The Water Cooler is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The Water Cooler will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
Today’s question.
QUESTION: Do you think our lawmakers and health care officials are telling us the entire truth about the COVID-19 pandemic (where it came from, how it’s spread, death rates, etc.?)
Talk about it….
I don’t believe so…
On the same page with you!
Not even close.
This should be an interesting discussion.
Is the Biden administration capable of telling the truth? They open the borders at the same time they create harsh vaccine mandates that harm Americans. Front line workers are being laid off for refusing the vaccine, at a time when there’s a shortage of them. People who are allergic to the vaccine now have to get a Covid test before seeing a doctor. Restaurants now have to screen customers for a vaccine passport (at least in ‘woke’ counties like ours).
The supply chain shortage, and lower employment figures are directly tied to Biden’s inept Covid policies. He is also hiding from the press in order to avoid a barrage of embarrassing questions.
DUH!!!!! NO!!!
Just by asking this question we know the truth is not being told.
No. Trump himself knew how bad the coronavirus was and purposely downplayed it (Feb 7, 2020):
“It goes through air, Bob. That’s always tougher than the touch. You know, the touch – you don’t have to touch things, right? But the air, you just breathe the air. That’s how it’s passed. And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than your – you know, your – even your strenuous flus.”
Trump said he downplayed it so people would not panic. Actually, bouncy really downplayed it in the beginning said it was of no worry at all.
But now we have Joe Biden: inherited the vaccine developed under Trump and more people have now died in 2021 the 2020 when Trump was in. Polls now report that the public believes that Biden has failed too.
I meant to say fauci, not bouncy.
Get your health advice from politicians? First step in ‘following the science’ is not listening to any politician. Especially ones with a ‘D’ or ‘R’ after their name.
I’ll agree with that Trump downplayed the seriousness of this disease. But your quote is a piss poor example of that. Nothing you quote is a untrue or a downplaying the severity. Do a bit more research and I’m sure you can find something a bit more damning.
Be sure to include some of the Dem liars too, just to be fair.
desperation and panic!🤣🤣🤣🧂🧂🧂
@94521. More people have died from Covid in 2021 than all of 2020. Look it up. Sounds like Joe The Halogram was wrong when he said he would end the pandemic. Oh. By the way, remember the 15 days to slow the spread?
Wrong it is not more deadly than the flu those under 50 with no comorbidities have a 99.997% chance of survival without even seeing a doctor I see you watch a lot of mainstream media get your facts straight please
Kids do not need a vaccination. I won’t argue about the rest. What is wrong though is laying off anyone who risked their lives working with the sick and the public before there was a vaccine who now do not want to be vaccinated. That is really low life.
I agree ! No vaxx for children! I have read research doctors, doctors and nurses in the covid wards, foreign usage of Hydroxichloroquin, Ivermectin. So many first hand accounts. I agree there is no point in arguing.
No, no, and no. I’ve been saying it from the get-go. Fauci and the rest of them have been, and are still lying to us. Lawmakers are not scientists, and only know what they’ve been told. Even doctors, unless they have done their own research, only know what they’ve been taught in medical school and what they are being told. President Biden, the poor guy, can’t even give an articulate speech without being coached by an outside source and reading from a teleprompter, which he seemingly struggles with.
I don’t honestly know what to believe anymore. Yes I’m fully vaccinated. But there has been misinformation on both sides from the very beginning. Even Dr fauci in the beginning said it was no worries and he said not to wear masks then he went as far to say where three masks. Then they said if you got vaccinated you would not get it and you could not carry it. Both of these were also untrue.
So who knows. I do think it’s been underplayed how Trump did come up with the vaccine and handed it to Biden. Yet Kamala Harris said she would never take a vaccine that Trump developed. Politics politics.
Great call. Kamala. Joe the Hologram said they would not take the shot. Or any shot from the Trump administration. Even Pelosi said you can’t make people get the shots. Weird. Wonder what changed.
How can you say that after Joe was shown on TV getting his booster shot?
Biden is a career politician.
It does not matter what he said before (he didn’t believe it anyway) .
He’ll just lie & go whichever way the wind blows.
Who knows what was in that shot anyway ?
Maybe just something to keep him awake.
@94521 your another clueless so called American with their head in the sand when it comes to knowing anything truthful. Put down the remote control go outside and drive anywhere east of the Bay Area and see how the rest of the world is living
I don’t think that question should be asked, because the answer would confuse the American people.
Tuesday January 28th, 2020 the Justice Department charged the Chair of Harvard Chemistry and Biology department and two Chinese nationals with espionage for selling classified viral technology to the People’s Republic of China.
Come back and post after reading this. And this is not FB this is legitimate DOJ press release, media never covered it.
Love the Link, I have read a book called the art of war, it teaches you how to go to war without firing a single shot; ya know undermining people. its biowarfare, the cold war isn’t over, the pieces on the chess board are still there, the people have e left, but the game remains., and yes China got pissed off because of trump so china flanked us. so whats Americans gona do; probably nothing. sitting on the chair with Iphone and series. OMG
Since when did the mayor start asking rhetorical questions?
Trump downplayed it early on.
Pelosi, DeBlasio, et al downplayed it even after Trump did.
Fauci has changed his tune more often then his underwear. (No mask needed/wear a mask/wear two!, “I didn’t fund gain of function research”, 15 days to slow the spread, etc.)
Lib politicians (Newsome, Pelosi, Tlaib, Whitmer, Feinstein etc.) demand masks but do not wear them when they think the cameras are not on.
The Chinese deny it came from the lab, blame the US Army.
The WHO kowtows to Chinese money and pressure. “No lab release”.
Biden and Kamala sowing fear in the vaccine, then demanding the vaccine.
The media touting Trumps mistakes (many) and downplaying his successes (the vaccine works). Burying or ignoring Biden’s mistakes.
The list goes on and on. Plenty of blame to be shared.
So much clickbait…
So little time.
Absolutely no the are using it to control economy, freedom and choice of making our own decisions it is the beginning of the end of a free Country.I do believe it is a real disease and it was created to do exactly what it is doing.
Just dropped by to say hello before I head back outside to plant all the flowers I bought yesterday…. right after having had my Pfizer booster! Feeling fine and am at peace knowing I can mask up and probably not ever have a mild case, and even then probably would not die, and (bonus) am less likely to infect other people.
If you truly want “normal” lifestyles and a robust economy to come back to the United States again, GET VACCINATED! (I also recommend driving on the correct side of the street and not swinging a mace on the end of a chain when you are on a public sidewalk, among many such general safety regulations.)
Sam -One does not cause the other. When I looked up this story it is only on unreliable news sites like Gateway Pundit. No other news sites reported this.
Haha, “unreliable”…would that be like the NY Times that reported there have been 900,000 kids hospitalized with China virus? I mean they were SO CLOSE, seein’ how the ACTUAL number is 63,000….honest mistake, totally reliable. Or how bout all those “RELIABLE” sources that ignored Joementia’s crackhead son’s dealings with Ukraine, China, hookers, his dead brother’s wife, his NIECE, lying on federal firearms application, etc.
I don’t think the actual truth is even known.
While I don’t argue that covid is real and harms a fraction of folks, the simple fact that the recovery rate is so high shows the response to it is nothing but hype. Leaders around the world have grasped onto covid as a means to their end. The current administration being a glaring example of that.
Open and forthright information would have gone a much longer way in dealing with it. Instead, leaders, the media, and flip flop fauci have used bully tactics, obfuscation, and downright lying to manipulate the narrative. The distrust that this has bred is irreversible and god help us when a real, dangerous pandemic hits.
Oh, my, please add a NOT after my first word!
Of course not. The goal has nothing to do with the virus but instead ushering in a globalist agenda which has been around for years even decades. They are just using the pandemic as an excuse to achieve their needed control of the masses. And it looks like it isn’t going well for the globalists because people are waking up to what is really happening.
If a lawmaker is talking, they are lying. Don’t ever trust a politician!!!
There is no pandemic. There is widespread torture of docile population by occupational government.
Yes. Lay off the rest and segregate those that are ignorant if that’s their choice.
No. Of course not. Xi Corona Virus has morphed into a political tool.
1) people are afraid or were paid off to not point out the origin of this weaponized virus.
2) settled-science takes many years to achieve. That term has lost all meaning now.
3) did Kamala and others who said they would not get vaccinated because it was developed under Trump do so on purpose to create vaccine-skepticism?
4) the results from different levels of mask-mandates, limits on personal behavior and business closures in the different states have not been honestly analyzed.
5) Fauci has never been held to account for…anything. Funding gain of function experiments, flip-flopping on masks, his own use of masks, ignoring the side-effects of his dictates, etc…
6) Will governments around the world ever return the rights they took from their citizens at the beginning of this crisis?
I got vaccinated and don’t wear a mask to the grocery store, Home Depot, restaurants, Church…only when required in a medical facility.
To all you “smart” people who got the death jab that say ” I feel fine”,
talk to me in a year or less IF YOU CAN !
I got my second shot last February, and, yes, “I feel fine”, just like nearly everyone else who’s been vaccinated.
Check back next February, if you’re still around.
Haha, yeah “nearly everyone”except for the (just in the US) hundreds of thousands injured including ~16K deaths from a leaky “vaccine” that lasts only a few months…enjoy your endless cycle of boosters.
Do you seriously think journalists and political hacks with their lightweight degrees would have a scintilla of understanding about things like MRNA, Virology, Epidemiology, Viruscides, and many other factors affecting the cellular unseen world?
Due to that complexity and the understanding needed, it’s almost impossible to get a useful answer from mainstream media and politicians on this subject.
Wash your hands and face frequently.
There are some excellent lists here of reasons to distrust the information we are being provided. On the lack of trust in the statistics, I have a relative working in a hospital and her friend and relative had terminal cancer, was circling the drain, and just before death caught Covid. She was listed as a Covid death, but Covid had nothing to do with why she died.
Too many have taken payouts to push the magicvax.
Look at the Wicked Witch of Australia who had to resign over financial payouts from big pHarma.
The World Health Organization has now admitted that “misinformation” is impossible to regulate as there are some truths in the info being shared.
….. no way…. the truth will probably never get out… like Biden said he would have full disclosure on UFO’s .. ha! …there was no new information he released.. that had been in the media for a loooooong time Our state and national leadership sxxxs
I’ve commented on all of this stuff so much it’s become a bore.
Those poor deluded folks who believe everything they here on TV and Radio will never change their minds.
They’ll also claim to be superior to anyone who disagrees with them.
Those who have chosen not to follow the numbed masses will follow their own path.
To each his own.
This has never been a pandemic.
It never will be a pandemic.
It has, indeed, been a tyrannical shift in the culture.
Rule by tyrants never lasts very long.
And only leaves ruin in its wake.
Some people never learn.
One of the most shocking things to me has been the way the CDC , WHO ect has been very open and transparent with the death rates … reporting them being approx in the 99.8% survival rate range for most
And yet people have acted like it’s an immediate death sentence.
Propaganda and politicians are hard at work
No …
No …
Not even close.
We were not told the truth by the former president.
We are not being told by the current president.
Anyone who thinks we are being told the truth needs to have their head examined.
Hahahahahah that wins the internet for me today
The truth is there. People are lazy. CNN sucks.
Let’s go Brandon!!!!
If this was policy to mitigate the COVID spread, there should have been discussions about immunity, proven treatments, and a sensible plan to vaccinate high risk people and make it a choice.
Media and big tech have deemed these ideas as misinformation and censor those who come forward with these ideas, especially the adverse effects of the mRNA jabs, or the diminishing efficacy of these jabs, which fails to inform your general normie about the risks and reality of these injections.
Instead, it is mandated to go into public places or having a job and demonizes people who decided to not vaccinate by choice, as noted above, where covid has a high survival rate.
It is no wonder why people have become hesitant with these mRNA injections.
Politics strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away …
@Bad Nombre
Buffalo Springfield
For What It’s Worth.
Some are telling the truth as they see it, they are lawyers/legislators with no clinical/medical/biological training. They do not know better. Some of those also see opportunity to empower themselves what the reality. I do believe some outright lie, but I also believe for some, it does not matter, they can command we (once free) citizens on how they think we should go about our lives, in the name of “safety.” Of course, numbers are being tremendously manipulated. Sad how many actually do not see the amount of power over we (once free) citizens the ever growing government has grasped from us.
I don’t know who, or what, to believe,….anymore. The truth, I guess, falls somewhere in the middle, after listening to both sides speak their BS. One thing is for sure, I have been taking very good care of my health over the past two years, and haven’t fallen ill, except for the vaccination,….that cost me two days in bed.
There’s only one side that is suppressing information, unwilling to debate and eager to destroy those who won’t fall in line with authoritarian dictates.
For instance, why is “that side” forcing people with natural immunity to be injected with the leaky vaccine? If the goal is supposedly to get people “immune” through production of antibodies, then that’s exactly what people with natural immunity have…yet the “other side” is literally ignoring natural immunity as if it’s not a thing and still trying to force the shot. Why?
Another example, this China virus is statistically not dangerous AT ALL to kids, and they tend to not spread it even if they do contract it, yet once again, “that side” is hellbent on forcing kids to be injected.
Does anyone else find it curious that the same people that created this virus and unleashed it on our country are now in charge of the cure a forced injection pills coming soon along with IV fluid and who knows what’s in the fluid they certainly are not going to tell us whatever Hunter biden’s dad says I will do the opposite same with Lord fauci anybody that has done their own homework knows that this has nothing to do with a virus I don’t believe anybody is shocked that we are being lied to and manipulated all in order to control us
Nazis do what Nazis do
Trump lied about it from the beginning. Compare what he said publicly with what he said on a recorded interview on 2/5/20. The right wing media ran with it. Now over 700,000 Americans have died from it. There is too much malarkey being spread around based on zero science. Russia is very happy to keep spreading the conspiracies.
Trump got his shot. Fox News staff all wear masks behind the cameras. But in front they say otherwise.
Democrats also downplayed covid-19. Fauci and Pelosi minimized the situation early on, as much as Trump did. Is it possible, there would’ve been 700,000 covid-19 deaths in America, regardless whoever was president (Obama, Clinton, Biden, or Trump)?
Pelosi and Newsom won’t get caught dead without a mask in public, when they know the cameras are on; however, they do the opposite when nobody is looking. Remember, “hair gate” or “laundry gate”?
What’s the difference, when both sides speak with fork-tongues?