Home » FDA Approves Moderna, J&J Boosters And “Mix And Match” Vaccinations

FDA Approves Moderna, J&J Boosters And “Mix And Match” Vaccinations


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved booster COVID-19 vaccine doses Wednesday for people who previously received the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines as well as the mixing of booster doses, regardless of which vaccine brand a person initially received.

Booster vaccines had previously been authorized for a swath of people — including those age 65 and up and people age 18 to 64 with underlying health conditions — who were originally immunized with the two-dose vaccine developed by Pfizer-BioNTech.

As of Wednesday, eligible vaccinated people can get a booster dose regardless of which vaccine they received first, provided that it has been at least six months since their primary series of the two-dose Moderna and Pfizer vaccines or at least two months after their first Johnson & Johnson vaccination.

In addition, the FDA said it will be safe and effective for people to “mix and match” by receiving a booster dose of a vaccine, such as Moderna, if they received a different vaccine first.


Moderna boosters, according to the FDA’s authorization, will be half the dose administered during the initial two-dose series while Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson boosters will be the same dose size as their initial shots.

“As the pandemic continues to impact the country, science has shown that vaccination continues to be the safest and most effective way to prevent COVID-19, including the most serious consequences of the disease, such as hospitalization and death,” Acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock said in a statement.

The FDA and officials at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began approving the use of booster vaccines in August — at that time, only for people with weakened or compromised immune systems — as data has shown vaccine-triggered immune responses tend to decline in the months following initial administration.

While the three available vaccines remain highly effective at preventing serious COVID-19 illness and death, public health officials at all levels have argued that preemptively boosting the immune responses of those at particularly high-risk for serious illness, such as immunocompromised people and nursing home residents, will maximize protection against existing and potential variants of the virus, which could become more contagious and even circumvent vaccine protections.


Eventually, some officials have argued, COVID-19 vaccine boosters could become an annual offering similar to annual flu shots rather than one-time administrations.

“The available data suggest waning immunity in some populations who are fully vaccinated,” Woodcock said. “The availability of these authorized boosters is important for continued protection against COVID-19 disease.”

While Woodcock and other federal public health officials have endorsed the idea, regulators have so far shied away from authorizing follow-up vaccine doses for all vaccinated adults, arguing that targeted administration of booster doses is more apt for the pandemic’s current landscape.

Dr. Peter Marks, the director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said in a statement that boosters for additional demographics remain a possibility.

“We will work to accrue additional data as quickly as possible to further assess the benefits and risks of the use of booster doses in additional populations and plan to update the healthcare community and public with our determination in the coming weeks,” he said.

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Covid-cocktail? Yummy!

Covid-cocktail,….yeah, not a good mix,… LOL!

I have been following herd immunity.

It’s gone from 70% to 98%.

Now it’s not even mentioned.

Covid is a horrible man made bug.

It was concocted to reduce the population and control the people.

It has been a huge success.

Thousands have died.

That’s population control.

Herd immunity is real and better than any drug.

That’s why its no longer mentioned as a viable alternative.

Everyone must get the shot, whether everyone needs it or not.

That’s control.

The virus will let us know when we’ve reached herd immunity.


Like wearing mismatched socks. Or drinking a bottle of wine and a 12 pack of Hams

@Gator….I learned about 50 years ago not to mix Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill and Lucky Lager. Another lesson I learned that night was that my bedroom wicker trash can didn’t hold liquids very well, it was a rude awakening the next morning.

You just cant make this stuff up, What a joke science has become!🤣😂😅🤣😂😅🤣😂😅🤣😅🤣😂😅🤣🥳🤣😂😅🤣😂😅🤣😂😅🤣😂😅🤣😂

When’s the last time you studied science, 40 years ago in high school? People who actually understand science gave you the ability to post all those emojis.

@ 94521

It’s just as easy to buy a scientists as it is to buy a politician.

It’s the lack of character values that link scientists with politicians.

All politicians lie all the time and so do bought scientists.

Coding is a science?

I don’t believe that’s true.

I write code and I consider it more an artform than a science. Of course that leads to many arguments with “systems engineers” who insist it is a science. The science is something to fall back on when a problem arises in code. If you want to see a dynamic science, just look at computer science as languages and concepts fall out of favor almost as fast as the seasons change. Same with medical science.

“The science is to fall back on when…” What does that mean? I just rewrite the code. It is tested to see if it will work under all circumstances it will be subject to but that is not science anymore than testing the belt you just changed on the vacuum cleaner. If its used widely in the organization or sold software there is just lots more steps of testing to confirm it works, but that is not science. The switching languages is similar to the bus driver in Paris using the most efficient language whether he is talking to locals or tourists. Computer science is not science, you don’t use the scientific method and test hypotheses

@To Do List, of course given the IDE’s these days like with Visual Studio there is quite a bit of AI going on including suggestions on what needs to be done when there is an error. Some things in modern APIs and language syntax may be a little tricky so thinking in terms of comp sci may help. And sometimes we are taking an applied science and turning it into code.

Those tools are good for micro issues like syntax and grammar errors but have no clue what the point is for the program or if the result will be wrong for you even if it is OK from a grammar and syntax view. It certainly isn’t going to tell you that another language already has a library for that and you just wasted 6 hours of company time. They are also a double edged sword that there is some bizarre thing now called low code developers who if I understand it correctly are almost illiterate in programming but fake it with the help of some kind of training wheels environment. But don’t get the wrong idea from me. I love VS and other such things and they massively increase productivity.

@To Do, LOL, we’re going to bore people here but yes one of the first things I do is look for libraries to so I don’t have to write one. Biggest problem these days is kids that signed up for comp sci because of the money not because they loved to program. In cases they’ve never even written a program before going to college. Worse yet, the majority of professors they learned from only teach theory and have never worked in the field making for ill prepared students.

Been programming for nearly 40 years and it was a second career.

I agree someone shouldn’t choose a profession based on money. Doing a job for decades that you dislike is corrosive to you and you will find the money was not worth your life.

Sounds sketchy, I’ll pass. I just say NO to drugs. And I don’t believe in science. Especially this political science.

Just gotta get those 5 year olds jabby jabbed and you get your freedom back😆😆 Fools.

The “vaccines” have not finished with trials, and the FDA is approving combinations that have NEVER been tested together.
The vaccines are not effective, or you wouldn’t need a booster shot this soon.
There have been more vaccine-related deaths in the past ten months than in the previous 30 years combined.
Fully vaccinated people can still get and spread COVID.
How anyone can claim they are SAFE and EFFECTIVE is incomprehensible and for doctors and so-called trusted officials to go along with this big lie is pure evil.

Don’t leave your house.
Don’t go to Church.
Don’t visit Grandma or you will KILL HER.
Wear a mask and stay six feet apart.
Don’t touch your face and wash your hands.
Get vaccinated and you won’t need a mask.
Even though you’re vaccinated you still need a mask; make that two masks.
You’re vaccinated, you can still carry and spread spread COVID, but you don’t need to get tested that way we can blame the unvaccinated on the spread and the variants.
Don’t sing in church.
Wear your mask indoors at all times except when actively eating or drinking; unless your the SF mayor and the spirit moves you.
Don’t celebrate Thanksgiving with your family.
Do as I say not as I do.
Turn in your neighbors.
Show me your papers.
Get on the train
Get off the train
Step into this chamber…..
Do what you are told.

Paranoid much, eh. How do you exist with so much skepticism?

Hanne, How are so many people failing to exhibit any skepticism whatsoever about the Covid “vaccines”?

Some level of skepticism is a good thing, instead of just blindly accepting everything you are told.

@Just me~
Yep,…that’s it, in a nut shell.

Three years ago, only the most paranoid people would have suggested that Federal, State and Local governments would force people to stay in their homes, not gather for worship, fire you (and force private companies to fire you) if you don’t get a vaccine, or let people commit arson, looting and general destruction around this nation.

Being from Europe and from a nation occupied by Germany you really should know better.

The mask is your investment into the satanic ritual. You should have never complied. The vax is rape ritual. It’s all satanic. Those who know, know

All things we’ve been told this past year and a half. Thats why I believe none of this BS anymore.

Are we still supposed to be washing down our groceries with bleach? I can see parts of my finger bones through the skin.

i think i will take all the jabs and boosters… then i’ll be safe. i can then flaunt all my vax cards around my neck so i can virtue signal about what a good human being i am.

I want every edge possible to fight a virus that has killed millions, Are we being played on this fear? No doubt. It IS about control but I still want the protection. I feel stuck between a rock and hard place.

I’m stuck in that same place.

It’s called denial. You bought the propaganda now your mind is owned. You are controlled by fear. The virus is never going away because it’s the same as it always was. There is nothing new under the sun. You got played. But we welcome you to fight against the tyrants that snuck in the back door while you all pushed the mask. Don’t even think it didn’t happen to you. COVID was a media hoax. The data never matched the reporting, the tests never worked, the masks never worked, the vaccine is failing. There was never a “novel virus” It’s time to swallow your pride and admit it. Then we move forward.

“How anyone can claim they are SAFE and EFFECTIVE is incomprehensible.”

Easily: data backs up those claims. The vast VAST majority of people dying from covid are unvaccinated. This isn’t even arguable. In communities where vaccination rates are high, covid fatalities are low.

YOu can point to all the anecdotal items here and there but all the data says the same thing: vaccines work against covid. If you’re next argument is to pretend “work against” should mean “guaranteed 100% of the time”, you’re just coming at this in bad faith.

I’ll put it this way: vaccination and other protective measures have had waaaaay more success against covid than the right’s version of protection which is to do nothing and insist it’s all a hoax.

greg– The right’s version of protection? Who do you think had the vaccines made–they were made on Pres. Trump’s watch, not Biden’s. Who said don’t let a crisis go to waste–the Democrats. The vaccine is being pushed on all ages now, with the long term effects unknown. It is not the “old kind of vaccine” like we’ve been getting for the past 60 yrs. Those had been tested, some are still in use, some not, like the small pox vaccine. This is political, and we have a right to question it just as we have a right to refuse it.

@ greg~
Personally,…I don’t think most people think it’s all a hoax.
Most people have survived and some have died before the vaccine was available. Plus some still get Covid, after vaccination and can pass it on to others.
Correct, there is no guarantee anyone is 100% safe from this, or even a Cold, Flu, Pneumonia, or HIV.
It’s here to stay, and people should be able to move forward and get back to normal Life.
Just stay home if Sick, is the Key.

First off there is no “vast majority” dying from covid. And those who die that are unvaccinated usually died from something else and then branded dying from covid for the money from the guvmint. Less that 50% of the world population has had at least one covid vax shot so I would say the unvaccinated are doing fairly well. People can make up their own mind on getting vaccinated but it shouldn’t be forced on everyone especially if already immune.


Just remember “the vast majority” could be 2 out of 3. It’s all about linguistics with these fools. They really think we are stupid. Remember, they say we are stupid so often they started believing it. That’s what foolishness and arrogance gets you. Never underestimate your enemy.

I’m not sure what the controversy even is anymore: if you don’t want to be vaccinated, don’t get vaccinated.

No biggie.

I kinda think it is a “biggie”. Flu shots are available now to those who choose to take them. No one is being threatened with job loss if they don’t get a flu shot.

I think it is hilarious that you have to provide proof of vaccination to get more vaccination with boosters.

Or to show vaxx card and id to dine but not to vote.

“You need a booster shot so you can continue wearing a mask.”

Someone failed Marketing 101

Signed, someone who is vaccinated.

At this point, it’s best that these people just take the boosters as they are dead weight and Enablers of government tyranny…..not sure why they aren’t living in Tehran instead of America.

You have been warned, in 12 months…..you WILL have HIV . No worries though…..it will be given a different name.
You refuse to question or do any research = you deserve the suffering that is coming your way. The rest of us Fighting for our grandchildrens futures can’t be bothered with you as we have a battle to fight.

Yes hanne….

Let’s blindly follow what our “leaders” are telling us to do.

After all, what’s happened hundreds of times over the millennia when not questioning those in power will “never” happen here.

//sarcasm off//

All power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely – Lord Acton.

Sounds like another experiment to me, “let’s see what happens when you mix the different vaccines.” 🤔

“I write code and I consider it more an artform than a science.”

– Said no actual dev ever in the history of coding.

A lot of the programmers I’ve hired would agree that it’s an artform and many had music and/or other arts backgrounds. When I first started programming back in the 1980s, I did BASIC for a few days, typed in a ML monitor and dealt with machine code. Then I finally got an assembler to make things easier. But dealing with ML and assembler was like dealing with chord symbols. I deal with the full stack so that includes the interface design and flow structure which really is an artform.

I think those programmers calling it an art form has more to do with self-glorification than reality. I have told family members that I am such a good driver I have raised it to an art form. I even feel comfortable parallel parking in front of an audience of an outdoor restaurant patio. But my driving is not an art form, and neither is computer programming. It probably is better thought of as a craft where there are lots of different ways to get to the same result like a potter making planters. The more you do programming the better you get like a craftsman. If you try to be an artist and get caught up in making a beautiful efficient program worthy of a prize, you probably also took ten times as long as you should have.

@To Do, it’s the approach that counts. No time wasted but instead instead intuitive and creative approaches to solving a problem. Left brained thinking is too rigid. That’s for systems engineers handed a spec for what they need to do.

I’d bet that just like me, you at some point chose a package or program to do the job, not because it was seemed the correct program and would get it done faster, but rather because you wanted to learn that program or it would just be more fun. I once inherited a spaghetti code C++ program that the author admitted he did because he wanted to learn that package. Programming can be lots of fun, like being paid to play chess.

@greg – You clearly have no idea of the software dev field. I’m been writing code for 30+ years. I started as a lowly dev and worked up to a senior principal software architect. Coding is definitely an art form. Some guys have it and some don’t. And as much as you try to teach it, some guys never get it.

Some of the best devs I worked with over the years didn’t even have CS degrees. They’re just natural developers.

I’ve read hundreds of thousands of lines of code over the years and I can tell which devs bring it to the level of art. There’s a consistency and symmetry in their thinking and coding that beings it to a higher level.

Anyway, the best devs I know say coding is an art. You’re not a dev, obviously.

I used IBM card readers. I win. Craft.

Me sitting here waiting for the triple vaxx to start turning on the double vaxx!🤣

What if I get all the shots (Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J) and every booster that’s offered? Do I get a prize?

@ greg~
Again!!!,…The Right!
What make you think, the Right thinks a Hoax?
Who is feeding you this Info?
As a “Anti-Vaxxers”,… get tested, and get a Pass, and playing it safe.
If You have a chance,….do some research on the Vaccination(s).
I’m not going to do it for you.

Whether one chooses to take or not take the shot is not necessarily a political issue, yet it is being portrayed as such through assorted forms of media, hence the neverending vitriol. For many, it is a personal decision apart from any partisan politics whatsoever.

Just curious, vaxers and those going for your boosters…at what point will you say “I don’t think I need another booster” will it be your 4th, 5th? One every 6 months? At what point will you ask why your immune system needs a reoccurring boost over and over again while everyone else who either didn’t get the shot or no shot at all is looking at you wondering why you are doing this? At what point will you realize that the RNA vaccine works by shutting down your immune system then rebuilds it…in this case..over and over and over and over again…. at what point will you say “woops, I made a mistake” will it be embarrassment that prevents you from stopping it, so you will just continue to do this until….?

Exactly! There’s 8 boosters planned, which someone discovered while looking into the source code of Alberta VaxPass. The videos can be found on bit chute under the SixthSense channel.
But that is not all, SPARS & MARBURG will be the next Testdemics that they con everyone with.
You people will regret ignoring the warnings.

“At what point will you realize that the RNA vaccine works by shutting down your immune system then rebuilds it…”

I hope you ask an expert whether or whether not you may need another booster, because you clearly have no clue about immunology.

The mRNA shot has never been used on humans on this scale. It never passed animal trials. Meaning it was unsafe for animals. They did try it on humans at one point and was stopped immediately. In a clip from 2018 fauci said exactly what he wished could happen as far as a fake outbreak giving him the opportunity to pump in into arms to test it. I don’t care about vax injured individuals. If you are to stupid to realize the whole thing is an experiment built on lies, you deserve whatever you get. If it makes you super human, congratulations, if it causes cancer congratulations. It simply doesn’t bother me one way or the other. As for me, I’ll wait until it’s actually approved in 2026. If it isn’t pulled first. Not this FAKE political approval pushed by a dweeb president. THIS is science. Waiting for results is what scientists do. I guess I am a scientist now lol



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