Home » California, Hawaii Only States With Average Gas Prices Over $4 A Gallon

California, Hawaii Only States With Average Gas Prices Over $4 A Gallon


California and Hawaii are the only states in the United States with average gas prices over $4 a gallon.

California is $4.44, and Hawaii is $4.13, according to AAA.

The cheapest gas in the nation is in Texas, where the average price is $2.91 a gallon.


A little closer to home – Contra Costa County’s average price is $4.52 a gallon. The most expensive gas in California is in Mono County, at $5.35 a gallon, and the cheapest is in Yuba County, where a gallon will cost you around $4.19.

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It’s an example of how Joe and the democrats are serving working class citizens.

Just what BART ordered, and just a comment, $4 Gas will seem cheap come Christmas

I DID THAT @JoeBiden

and that is a surprise? Get real as California is way overtaxed and we continue to allow the politicos to shove it down our throughts.

Fight back and stop voting these foools in.

Hope you all who voted for Biden and those who are leading the poor demented fool by the nose are happy. Share in the huge increases we have now have to live with due to all the freebies that are being given out to those who do not want to work or are sucking the country dry. Legal and illegal.

Another way to deal with it?

Leave California.

Thank you Joe Biden & Democrats!
(You can’t just close a major gas pipeline your first day in office and expect nothing to happen)

Still under $3 a gallon in our Free State, and we don’t even have a refinery. When California wants to screw something up, they always go big.

That’s it keep voting Democrat. They do nothing but make a mess of things. Name one place they have been in control of for a long time like California where they haven’t screwed it up making it more expensive or dangerous.

Oh, stop complaining. California is the fifth largest economy in the world! If you can’t afford to live here, then leave!

Yes, I’m being sarcastic. I’ve seen comments like that when people post about the prices of gas, electricity, housing, gas, food, taxes. Such an elistist attitude.

Pretty soon Newsom will issue vouchers for undocumented workers, those that are unemployed etc for free gas, while the rest of us who work hard and live within a budget will continue to have to pay these ridiculous prices for fuel.

Of course they are and have been that way for 30+ years, California will always have the highest gas prices in the nation and always will and if you haven’t gotten used to it by now I guess you never will.

Thank a Dem at Thanksgiving.
Let’s Go Brandon!!!!

Voters getting what they wanted!

we now know that the elections are rigged

just like a 3rd world dictatorship

Thanks to the last to idiot Governor’s!

“The cheapest gas in the nation is in Texas …”

That’s simple,
Since 1845 when it was established meets Texas state constitution limits TEXAS state legislature’ regular sessions to 140 days and special sessions to just 30 days, every two years. (every other year)

CA state legislature at the other extreme, with it’s DEM super majority here as we have all witnessed year after year, can pass any . . . not thought thru knee jerk bill their decidedly “unique” little minds can conjure up. When one of their bills fails miserably, causing worse problems chaos, they merely throw more taxpayer dollars at it by passing another bill or form another commission to “report” back at a later date.

Good thing for them, CA voters evidently can’t be bothered to provide those they elect with sorely needed ADULT SUPERVISION.

Remember when DeSaulnier was in the state legislature? He implemented a program called “there ought to be a law”… to encourage the general public to send in ideas for (stupid) laws that he could sponsor.

Apparently, creating more BS laws and promising free stuff is how one gets re-elected….not be representing the people (ie, the employers).

“I sponsored 50 new bills that were enacted into law. See how busy I am? You should re-elect me.”

And that illustrates the stupidity of the voters.

Both Kamala Harris (as Attorney General of California) and Governor Gavin Newsom (immediately upon entering office) pledged to investigate the high cost of gasoline in California and find a remedy. Neither Newsom nor Harris ever produced any results. Neither did they take any action to resolve the problem.

Democrats have found the right buttons to push to get elected without doing a thing to find solutions to California’s multitude of problems which continue to grow worse. Newsom has even perfected the art of sounding like he’s really, really busy without ever ruffling his greaseball. Cushy, well-paying, no-sweat jobs.

Look no further than the layers of taxes levied on a gallon of gas. All they need to do is look in the mirror for the cause.

I got it Re-Education ha ha ha. Go Nascar.

… and we have numerous refineries in Cali … premium gas was $5.12 / gallon in Martinez across the street from a refinery… let’s not forget Newsom promised in hos campaign speeches to get under the gas price gouging by the oil companies and bring Cali’s prices in line with the rest of the country… yeah.. another failed promise … I voted for the recall …don’t complain to me

Again, the democrats have lied and refuse to address problems. They’re only capable of blaming others.

Let’s go, Brandon!



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