Public schools and colleges in California must provide free menstrual products in their restrooms starting in the 2022-23 school year under a bill signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom.
The bill, authored by Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens), expands her 2017 law requiring low-income schools in areas designated as disadvantaged to provide free menstrual products to their students.
“Our biology doesn’t always send an advanced warning when we’re about to start menstruating,” said Assemblymember Garcia.
Garcia’s bill, AB 367, was inspired by what her office described as “the trailblazing actions of Scotland, where Parliament adopted The Period Products (Free Provision) on November 24, 2020.”
Great idea but I wonder if the dispensing units will always be empty like all the ones in public bathroom when not “out of order.”
What’s the estimated cost and where do the funds come from?
I don’t see anyone asking this question in regards to providing toilet paper in bathrooms. How is this any different?
The dispensers will be emptied in a day and every bodega in town will be selling the stolen feminine products.
What’s the score so far?
Free breakfast and lunch
Free condoms
Free feminine products
Did I miss anything?
Yes you missed someone to wipe your butt.
Can’t wait for the Tok Tok’s on this one.
Good idea in general but why not have the office hold it?
Syringes. Scott Weiner is drafting that one as we speak.
Astro Glide.
I’m not for or against this, as I have not done any research, but it has to be said…SOMEONE TAKE NEWSOM’S PEN AWAY!!
People should have serious concerns that politicians continuously keep sign bills into law without the approval of the voters. It also needs to be noted that none of these bills he keeps signing have anything to do with fixing California’s biggest problems.
Yes, take Gavin Newsom’s pen away!
Winning against his recall he’s now gone absolutely crazy with new edicts and final efforts to convert California into a septic tank.
Meanwhile we get mandated gender neutral toy aisles in the stores. Thanks Gav!
Man, I thought you were pulling our legs for a minute. Turns out it’s real. Amazing.
Hopefully they will be available to all three genders
great comments
the free game yet again
at no cost to anyone the rich white man is paying
so all good ….says the RICH white man
i still can not believe the americans that have to call themselves anything other than american
america is not color driven and or one language driven that was established long ago
…as real legal immigrants flocked to and accepted america and everything it stood for
while building a life for themselves that they could not do in their own country …..i say again america is for those who wish to build a good life a safe life and achieve education …that they can not get in their country
we have a legal entry program that we americans pay for
while the rich white dems allow illegals my the millions ….fleecing us and giving not one damn about america accept what it can take from us or rather is handed by rich white dems
again why the illegals and equity class allow rich whites to speak for them as they denounce rich whites as racist
so if your a dem and white your not racist ….even though these rich white dem politicians make policy to supplement the equity class and illegals
as to say the equity class can not support themselves
and the equity class allows the rich white dem to speak for them
never understood why then did mlk make such a stand against racism
when the dem politicians are propagating it and making millions off of doing so
the equity class is making rich white dems millionaires
while the equity class having the dems talk for them get a few hundred dollars every now and then
and no help to make them more wealthy
just hooked on the dem crack
being used ….just like a drug pusher on the street
and now we have rich whites use all our money to supplying tampons
that yes the kids will be given pennies to steal them
and let stores sell them for a profit
you voted for this and allow it and support
makes no sense
They really don’t have anything better to work on than this? These are the dumba$$ politicians you voted for. Pathetic.
Try passing a law to require people to take responsibility for themselves and plan ahead instead always bailing them out.
“Give a person a fish, you feed them for a day, TEACH them to fish, you’ll feed them for a lifetime”.
@Tsa – agree 100%!!!
Whats so hard being responsible for your self and carry a damn Cotex in your purse.
@ TSA, yes, its about time we get tough on… *checks notes* menstruating 14 year old girls….?
Yup! Personal responsibility is the cornerstone. If providing “free” items (someone is paying), the slippery slope will continue to now try and provide other additional items for “free”.
It’s not free.
What is next? “Free” pregnancy tests?
Who really responsible for one’s biological functions?
Obviously it’s now the State of California.
They give so easily.
They can also take away just as easily.
BTW, nothing is free.
It’s paid for by tax dollars.
I’ll wager these products will be available in both the men’s a ladies rooms, as there doesn’t seem to be much of distinction any longer.
Saying goodbye to personal responsibility is very difficult.
Same with have freedoms wrenched away politicians who claim to be patriots but in reality are nothing of the sort.
There is nothing worse than having an unexpected “visitor” and not having supplies or not having enough supplies with you when you are away from home. It is especially traumatizing for an accident to take place during school as a result of not having these supplies in those situations.
To know that these supplies will be there IF that was to happen will save students from an embarrassing situation or having to go home and interrupt their school day.
I am guessing that they will likely be a less expensive off-brand that are not the greatest quality but something to get them by until they get home.
They already have emergency supplies for free at the nurses office and PE rooms. Now, most girls will grab a handful of these free limitless supplies in the bathrooms and take them home. I’ve seen this happen at the office among adult women. (For some reason they don’t see it as stealing).
@Barbie Girl
I do agree with you and unfortunately there are always that handful of people that will take advantage of just about anything.
I have always donated these supplies to the school as again there is nothing worse than that type of accident happening at school. Sometimes running to the office or tracking down a teacher to ask for them could be embarrassing for some students. Middle School especially is a tough time for kids as it is.
Oh thank goodness!
That will definitely help with California’s plague of crime, crumbling infrastructure, hazardous roads, blood sucking tax rates, failing education, fires……..
Thank you supporters and voters for Gavon Nuwsum.
I wonder if Newsom will ever sign a bill that a misdemeanor is now on anything starting at $50. Naw, that would make too much sense.
Why? People want to buy what the ones they want-we can and have learned to budget for these items-there are plenty of coupons out there as well. It’s this type of thing that makes us stronger and prouder-what he’s talking about makes us dependent on the government. He just doesn’t get it.
I can’t even begin to imagine how dented your can must be to have an issue with this in any way at all.
Cellophane using your logic, toilet paper too, should be a “personal responsibility “ too. You want to carry a roll with you everywhere you go?
Humanity is not just for the unborn, it matters for the born too.
How soon will the government supply for free toothpaste and toothbrushes in every restroom.
Then free underwear.
Where does it end?
And it’s all for free?
Where does the governments responsibility end and personal responsibility begin?
Some people do carry their own toilet paper, for a number of reasons.
So Newscum signs laws to “help” the environmental yet he is giving away for “free” disposable menstrual products when those school children could be given period pads made of cloth (washable) What if a student has an allergic reaction to the menstrual products?
“Our biology doesn’t always send an advanced warning when we’re about to start menstruating,” said Assemblymember Garcia. Yes, biology sends advanced warnings that the monthly bill is on its way. Women can also write down the day of their period to keep track.
What surprises me is that these people haven’t yet ban the word menstrual since there’s a M-E-N on it and it could be construed as being oppressive.
This was so obviously written by a man who is rubbing his only two brain cells that have ever thought about this issue together, it is laughable
When I was in public high school in Raleigh, NC, a female student “caught in a monthly situation” and without her supplies could go to the Dean of Girls’ office, where she would receive the wrapped pad and motioned to the restroom. If one needed to borrow a clean skirt for the rest of the day, there was a selection (return it clean, preferably the next day). If the cramping was terrible, the school’s RN would dispense the proper dose of Midol at your request and allow you to lie down on the hospital bed in her office until the pain “eased off” a bit. Also, if the Dean or RN recommended, you could call home and ask your mother to come pick you up. We did not take advantage of this kindness.
That said, because of the attitudes of certain students today, restroom dispensers of anything free might be emptied just for meanness (and/or to sell or take home to be used). Young women should have to go to the office to request the absorbent product. Be aware that in far too many cases, it is not a matter of a female “forgetting” to carry sanitation products in her backpack. Many families cannot afford these products!
Los Lomas high school has a cart full and rubbers also. You will find all over the ground kids playing with them it is crazy…..
Those of you who voted these fools in should really be proud of yourselves about now. The current politicos are being let by the nose because they are afraid of losing their term limit jobs which make them rich for life and are useless and only know how to stir things up and spent money that is not theirs but ours the hardworking, law abiding, common sense folks who are fed up with this crap! The leftist media stifles us but we are talking and are not blind to what is afoot.
Take Newsom’s pens away as he is in a signing frenzy for ridiculous items. Do you dam job!
Talking Tampons today? I can’t believe there’s any controversy.
Sure they should be provided… find a need and fill it, I always say.
What about men with incontence problems? Fresh diapers or underwater should be stocked
Your reaction to learning that women will be provided with basic hygiene products literally begins with, “What about men?”
Maybe reflect on why that is, please
Wizard, just guessing…. is your nickname “Wiz”?
Females who are smart usually carry one in their purse or backpack for emergencies. Also, most parents provide their daughters with menstrual products. A free dispenser kinda reminds me of those metal boxes at parks and along trails containing doggie mess bags. People grab dozens at a time, all at the cost to taxpayers.
Try as we might, we can’t legislate common sense.