost”. Most don’t call in sick after the Super Bowl and dutifully report to work.
Children should be held to the same standard instead of being accommodated with a school holiday.
New mellinial work schedule
Every 1st and 3rd Monday and Friday should be off, as will as every 2nd and 4th Tuesday and Thursday.
Wednesdays are all half days.
no way…. they need more school not less
Why? What’s this world coming to that child now need the day-off after Halloween? God help us! Perhaps they’ll all get trophies for participating?
Treat your kids like your parents treated you & they’ll be better off
It should be a day off. For the parents too! Same as the day after super bowl.
I went to Catholic school through high school so never went to school on November 1.
All Saints’ Day – Wikipedia
In Western Christianity, it is still celebrated on 1 November by the Roman Catholic Church as well as many Protestant churches, as the …
The day off after superbowl, after st patricks day and Now Halloween?
Suck it up!! We walked Miles and filled pillow cases up and then “roughed” it out the next day at school talking about our loot.
When you cater to, enable and expect people to be pathetic and Weak = that is what you’ll get.
No. No. No.
Most kids won’t learn much staying home after Halloween.
yes, they should because, they need to stay out late to trick or treat
NO. To many days are given off already and then the districts complain they need more funding.