The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon!
Today’s question:
Would you travel to another country for medical treatment if you couldn’t get the treatment in the United States?
Talk about it….
Absolutely, whatever it takes
Depends on what medical treatment I need, and what country. So far, I’ve been lucky, and I never get sick. I have a friend that had some dental work done in Mexico, and he’s happy with it. If I ever decided to visit a foreign country for a medical procedure, I would do a lot of research and ask a lot of questions. I also would pick a first world, developed country, probably in Europe. I would have to trust their decontamination and sterilization process, and I would not pick a country with free healthcare where the wait can be up to a year.
Agree with You on where to go, if treatment is needed out of the U.S.
One of my Hubby’s ex-coworkers, had some back/spin issues and there was a treatment/surgery, not approved in the U.S., but he was able to go to Europe,…can’t remember where. He stayed out there for about 6 weeks, and is totally out of pain, be able to walk/hike and is living a wonderful life now.
I understand that international corporations identify Moscow and London as excellent places for treatment in an emergency. Switzerland would be another good choice.
I would not willingly travel to Mexico, India, etc…to get cheaper treatment. Too many horror stories and no recourse if you are harmed.
My native Denmark. A Danish friend of mine that was diagnosed with a brain tumor, moved his family ( American wife and 2 kids) back there and lived his remaining years there, l believe it was a combination of socialized medicine, treatment and being close to his parents. Another American friend moved there with his Danish wife when he was diagnosed with a terminal illness. I have friends in this area that have gone to Mexico for dental procedure. I prefer to get my treatment here with a dentist l know
Well once you are terminal it doesn’t much matter where you are. The tax rate over there is very high, so people are still paying for healthcare. This is why so many don’t own homes, or even car’s. They have small refrigerator’s, often no dryer’s for clothes and it’s not because they are environmentally concerned. It’s because they can’t “afford” the luxury of a simple dryer we are use too or large refrigerator because of the high cost of living ( TAXES). Back to “healthcare”; it’s great if you don’t have to wait for a diagnosis or possibly treatment. Compare their rates of cancer to ours, and it’s not so good. I have friends from Canada and the UK, who have come to the US for healthcare, because there they would have died waiting for treatment. My UK friends had to sell everything to come here just to live. That is very sad to me.
We know that over 70,000 Canadian’s come to the USA each year to seek medical treatment, because there they have to wait so long for diagnostic treatments.
We have our own problems too. Big Pharma is way too powerful and is blocking treatments that are life saving because they can’t make money on them, or there is a cure, and it will do away with a segment of their industry. This has been going on for decades. Also their price gouging on drugs.
Myself, if I had cancer, I would go to CHIPSA Treatment center in Mexico.
We have. Got dental work in Cancun by a board certified doctor. Was a fraction of the cost.
In a heartbeat. Some doctors are more interested in handling out opioids than treating the problem. You make more money from a continuous sick society. The healthcare in the US is great if you have money.
I know someone who is in Moscow right now for heart surgery – quick appointment and not expensive. Also, because he’s foreign, they put their best surgeon on the case.
I have Kaiser and until they kill me, I trust them tom help me. They are expensive but I have had two major issue which one was cancer and I am ok for 9 years!
Good ole USA is far better (not cost wise!) than going to a foreign country and have an issue!
I have read and heard of numerous important people that live in other countries that come to the USA for medical treatment. Even Doctors moving here from Canada to get away from their socialized hospital treatments.,….
Bubba Clinton stayed here last week for some medical procedure.
… depends on the country.. Mexico – no – Canada – maybe – Russia, Iran, China – no etc
Yes. There are countries that don’t have their hands tied by the all powerful and corrupt Big Pharma/ FDA ( they are one in the same) like we do here. So you can get treatments or procedures that aren’t allowed here.