The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Halloween is coming up, which brings up the following questions….
- When is a child too old to be trick or treating?
- What is the most inappropriate Halloween costume you’ve ever seen in public? (on an adult or child).
Talk about it….
1. Age 15 is the limit.
2. A pregnant nun.
I’d say 14-15 is the oldest.
A woman dressed her dog in a full on (dog size) wedding dress.
no kids are too old as long as their behaved….. haven’t really seen a real inappropriate costume – maybe this year?
I think I stopped trick or treating when I was around 11 or 12, but if a kid wants to go trick or treating beyond that age, go for it. A person is never too old to act like a kid and enjoy life.
I’ve never seen what I would consider an inappropriate Halloween costume on a kid. Whatever floats their boat, is fine with me. With adults, it’s a different story. I’ve seen grown men walking around in leather chaps with their hairy butts sticking out, which is just as sickening to look at as grown men wearing their pants with their drawers exposed.
Agree with Exit 12 A. I had to go with my younger brother, I was 15 years of age, so thought I’d try and at least get in the spirit one last time, older man called me out on it. “HOW OLD ARE YOU”! I told him, can’t remember if I had a bag, guy was practically yelling. Too funny. Inappropriate one? Guy taking his or someone’s children around was wearing a speedo in October and one of those cut above the waist tank tops? We scurried away from him.
If an older kid is out getting candy, they aren’t out partying or causing trouble. Let them have the candy bar.
Agree. I hope they make an effort at costume.
Unless mentally handicapped, 12 is the limit. Most inappropriate was/is no costume at all
Kid are of all ages. Some are still in buggies or strollers, others are out with their grandchildren. Me? I’m an old kid giving out treats.
I’ve only seen one costume I thought inappropriate. A young teen dressed like a sleazy adult and when asked what he was he said a pimp. I said I don’t give treats to pimps. Only time I ever refused to give a treat.
No age limit at my house. I’ve had adults show up, a little down on their luck. Kids staying out of trouble having fun dressing up is okay by me,
A pregnant nun.
My mom dressed up one year as a pregnant angel with a sign around her neck saying “the devil made me do it!” She had such a great sense of humor! Miss her!
I’m with Dawg,,,,Never to old
As for costumes, well I attended the Hookers Ball a few times (free passes when I worked at BASS corporate office in Oakland) and lets just say there were some very “interesting” costumes. I think the male mummy is one I will never forget
Never too old. I went to a Halloween house party years ago. A friend dressed as a golfer. He cut about 6″ off a putter and attached it to a small fan motor that ran on batteries. Then attached wires and a switch. He taped it inside his pants so the putter was sticking out the zipper. When people commented on his putter he would flip the switch on and off. Got a lot of laughs. Same party a friend came dressed as a dentist. Had a small tank of laughing gas and the mask for it. He gave out samples until the tank ran out. Good times!
If you are pushing a baby stroller, and the baby is yours, you are too old to trick or treat! I hate it when those moms are in it for themselves.
I love it when teenagers come to my door. If they don’t dress up they get a can of beans or spinach. It makes the other kids laugh. The babies and toddlers get beanie babies, the adults get a can of soda, or bottled water. The really great non-spolied polite kid gets a Barbie or Lego set. Every once else gets candy.