In-N-Out in Pleasant Hill is back open today after Contra Costa County forced them to close on Tuesday.
The closure was due to In-N-Out’s refusal to check COVID-19 vaccination status of its customers who wanted to eat inside the restaurant.
The restaurant’s drive-thru is open, and the dining room is open for take-out only.
Great. If they are not willing or able to maintain a safe dine-in environment they should limit themselves to take out only.
I for myself will stay away.
And we thank you for that. If you don’t feel safe in public then don’t go out. Just don’t force everyone else to be like you.
So careless. They’re not getting my business.
Scaredy cats like you make it so the lines are shorter for people like me who go into the restaurant where I can get the food faster. Thank you!
@WC dad
Good riddance to you then. No one wants to dine with a pompous individual like yourself anyway.
@WC dad Maybe you should construct a safe space like Bubble Boy on Seinfeld.
And that’s perfectly fine. We won’t force you to go in, you promise not to bar us from going in. Everybody gets what they want.
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Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose ONE name so others can easily chat with you.
Maybe you can go frequent that Chicken-Filet place then? They will be happy to serve you…..
Nice try turning the narrative around. Maybe you should read his post before you try to slam him! He basically said do what you want and that’s fine. Just don’t push your beliefs on everyone else. If you don’t feel comfortable going there, go somewhere else. But the place shouldn’t be closed because you don’t like what their doing. Keep in mind, this is not a law. It’s an unenforceable “mandate.” I fully expect and, hope to see, the corporation sue the county for lost revenue during their closed period.
Just FYI. This is coming from someone who has the vaccine. I don’t understand why others wouldn’t want it, but that’s their choice, as we do live in America remember? As a vaccinated person who wears a mask into businesses, I’m not paranoid and I fully support In And Outs decision. It’s a cost they should not have to take on.
Sign From Above, they weren’t closed because of their beliefs, they were closed for a health violation. Do you think restaurants should get to pick and choose which laws they follow?
Can Burger King start selling gin & tonics because they are tired of draconian liquor license laws?
Drive-through and takeout are just fine if you don’t want to check for vaccination cards. Seeing the gigantic line of cars taking over that parking lot every day I assume that’s what most of their customers were doing any way.
I love how the same people who, for all of last summer, were defending rioting arson and the blocking of freeways as legitimate forms of civil disobedience are now the same ones whe are full on “law and order” types when it comes to people pushing back against insane and draconian mandates.
Lick the boot harder, maybe they won’t come for you.
If you’re scared to go outside then stay indoors instead of ruining life for others.
@ Chuq
“Do you think restaurants should get to pick and choose which laws they follow?”
Once again, let’s go over this.
Laws are enacted by politicians we vote into office. While we may not like them, they are rules we need to follow. Whether it be arrest or citation, there is a penalty if you break them. “Mandates” are put in place by government bureaucrats who are not elected. They may sound impressive, but they do not have any lawful penalty if you choose to disobey them. Sure, they can take action as the county did. But you can pretty much count on the county losing the inevitable lawsuit for the money In and Out lost while closed. Guess who pays for that Chuq!
This is quite a bit different than your example of Burger King selling Gin and Tonic. Liquor license “LAWS” prevent that. Take the time to learn the difference, as it really is important.
Let’s Go Brandon!
There’s simply No battle, it’s an unlawful “mandate” and violation of civil rights.
The Contra Costa Health dept…..brought to you by Pfizer!
Good for u In-n-Out!!!…..stand up to those Liberals!
LET’S GO BRANDON!!!!!!!………..TRUMP 2024
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@ Gogo
“ In & Out sucks! They discriminate against potential employees.”
There it is! Someone is mad because they, or someone they know, didn’t get a job! Some people are more transparent than they think!
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Who knew CCC would end up “out-san-franciscoing” san francisco?
Well put!
Good !! It is a nice day to eat outside.
Shame on In-N-Out for endangering their customers by ignoring local public health mandates.
Most covid transmission takes place inside households. I am in favor of the public health dictator pulling another mandate out of her rear and requiring the police come to your house to ensure you are wearing your mask around your family. Shame on you endangering their health.
If it saves one life! Follow the science or you are in a death cult!
“endangering their customers”
You do realize vaccinated people can a) catch the covid virus and b) spread the covid virus, right? Who is endangering customers again?
@ Concord guy
You know the vaccine card does not mean that they are free of Covid, right?
These mandates are useless. Food businesses are held to these strict and invasive standards, but other places (retail for example) are not.
Guess where I am going tomorrow for lunch? Shorter lines, great service, and a company that is standing on principle.
I just decided what I’ll have for dinner tonight.
A brave company standing up against the third-Reich style medical tyranny being imposed on us.
CC Health will probably want proof of Flu shots for pick up next.😦
It took them 3 fines and a shutdown before they decided this was the best course of action?
I’ll – Be – Back!,…to visit for take out,… 🙂
I consider myself relatively liberal. Do you really expect restaurants to “card” poeple for vaccine cards? (Which ,you could just show a piece of monopoly money – who would know the difference?) you are putting their employees in a compromising position. Why doesn’t the health department go around “Carding” people and see how that goes. I am pro-vaccine and pro-vaccine mandate, but … what an overreach of government. This is just wrong.
So you are in favor of people who were willing to risk themselves to keep everyone fed and cared for through the pandemic being terminated from their jobs because they have grown comfortable with that risk, but carding people at restaurants is a bridge too far?
Liberal as a descriptor for people on the left has become absurd. You guys are all absolute totalitarians. As long as the corporate media machine tells you it’s OK, you will buy that manufactured consent every time.
Hey! There’s WMDs there, we swear! If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor! This 4 trillion dollar legislation doesn’t cost one penny! Chris Cuomo is a neutral journalist!
You can call yourself liberal again when you start believing in liberty again.
there will be protests over the nazi mandates that only seem to affect scapegoat restaurants…here come the protests….its time people…you are either part of the problem or…you know the rest
Maybe that’s what it takes to get people off their duffs and into the streets to protest like they are in other countries: “don’t mess with our burgers!”
Mike, You are finding out that no matter how you describe yourself, some poster think they know you better than you do. I run into this all the time, frustrating.
Was there earlier today.
I’ll be there in a little while too.
I support any business that stands up to the tyrants.
It’s not my favorite food, but I’ll drive across town and wait in line for a triple, just to show my support.
Roommate and I are getting dinner there tomorrow. Hope they have a tip jar for an extra 20 or two I need to get rid of.
Thank you CCCounty! .. but please tell me why the routinely busy Home Depot can have countless people in their store unmasked?
Stay in your home and you won’t have issue. The rest of the public can go on without your incessant whining.
Because Home Depot didn’t contribute to the Newsom recall campaign, and In ‘n Out did.
The same reason Gavin is seeking vaccine exemptions for the unions who finance and own him. Call it corruption or soft dollars, the results are the same.
What a bunch of whiners. If you don’t want to eat there then don’t. It’s a free country.
People were getting killed when asking others to put a mask on. I don’t blame businesses for not asking. I wouldn’t want to die either just for asking someone for there vaccine card. Plus it could be fake so what is the point? If people don’t want to be responsible then let those folks suffer the consequences. Why are the politicians trying so hard to save people?! The world is too over crowded anyways.
But they didn’t stand up to the tyrants. They caved and shut down indoor dining.
@Pat because not enough people have complained about the lack of masks. Like In N Out, no one on the staff wants to enforce it and deal with the ‘freedom fighters’ who may get physical.
Hey, everyone! Let’s not be nasty. WC dad isn’t saying he’s afraid to be out in public; in view of this pandemic that has taken 700,000 lives in the U.S. he wants restaurants to exercise reasonable caution when people are in close inside quarters, breathing the same air.
And there it is, the “700,000 deaths” canard. The VAST majority died WITH, not FROM China virus. Per CDC, 95% of those who died had an average of 4.0–Yes, FOUR POINT ZERO—comorbidities. Not exclusively, but overwhelmingly it’s lethal to the obese and elderly. And fun fact, one of the comorbidity categories with THOUSANDS of deaths is “Intentional and Unintentional injury, poisoning, and Other adverse events”, as of 10/24/2021 there are 15,255 such deaths counted as “COVID-19 deaths”.
@ Gogogirl…… Have you met Greg yet?
Yes….. I thought so.
What I find interesting is that other counties have both higher hospitalizations of COVID and higher death rates than the surrounding bay area, yet there are no mask mandates in the restaurants, stores, and various public indoor areas. I guess the health Nazis are just following SCIENCE…right?
If I was IN-N-OUT burger, I’d tell those health Nazis where they can place their mandates and close for good! Send a message. Just think of the loss of tax revenues from the store in P.H. and SF.
Let people decide for them selves, Florida now has lower case rate without all the restrictions. Let business decide if want to be vaccine passport enforcers or not and customers decide where want to go.
We’re getting close to expanding 2 weeks to flatten the curve to 2 years, just saying 🙁
Gavin weighed in on In ‘n Out today. He soft-balled it like an Anderson Copper Biden interview. He hates them for contributing to the recall campaign, yet he doesn’t want to lose the tax revenue when they move their headquarters out of CA as many others are doing.
Boot-licking toadie.
@WC Dad Right On…
We went to a fast food place tonight and could not stay inside to eat w/o proof of vaccination.
Fine – no worries- we follow rules and I am proud of it.
Lawlessness, entitlement, trying to overthrow our government ain’t in my bag.
@Steve….Maybe it’s time to get a new one….
Laws a passed by legislatures, and signed into law by executives, with a public comment period so citizens can weigh in. Then you usually have six months to a year to make preparations for compliance.
These are edicts by bureaucratic tin pot dictators. Stop being such an abiding boot licker and open your eyes.
You had proof of vaccination but no proof you were covid negative!
@Gogogirl….Step away from the pipe, repeat, step away from the pipe…. it’s not your friend no matter what it tells you.
It’s absolutely astounding how stupid some people are in this area. The smugness from you arrogant, cognitively handicaped fools who think the world revolves around you is toxic poison. The bay area has literally bread an inability to think at all.
This is not a state law. It’s not a federal law. It’s a county decree. The rest of the country and world are not doing this. Yet for some reason some of you believe it’s “keeping people safe”. Why? How? How do you smooth brains even function?
Florida has been completely open the whole time. Florida is doing the best in the nation. Yet for the reason of pure insanity, some of you think they are not.
This tyrannical mandate does nothing whatsoever for anything. Yet some of your mental state is in such decline you think In-N-Out is trying to kill people.
Just across the benicia bridge is business as usual with no problems. Its truly interesting how fragile and weak minded the education and propaganda system has made you people.
Yes Sam~
It’s Sad,…and so totally Crazy.
What Sam said.
You realize over seventy percent of black Americans aren’t vaccinated, right? You are going to be denying basic rights to “POC” because you are a credulous, fearful boot licker. Why are you such a racist bigot?
@Bella WC Dad Right On choose another name you took mine.
Only one Bella, please don’t try it again. I’ve had it for a long time. Name given to me by my deceased husband.
@Gogogirl Trust me, there are plenty of people who are in fact vaccinated who simply do not believe in the over reach by government such as CC Health, and the forcing of restaurant and other employees to be put in the position of being the vaccine police. I support In and Out (sat in their very busy drive through last night) and any other establishment who takes a stand against this ridiculous, and largely unenforceable mandate.
@ Gogogirl~
Trump also had Covid,….and recovered, like may others.
Vaccines do not stop Covid,…one of our vaccinated democrat friends ended up with Covid,…she survived.
We have plenty of Dem friends not vaccinated, so now what?
No drama, no poor me, and totally mentally sound here,…. 🙂
Have a great Day!
Wow, what would your therapist say about that rant?
“Our space” Yes everything is your space…
Please just Go Go Girl….
I support IN and OUT and went through their drive through yesterday.
They have standards for those they hire to have a certain GPA and the employees are always pleasant not like so many other places.
Don’t like IN and OUT don’t go there as those of us who like them will have a shorter wait time.
Let people decide for themselves and stop having government dictate my life.
This Branch Covidian nonsense made national news, FYI. When I remind neighbors I used to live in Contra Costa they understand why we moved.
BTW- we have been worshiping, shopping, eating out (dine-in) here since Easter to no ill effect. I would ask for the settled-science used to make these decisions (my undergraduate degree was in science) but I simply trust nothing coming out of Kleptofornica.
This latest round of nonsense from CoCoCo is the proverbial straw for me. Now researching locations in TN and FL to relocate to.
I can go to a restaurant infected with Covid and sit down and eat as long as I show a vaccination card?
If I’m covid negative and not vaccinated I can not eat there.
@ Roz….You go girl!!!
Let’s see, we the people elect our representatives and in this case it’s the county board of supervisors who are responsible to us not us to them. If you watched the October 12th board meeting you would have noticed those calling in were opposed to the mandates the board wanted to pass and way outnumbered those in favor. It may not be a scientific sampling but probably does somewhat representative of the opinion of the citizens in the county (as long as they form one).
It would be interesting to sue the board and find out why they passed these rules. Did they attend some symposium or conference where they were told what to do rather than follow the interests of their constituents? I think this is what is going on across the country though occasionally I do read of some members of such boards not marching in lockstep.
This is a “mandate” by the county BOS or health “officer.” It is NOT a law, nor is it a codified ordinance.
All of the armchair lawyers need to shut up and sit down. While you’re at it, ask your momma to fix you a Hot Pocket.
That being said, the entire BOS needs to be voted out of office. Remember Mitchoff’s tirade online late last year – where she was swearing online and over broadcast county TV? Wonder if the FCC ever contact Ted her….Remember Gioia’s ongoing interruptions of people attempting to speak during the public comment period?
Kick the SOBs out of office. They are not “leaders” by any stretch of the imagination- just petty tyrants that have low self esteem. The only reason they were elected is via the Party “support. And don’t let them tell you otherwise.
Drain the swamp – starting at the bottom.
We have an ignoramus Karen running CCHealth, what do you expect ?
I will be purchasing In & Out today….Best thing about California.
@Gogogirl – “Stay out of our space?”
It sounds like Gogogirl prefers the unvaccinated life in a segregated ghetto.
Should the residents of your ghetto wear yellow flare so they can easily be identified? Maybe a yellow star?
@Gogogirl – You poor thing. Do you need a safe space?
Shortest wait ever; 6 minutes total, from the time to lock up my bike, to enjoying my Double-Double Animal Style and a Shake. And no Vax-Police!!!!!
Good for In and Out.
Good for everyone else. Don’t feel safe, don’t eat there. Feel safe? Enjoy.
I am 100% behind in and out burger and to hell with the State health department and the Contra Costa county health department overstepping their boundaries the federal government is breaking not just laws but policies and regulations these people are committing crimes against humanity so I applaud in and out Burger stand your ground 🍟
Sounds like the vaccinated are scared and unvaccinated are not scared.
Measles vaccination = no problem
Polio vaccination = no problem
Covid-19 vaccination = big problem
If you had a COVID-19 vaccination why are you still scared?
Picked up some to go from In’N’Out. Delicious! And I was happy to see their inside dining still locked down due to their defiance of health mandates.
Being a progressive in a progressive state means you get to have your In’N’Out and eat it too. 😉
I only 1 place even ask me for my proof of vaccination out of the 1/2 dozen I’ve been to. These kids don’t want to be cops.
On my way back into Concord this evening, it was great to see those cars in line and Business booming..Been awhile, I need to go by and pick up some soon.
I support you In-N-Out! I wouldn’t be the vaccine police either!
Let’s go Brandon!