Home » Contra Costa Office Of Education Gets $5M From State To Improve Literacy

Contra Costa Office Of Education Gets $5M From State To Improve Literacy


Contra Costa County Superintendent Lynn Mackey announced the county Office of Education (CCCOE) has been awarded a grant of $5 million over three years to build school capacity to support students struggling with reading, students with disabilities and students with dyslexia.

“We are thrilled to be recipients of such an important grant that will allow us to develop and design strategies for literacy learning for all students, and also support our most vulnerable and challenged students,” Mackey said in a statement. “This type of foundational work is crucial for the lifelong success of all students.”

The funds will also develop district and pilot site literacy plans and implement evidence-based strategies through improvement cycles, increasing family and community engagement in literacy.

CCCOE’s project “Every Child Reads” focuses on literacy through the use of evidence-based practices, activities and interventions, including pre-literary skills, reading and writing.


Grantees are directed to use the funds to build expertise in strategies addressing statewide literacy priorities identified in the state’s comprehensive literary plan, implementing the strategies through a three-year, small-scale pilot with a local school.

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What are the teachers doing now???

Teaching critical theory on race, lgbt studies and white rage. Teaching how men give birth and transhumanism as it relates to human-pig hybrids. Also COVID HOAX and how America is bad and deserves to fail.


Wow @Sam… dial it back a bit there…

Thumbs up Sam… and don’t forget, two plus two can be whatever the individual child feels like making it.

I did, but my head don’t fit in sand.

@ Sam


I thought that was the task of teachers. There primary focus. What are they doing?

“Their” primary focus…. OK, so I figure that’s worth about $2000.00
I’ll take it in cash please.

No, you are not getting a penny. Where is “building expertise in strategies”, I ask you?

Simple question…

Do we really need more grant money for teachers to figure out how to teach children how to read? I would have thought this was Lesson #1 in teaching credential education for the last 100+ years.

Seems to me that $5M would buy a boatload of Dick and Jane books that seemed to work okay 50 years ago.

Yes, Pacman, but Dick and Jane were male and female and no one questioned in first grade if they were absolutely certain that they wanted to be the gender on their birth certificate, and if so, by third grade Dick and Jane were not cajoled into questioning if they were straight — and if straight won, then they were not being taught how to (blankity blank) to avoid pregnancy in 5th grade.
Spot was always a spotted dog….Everyone knew it and accepted it. Spot did not need to change any stripes..

By accepting this money, the county is basically admitting they aren’t fulfilling their most basic duties and are failures as teachers.

$5M is a drop in the bucket. Many children in MDUSD and other districts are still rated level 1 of 5 for reading competency after 6-7 years in these districts. This is due to lots of factors including parents that don’t speak English in the home, have no English reading material at home, don’t read to their kids, don’t supervise student learning (or behavior issues) in the home, don’t give a sh*t about their kids’ futures and have discount schooling altogether over several generations, and believe it is a betrayal of their race or ethnicity to learn English. Another issue is 2nd-3rd grade is the huge watershed for kids learning to read but our elementary schools don’t have the chops or resources to counter all of the factors coming out of the homes. There are plenty of bad teachers but many more good ones who work hard with what they have. The best use of $5m would be to get rid of Wi-Fi in schools and connect via wired Ethernet so schools could block cell signals and get the kids off their f@cking phones down and pay attention instead of playing games, texting, putting their face on, or watching TikTok and porn or videos of fights at other schools.

The County Office of Education is admitting they have failed to do their job and yet they were “awarded” a grant of $5 million? Hey, everyone gets a trophy!

If teachers did their like they were hired to do, there would be no need for this.

Or, maybe parents should do their job and be active in their child’s education. A teacher has only so much time to dedicate to each child (up to 30 kids). If the student isn’t motivated and the parents aren’t involved to help. Do you really expect success? You expect teachers to teach, be baby sitters, and to be the parent and then you complain about how much they make and that they aren’t being successful.

I’m not a teacher but I do know teachers and they are some of the hardest and caring people I know. For the amount of pay they get and disrespect from parents and people like you I’m shocked that they do what they do. The amount of unpaid hours (outside of the classroom) they dedicate to grading papers, curriculum planning, after school activities (if they are involved) is something many jobs don’t see . The amount of money they spend out of their own pocket for their students is something that can’t be compared to other jobs. At least with other jobs you are investing in tools for your trade or materials that you can later be charged to clients. Teachers literally have to pay for printer paper and ink to give kids the materials for the class.

So, get off your high horse. You want better teachers? Pay them more, hire more, and put the responsibility more firmly on the parents.

If parents and teachers were doing their job this infusion of $5 million is unnecessary.
Or is the money really being funneled for the benefit of illegal immigrants?

Look at all the money the district is saving not having to teach the kids to speak Spanish.

Only $5M?

That money is just paying off some political favors.

It’ll do nothing but line a few pockets.

I guess I guess that’s how the average Californian likes their taxes wasted.

Teachers don’t have to teach.

Admins don’t have to admin.

Everyone gets more money.

Another colossal failure by the tyrants.

I would like to know where all the state lottery money is going?

The lottery money is in fact going to schools. However, the money equal to that amount was removed from the schools budget and directed elsewhere. Our legislatures know how to play that game.
It’s just a magic show to keep us entertained.

Should be done already, agree. But I lay the blame not on the teachers but the highly paid administrators. What curriculum do they provide to the teachers, what tools are they provide, how are they measuring the success of these things and how are they adjusting to improve the reading skills of students.

Also, maybe the teachers union could state what they are doing to improve reading skills, aahhahahahhahha.

Illiterate children from a lineage of illiterate ancestors? Hmmm, who could that be? Not too long ago this wasn’t a problem. I wonder what happened?

Diversity failure. Unfortunately, dragging a population DOWN to the lowest common denominator, is the RUIN of society. Bend that one pendantics…or if you prefer, democrat reorganization committee. Such high minded scholars.

They should use part of these funds for CA’s politicians, many who are illiterate in many ways…

My son is struggling and behind with his reading, and I have read with him every night since he was about 4 months old. He was always ahead and then all of a sudden, ran into reading issues where he can do it, but decoding words and recognizing them is harder than for most. Being at home for COVID for a year and a half didn’t help, either. His primary teacher helps, but she has 26 other kids to keep moving as well, so these programs are a godsend. I know not everyone here will understand, but thank you all.

This is a $5 million advertisement for school choice and vouchers.

The literacy of the Claycord comments section is questionable. This is additional money to IMPROVE literacy. Improve!!! They accept the grant and IMPROVE what is already offered and availably. As stated above, they intend to “build school capacity to support students struggling with reading, students with disabilities and students with dyslexia”. This is a good thing. This is for all students, like your kids and grandkids. Sadly, its too late for all of you.

I have a copy of McGuffey’s Eclectic Primer. So it would have been a 1st grade teaching book. Covers alphabet, print and script writing, and reading with pictures and descriptive additions to promote comprehension. Maybe we should go back to the old school ways?

Some kids are self motivated or are motivated at home to learn. In areas where there is low motivation I think along with learning in the first grade they need people who can motivate children in the classroom. Instead of doing just the opposite with CRT or transgender garbage. Not the teacher but someone who has the ability to motivate young children to want to learn.

Evidently the price of failure is $5,000,000 and counting.

People around the world have been learning to read, write and do math for thousands of years. Liberals have recently discovered a way to reverse that trend. People should be asking why Liberals are so fixed on promoting failure for the masses.

I imagine closing down schools and holding “virtual classes” for a full school year and more will be found to be detrimental to reading comprehension.

I think they should invest in pallets of “My Little Red Book” in English, and start over.



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