The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
The most popular candy in California is Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, according to a recent survey by Skittles (last year’s winner) came in second, and M&M’s came in third.
QUESTION: What’s your favorite kind of candy?
Talk about it….
Cookies and cream Hershey’s drops or the chocolate bar. Nothing beats it.
Sold as a candy bar — Snickers. Overall — Godiva chocolates. Pricy, but worth it!
I like Big Hunk’s and Abba-Zaba’s. The Abba-Zaba’s were loaded with peanut butter when I was younger but not so much anymore. Everything is more expensive and you get less. My absolute favorite is my wife’s homemade salted caramel. Yummy!
Like Big Hunk’s, but can’t eat them anymore.
Bothers my teeth.
Me too Roz…I have to freeze them and break them into little pieces.
For store bought candy bars, I like Snickers, Milky Way, and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.
My all-time favorite candy was my mother’s homemade bourbon balls. They were sooo goood, but If you ate too many, you’d get a buzz.
If your mom was Angie, she made a LOT of people happy with those! Bless her heart.
Angie was one of my best friends. I worked
with her for years and organized her retirement
party. She was famous for her homemade
bourbon balls. She had a big heart and is truly
I worked with her for many years too and was at her retirement party at Lindsay Museum. You and I probably know each other real well. I really miss Angie.
Those sound scrumptious.
I like Nestle Crunch and Hundred Grand bars….mmmmm
Sorry, not a fan of Reeses… and I’m not sorry.
Overall frozen Snickers or frozen Reece’s
But as far as pure chocolate goes it is something you can’t buy in CA. Boehm’s handcrafted swiss style chocolate is the best. Julius Boehm, a Swiss immigrants stated his business in western WA in the 1940’s. He actually bought his swath of land from my grandfather who was also an immigrant and sold Julius the land for what he paid for it in 1928. Julius was also a champion swimmer and could be found any day during the summer teaching kids to swim at Lake Sammamish (aka state park). This chocolate is close to being better than sex. I also had the honor of being “Heidi” on the Boehm’s 1962 calendar along with his 2 slobbery St Bernard’s. I loved those dang dogs
Have you tried Leonidas Belgian Chocolates? My wife’s favorite.
I will have to check it out. Greek maker, could be interesting
I remember Horehound Lumps. Ugh!
Horehound isn’t one of my favorites, but it’s OK. You can still buy it at Cracker Barrel.
A 2 pound box of See’s Candy–nuts and chews–doesn’t get any better than that!
See’s Scotchmallow’s, the bars or the individual pieces. The mint flavored St Patrick’s ones are amazing. And they’re truly Californian
I love SEE’s Peanut Brittle! Their pecan rolls are also darn good!
I don’t eat candy.
It’s hard to beat Costco’s Macadamia Milk Chocolate Salted Carmel Clusters. I’m eating some now. Mmmm…
Three number #1 favorites for me:
Heath bar
Peanut M&M’s
Almond Roca
See’s Toffee-ettes, with Bordeaux a close second. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Snickers if I can’t get See’s.
Ant Belgian dark chocolate 😍
Any not Ant, but chocolate ants are also tasty
A little crunchy with a smidgen of protein.
Weren’t there chocolate covered ants along with grasshoppers and I don’t remember what else
Mountain Bar: Does anyone make it anymore? ABA-Zaba & almond brittle.
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are better than Peanut M&M’s?!? No way, not by a long shot!
Try Dark Chocolate M&M’s yet?
Not a candy bar, but dark chocolate peanut & marshmallow clusters are the ultimate IMHO
Although they stopped making them in
1979 I still miss the Seven Up candy bar.
Seven different flavored parts in one bar.
yes… Reeses
Speaking of peanut butter cups, Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups beat Reece’s any day!
True story! Trader Joes dark chocolate peanut butter cups beat Reese’s hands down! No question.
See’s Milk Chocolate Bordeauxs. Mary Janes and Clark Bars, but only if they’re fresh.
My favorite does depend on the season. Of the “regular” store candy, which I only eat this time of year, I struggle to not eat every Baby Ruth and Butterfinger bar. At Easter, those D@#$ Cadbury Eggs and Robins’ Eggs (malted milk balls, essentially). At Christmas, nothing store bought, either home made spiced nuts or caramel/marshmallow candy.
The candy necklaces we used to get off the ice cream truck that stained your neck.
If you’re talking trick-or-treat, I just get a mixed bag and let the kids pick what they like.
Sorry Yanks, got to go with Cadbury’s milk chocolate!
It doesn’t have the slightly gritty texture nor the slightly vomity flavour of Hershey’s.
Also Galaxy – it’s like Cadbury’s, but even smoother, similar to Dove, but better.
My favorites, if I had to choose, are M & M’s – regular more than peanut, but as I get older, I’m liking peanut at a greater percentage than before.
I also like Reese’s peanut butter cups. Other favorites are Krakel and Crunch bars, plus Dove chocolate. Oh yeah, I really enjoy the different flavors of Ghirardelli squares.
Jeff (the other one)
I make Irish Cream Truffles at Christmas. I make sure they go in boxes with cookies and leave my house ASAP. I’ve told myself I can have the rejects. Out of a batch of 36 I’m “lucky” if I have one reject. Reject = not being of a perfect dome on top shape
@Well Folks
You have better will power than is demonstrated at my house. We make double just to enjoy the annual oink fest. I suspect our “rejection rate” would be closer to 40%, just because.
I think part of it is that it takes 3 days to make a batch. I try one to do a double batch but the ganache didn’t set up the way it should have. So I make 3 batches 6 days. By that point I’m kind of sick of chocolate.
Same for the nutmeg cutout cookies. Those I can do in 2 double batches which results in approximately 130 cookies which are rolled, cut out baked and iced the following day. I start out enthusiastic but by the end it’s another story
Oprah Mocha