Home » Many Who Received Moderna, Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Eligible For Boosters In Contra Costa County

Many Who Received Moderna, Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Eligible For Boosters In Contra Costa County


Many Contra Costa residents who received Moderna or Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines can now consider booster doses.

After reviewing research, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and California Department of Public Health (CDPH) have found that booster doses of all available COVID-19 vaccines improve protection against both infection and serious illness, including from the delta variant.

Fully vaccinated people may also now choose any of the three available COVID-19 vaccines for their booster doses when they are eligible, regardless of the vaccine used during their initial immunization.

As with people vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, those who received Moderna vaccine should get a booster dose, according to the CDC, if at least six months have passed since they completed their initial course of vaccination, and they are:


  • 65 or older
  • residents of long-term care facilities
  • 50 to 64 with underlying medical conditions or who are at increased risk of severe COVID-19 due to social inequities, including those from communities of color

People previously vaccinated with Moderna vaccine who may consider receiving a booster, based on their individual benefits and risks, include:

  • those who are 18 to 49 with underlying health conditions
  • those who are 18 to 64 and are at increased risk of COVID-19 exposure due to their occupation or institutional setting

The best place for most Contra Costa residents to seek booster doses is through their own healthcare providers or their local neighborhood pharmacies.

Beginning Tuesday, CCHS’ free vaccination clinics will also offer booster doses by appointment to anyone who is eligible. Call 1-833-829-2626 to make an appointment, or use our online form at cchealth.org/coronavirus.

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https://www.thegatewaypundit.com /2021/10/go-cdc-director-walensky-says-us-may-change-definition-fully-vaccinated-booster-shots-become-available-video/

Soooo they will basically keep moving the goalposts i.e. you will have to keep taking “boosters” (to boost the speed of your death) to be “fully vaxxed.” I’ve told people since the beginning to reject the jab because ITS NOT SAFE OR EFFECTIVE. From recent claycord comments, it does seem a lot of people are aware of what’s going on. Most of the world has woken up it seems, but we are still in trouble here in CA. If my kids have to be home schooled, so be it, they will never take the experimental RNA gene therapy that contains DNA from an aborted fetus (fact). What happens when thousands of parents decide the same?

Fun Fact of the day: the top 70 most populous cities in the US each have more people than the total number of people that watched Biden’s town hall on CNN

The vaccines are safe and effective.
They are not a “gene therapy.”
They do not contain DNA.
They don’t contain anything from an aborted fetus.
But thanks for playing.

I will not address you opinions, but very clearly what you state as “fact” is completely wrong. During development of the vaccines (all three available COVID-19 vaccines) they have been tested using HEK393 cells. HEK stands for human embryonic kidney cells. I believe it is not known whether the original embryo was from an induced abortion of from a misscarriage. It is pretty much standard for all drugs to be tested on HEK293 cells. As a matter of fact even hydroxy chloroquine and ivermectin have been tested on HEK293 cells.

And here is a fun fact for you. If you have no clue about these vaccines people will not value your opinions.

But there is no HEK293 DNA in any of the vaccines. Please check the FDA approved product inserts and you will not find that any of the vaccines contain “DNA from human origin” or from “an aborted fetus”.

So you think this virus follows your rules?

The shill simp army pouncing on this thread quickly to protect CDC director Walensky.

The virus follows the media and political science.

All three of you should be ashamed of yourselves for selling out your countrymen. Unless of course you’re foreign propaganda.

17K vaccine deaths reported to VAERS and counting.

818,044 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 17,128 deaths and 122,833 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and Oct. 15, 2021.


Let’s Go Brandon!

I hear the vaccines will also give you eternal life, make you rich and famous plus allow you to walk on water which might come in handy these days.

The Observer

What you fail to mention is historic fetal cell line were used in the development or manufacture of Covid-19 vaccines.

So whereas there are no fetal cell in the vaccine, fetal cells were used in the development or manufacture of the vaccine.

@Bayslashers – you are absolutely correct. You can’t be too safe and so I would strongly advise you to stay at least 300 feet away from any vaccinated person. I use 300 feet as that’s the length of a football field, which has goalposts at each end.

@ Me

Other than attempting to obfuscate, not sure why you felt the need to repeat my post.

I’m well aware that aborted fetal cells are not in the vaccines as I clearly state but it is also obvious not everyone knows fetal cells are used in the development and production Covid-19 vaccines and well as others such as varicella (chickenpox), rubella, hepatitis A, and Imovax for rabies to name a few.

Happy now?

Hurry hurry, us in the control group are waiting for the results. We are curious just how many times you are going to do this before you call out the COVID HOAX for what it is.

Let’s Go Brandon!!

“Social inequity”?
Oh puh-lease…
So-called inequities exist because we are ideologically a free society. Socialism is detrimental to a free society.

Good luck with that ADE & No longer having an immune system.
The source code for the Alberta VaxPass shows 8 booster shots.

The irony of firing the ones who once protected you…..doesn’t look good for you Tyrants.

Research t-cels affected by rna vaccines. Premise is, knock down the T cells and build them back up. (And with the boosters?) do it over and over and over again, because your immune system is under constant assault from the shot. So now it makes since that those who got it will be under constant advisement for constant boosters.

I booked the third jab. I’m healthy as a horse but older and don’t want to chance dying from Covid or getting long-haul Covid. You do what you want.

Should have known I would trigger a few people probably wearing their mask indoors at this very moment LOL.

Has any major news outlet reported that Taiwan has ADMITTED THAT THE VACCINE HAS KILLED MORE PEOPLE THAN COVID?!?

Wait, you put your trust in puppy torturer Fauci! Nice! Turns out he was also experimented on AIDS orphans. But take his shot!

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2 021/10/wasnt-just-beagles-monkeys-faucis-nih-also-funded-medical-experiments-aids-orphans-ny-city/

Please people it’s time to get out your comfort zone and realize we are under attack. The longer it takes you to realize this, the worse off you will be.

why are Gavin’s’EXCEPTIONAL” children exempt? Something smells like rotten fish in California.

“eligible” means that you will soon lose your fully vaccinated status if you do not take this booster. Then the next booster. Then the next booster. Then the next, for eternity.

Hope you cattle are ready for endless injections of mystery fluids to protect against a disease with a .001% death rate for healthy people under 50. Medical tyranny is here and most Americans seemingly embrace it with wide arms.

The nightmare future I had read about in science fiction is way lamer than I had hoped.

“Has any major news outlet reported that Taiwan has ADMITTED THAT THE VACCINE HAS KILLED MORE PEOPLE THAN COVID?!?”

No they haven’t. Feel free to provide a link to the official government announcement. When you link us to some right wing clickhole “interpreting” something, I’m gonna laugh and laugh.

Who cares about major news outlets? Guess who buys LOTS of advertising on those outlets? We haven’t trusted the major news outlets for decades.

That’s right greg, nobody has suffered any deaths or adverse reactions to the vaxx, that’s all just conspiracy theory – Joe Biden said so.

I wish people would stop referring to the shot as a vaccine it is far from a vaccine but the good news is if you’re not permanently disabled or dead they’ll be happy to give you more. Good luck to you

Humans are losing their memories from this wretched vaccine.

This has been brushed under the fraud Fauci rug.

Oh yeah…. that’s right!
I forgot about that.

I think that all can agree that the results of the vaccination and booster shots will result in many darwin awards. Instead of herd immunity, the herd will be culled

Good. We are long overdue. I’m not sad about losing people that are to stupid to think for themselves. I hope the rumors are true. I hope it does cause immunodeficiency or ADE. Whatever it is, it’s clear pfizer ain’t upset about selling vaccine boosters every month paid for by taxpayers. This is how they get taxpayers to pay for socialized medicine. This is OBAMA 100% behind this plan. I’d bet my life that traitor kenyan born communist planned it all.



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