The Water Cooler is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The Water Cooler will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
Today’s question.
QUESTION: In your opinion, what is the worst local road to drive on? (not highways, just surface streets).
Talk about it….
The roads behind Clayton – Morgan territory roads. So rough.
Pavement condition aside, because that is cyclical, it finally occurred to me after wondering why I hate driving Marsh Creek Rd, it’s just not a nicely graded, nicely engineered road. It SHOULD be nice, it has wonderful scenery. It’s just not one of those roads that is a pleasure to drive. Too many negative banks. Alhambra Valley Rd is also a dog. Pinole Valley… Bear Creek, fantastic. I don’t think Morgan Territory Rd would have it’s distinctive charm if it wasn’t a marginally paved wagon trail.
i love driving Marsh Creek Road, so windy and flowy, but you gota love that kind of driving.
Willow pass road. Completely destroyed and needs repair.
Indeed – to the point that every City of Concord official and County Supervisor should be forced to drive it twice (2 times) per day as a condition of holding elected office…. And not repair with the haphazard patches made – complete replacement.
Without a doubt, Meadow Lane in Concord.
I agree with Dawg!!! Meadow Lane in Concord
+1 …next are Treat Bl east of Oak Grove and YVR from Bancroft east all the way to Cowell
Pinehollow Concord section
Treat Blvd between Bancroft Road and Oak Grove Road.
The asphalt repairs/patches are either over-filled or have subsided (a lack of compaction).
BUMPY AF in my Lamborghini!
The road to hell. It’s paved with good intentions.
And the road to Heck is paved with apathy,
Bailey from Myrtle to Concord city limits.
Willow Pass Rd. all the way up to Hwy four .It’s one of the main roads in and out of Concord.Don’t understand why it hasn’t been fixed.I guess the excuse is money.Make these developers resurface roads if they want the jobs to build in Concord.
I completely agree!! It is full of potholes and is not properly maintained.
Funny how the adjacent military grounds have beautiful new asphalt roads. Wish we had that on Willow Pass. They’re going to need to reimagine that roadway because when the tens of thousands of homes out there are built, Willow Pass will need to expand!
Yes I completely agree!!
Willow Pass is horrible!!!!!!
Daily commute and I dread it.
Too many to say. I guess when the democrats stop worrying and fretting over Trumps tax returns, and other such monumental issues, they will get around to fixing the roads.
Nah. Any extra tens of thousands go directly to pensioners, supervisors and city management. We have crappy roads because our local government is the pay yourself first generation. You might ask what they do to earn 200,000-300,000 a year.
Good point.
Driving on Willow Pass from Highway 4 until the downtown area must be like driving through either Syria or Yemen. Once we have transgender restrooms, sections in our toy stores for those who are confused and feminine products in all of our schools, I believe the roads might get fixed. Didn’t we have a gas tax increase for this very purpose?
Easier question would be what road in Concord is good. There are very few roads that are in good shape in concord and they are getting worse and worse with no end in sight. You can tell when you leave the city buy the lack of bumps and road noise as soon as you cross city lines
Monument Boulevard in front of skate park. There is a really deep drainage ditch ready to gobble up cars…
Too many to list them all. You should have asked about the BEST road in Concord. That’s easy: the new section of outbound Clayton Road just past Farm Bureau where they built that cluster of new homes. I’m guessing the builder was required to put in new asphalt and it’s smooth and quiet. We should be so lucky as to have more roads like that!
I’ve always said the Road to Heaven is Paved with Good Intensions.
Keep trying until you get it right to Heaven.
Sorry, no road to Heaven. However, there is a stairway.
If there is a stairway to heaven, why is there a highway to hell?
Try San Miguel Rd. Concord some time. What a mess!
This question reminds me of a news story from 2018
“Bay Area roads are the worst in the nation, new report finds”
Concord Ave from 680 on past the airport.
None of the roads here are that bad, compared to what I used to drive on. Back in the late 80’s/early 90’s, I heard from the few Californians I knew that the roads were smooth as silk, not the minefields we had in that area. When I moved out here, the roads were not smooth, but evasive maneuvers to avoid damage to tires/rims/shocks/axels, bumpers were not needed. Still that way. So, for me, the worst road to drive on would be Meadow Lane, with the frequent lights I get stopped at (although, when that shop just past the Union 76 station is grilling that chicken, oh that smells good!).