Home » Walnut Creek City Council Will Explore Options After Complaints About Anti-Abortion Protesters

Walnut Creek City Council Will Explore Options After Complaints About Anti-Abortion Protesters


By Tony Hicks – The Walnut Creek City Council will explore creating a buffer zone between patients and protesters around Planned Parenthood after hearing at least a half dozen complaints about escalating aggressiveness outside the Oakland Boulevard medical facility.

Though it wasn’t on Tuesday’s City Council agenda, a number of speakers addressed recent demonstrations, saying anti-abortion activists harassed people trying to enter the building and nearly caused car crashes by occupying sidewalks to the point of pedestrians having to walk in the street.

“Our Planned Parenthood affiliate serves 20 counties throughout Northern California, and Walnut Creek is one of the two worst sites of harassment that we are facing,” said Gilda Gonzales, the CEO of Planned Parenthood Northern California.

“Multiple times a week our staff and our patients are under siege by hostile protesters and therefore we strongly support a buffer zone ordinance outside our health center,” Gonzales said. “The harassment and obstruction of our driveway is unacceptable. And our staff and patients deserve better. Everyone deserves the right to access reproductive health care service without fear, violence, or intimidation.”


Mount Diablo Unified School District governing board trustee Cherise Khaund — who said she wasn’t there representing the district — talked about using Planned Parenthood services in her 20s as an AmeriCorp worker living on $600 a month.

“I went to the local Planned Parenthood for preventative check-ups, pap smears, and affordable birth control,” Khaund said. “Looking back, that was the most compassionate, respectful, welcoming health care that I have ever received in my life. But I don’t know if I would’ve entered through the doors of that building, if there had been protesters on my way.

“I was appalled to find out that protesters here in our city could be so intrusive that volunteers are needed to walk clients safely from their cars to the entrance door,” Khaund said.

Leslie Shafton, co-president of Women’s March Contra Costa, said one of her daughter’s friends, a 15-year-old girl, was “accosted” by protesters while trying to get inside the building.


“When I spoke to this girl about the incident, she basically sad that she wouldn’t seek out health care anymore. And I believe that people should have the right, and the access, to have safe and private health care and to make determinations over their own body,” Shafton said.

Other Planned Parenthood volunteers described physical confrontations, one involving a protester grabbing a client by the arm, and at least one traffic crash in front of the building when protesters were present.

No one supporting the protesters spoke at the meeting.

After council members expressed a desire to explore creating a buffer zone, city attorney Steven Mattas said, “It is important that when the council considers adopting regulations, that we have a solid basis upon which to identify the need for a regulation, in this instance, because it does impact the constitutional rights (of both sides).”


The council asked staff to research complaints and traffic incidents related to the protests, as well as any existing laws concerning harassment of people entering medical facilities.

Council member Cindy Silva said she wanted to make it clear the council wasn’t asking for an ordinance, “we’re asking for a list of options.”

“We’re hearing about these incidents more frequently,” said Mayor Kevin Wilk. “I did hear about a traffic accident that happened about two months ago, that there was a distraction from one of the protesters, so there does seem to be an uptick in aggression on this.”

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But Antifa and BLM protests and riots are fine!

And, and, and………..

Yep. Complaints about looting downtown were ignored.

That hasn’t been the case at all. Are we allowed to start treating Planned Parenthood protesters the way BLM protests are treated? because they are going to need to order a lot more tear gas canisters then.

That’s a different topic with different issues. You’re just creating a distraction.

So how do they feel about Maxine Waters telling people to get in their faces, follow them to where they eat! Disrupt their lives!
They were silent!

my body my choice

Educate yourself on what planned Parenthood is, the majority of care they provide is not abortions but prenatal care cancer screenings etc for low income and single mothers.

It’s funny that the city of Walnut Creek is concerned about this, and all the other protests and even looting that happened in the city. These pro-life Marchers have a right to protest too! Just because a handful of pro-abortion people complained about it doesn’t mean you shut it down. They have the right like the other side has the right with its protest. But the City Council is very left-leaning and I bet they try to squash this free speech because it doesn’t fit into their narrative.


Free speech is great, blocking people or grabbing them is a violation of several laws.


Any evidence other than hearsay jeff? Leftists are not trustworthy. Especially ones that murder babies and brag about it on instagram.

But did the city of Walnut Creek ever respect the complaints that others had about the aggressive protests and near riots last year?
No, because those events were from the crazy liberal side, which they sympathize with.

WC botched BLM, doesn’t mean they should get PP wrong.


We need to check this Marxist activist and her statement for misinformation
Christians are not aggressive and certainly don’t grab people in the street
It is more likely a strategic lie campaign to achieve a PR smear
Let’s not fall for the Marxist smear tactics please
We are smarter than that in WC

Yup. Where are the videos of these “Aggressive” protesters?

These objections to peaceful, respectful pro-life protests are all political. The dems are desperate as they watch Biden’s poll numbers sink.

Pro-life Christians are an easy target.

@Always Right – Christians are an easy target cuz they warship the wrong god. If God doesn’t want abortions, then why are they’re abortions?


Black Lives Matters protests shut down the streets and highways? No problem. Pro-Life protestors block sidewalks? They’re literally causing pedestrians to walk in the road and cars to crash! Stay classy, Walnut Creek.

From Maxine Waters:
Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents,” Waters said at the Wilshire Federal Building,

You got it, Bobfished!! They are not going to like living in a world where we play by the same rules they do.

Planned Parenthood was founded for the purpose of ridding the country of inferior races.

At least they’re not following them into the bathroom to yell at them…

This is a standard part of the PP playbook. They demonize peaceful and non-hostile, non-violent advocates. Then they get cities to impose unconstitutional ‘bubble zones’ in public space, where you aren’t allowed your free speech rights. This singles out anti-abortion speech and advocacy for special restrictions. Totally unconstitutional.

When politicians play along, it means that anti-abortion advocacy is illegalized in the public square. If you are pro-abortion you might think this is fine, but consider whether it should be illegal to protest near the entrance of an organization you believe is doing something evil.

Melissa, that’s not true if you count by revenue. A portion is the major source of revenue for PP.

So people you look down on shouldn’t have constitutional rights? Good to know.

Hitler and Sanger were big proponents of Eugenics

Fauci and Gates too

Melissa, you educate yourself. Planned Parenthood was funded with the single purpose of reducing black population. It has done a bang up job so far but now they’ve gotten into organ harvesting which brings forth a whole slew of additional moral issues.

I’m conservative on every point but this one. I believe there should be a reasonable cutoff time. It used to be three months. Late term abortions should carry a jail sentence. Better this than having neglected children. Maybe Planned Parenthood should concentrate more on birth control and less on abortions.

Time to grow up. Sanger hasn’t been involved with PP for decades and there is no “organ harvesting”. 108RS

“Medical facility?”

More like murder facility.

And the doctors that murder babies are scum.

…just driving by they seem aggressive 🙁

I agree. Scary to be living in the same community as heartless psychotic baby killers. Using aggressive force to vacuum out innocent little people is just cowardly. Pick on someone your own size bullies.

Planned Parenthood doesn’t only provide OBGYN services but they make sure that women receive free hospital services the day of delivery and they make sure those women get a social worker who helps, them in their native language, get low-income housing and food stamps.
If only people could exercise family planning.

Spineless city council would never have the balls to take on Antifa, BLM, or Planned Parenthood for all the violence and destruction they have caused in Walnut Creek. Instead, they play “tough guy” with a fabricated storyline against peaceful Christians. We need a TERM LIMITS movement now!!!

According to the New England Journal of Medicine PLANNED Parenthood does more than any other group in preventing unwanted pregnancies by providing education and contraceptives.

Only anti-abortion groups define life as beginning at conception. This definition belongs in the realm of their church and not in the courts of the US.

Margaret Sanger believe in eugenics but not in the way you implied. A Republican presidential candidate lied.

https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/ 2015/08/14/432080520/ fact-check-was-planned-parenthood-started-to-control-the-black-population



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