Home » Congressman DeSaulnier To Host Immigration Town Hall Meeting

Congressman DeSaulnier To Host Immigration Town Hall Meeting


Congressman Mark DeSaulnier will host a virtual immigration town hall on Wednesday, October 6 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

The event will be held on Zoom and will be streamed live on Congressman DeSaulnier’s Facebook page.

DeSaulnier will provide an update on the latest efforts in Congress to advance immigration reform and will be joined by representatives from the following organizations who will be available to answer questions and provide resources, including for recently evacuated Afghans and Haitian migrants.

  • Catholic Charities
  • Stand Together Contra Costa
  • Jewish Family and Community Services East Bay
  • Haitian Bridge Alliance
  • Contra Costa Asian Pacific Islander Advocacy Coalition
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Close the border.

The End.

According to Biden/Harris/Psake, the border is closed. (lies lies lies)

Everyone of those groups mentioned are part of the problem. They advocate for, provide legal services to and inform “migrants” and “refugees” how to belly-up to the taxpayer trough and get every kind of free aid possible at taxpayer expense. Aid legal residents and citizens are ineligible to receive and/or don’t even know exists.

The free cheese has to stop. It’s one thing to let people in and tell them if they don’t make their own way they will starve (up until the 1940s), but it’s another thing to help them enter the US illegally and sign them up for taxpayer-funded aid that they exploit even after they start working.

Those groups are a cancer on all hard-working Americans.

Forget immigration reform, our immigration laws are just fine. The only problem is, the Dems refuse to enforce them. Haiti is one of the most violent countries in the world, and a few Haitians have already been violent towards the Border Patrol. Why should we allow a group of people with known violent tendencies into our country?

No one from Border Control invited!?

Sorry Mark, can’t make it. Wildcard Playoff game takes precedence to your liberal views on immigration.

The best response ever

Mark and his immigrant’s have my permission to leave our country.Yoy can’t even take care of our problems.

Nothing for small business owners Mark? Nothing to help the middle class survive the increasing cost of living. Will you continue to spend our tax money by growing government and giving yourselves raises?

Oh boy

No more “America First” that’s for sure!

Why would he hold this meeting? The Biden administration assures us there is no problem at the border. Joe says it’s seasonal. And Psaki claims most illegals aren’t planning to stay after making the long, dangerous, and expensive journey.

How could we possibly need immigration reform when the borders are wide open? Heck, it’s going so well the Biden administration sees no need to give illegals the Covid vaccine. A victory lap for Joe’s team!

Maybe he should take a meeting on what are our biggest issues. If someone joins the meeting please ask him how many infected illegal aliens they dropped off in Contra Costa County.

4 words for you – Enforce the existing laws!

They are paying 5-6k per person or more. There’s also a package deal where they pay for the family group and can cost 10k or more. Smugglers also give the “opportunity” to try 3 times for that price. Prices also doubled, if I remember correctly, during the Obama administration due to his high deportation rate.
Applying to become a citizen is currently $1200.
Weird how Biden wants to keep tabs on people spending $600 but it seems that no one is keeping tabs on money wiring transactions that go to paying the smugglers. This administration should also focus on how those illegally in the country can afford wiring thousands of dollars while receiving government assistance.

Here is a good immigration policy:
1. Build a barrier on the border with “Ellis Island” types of immigration stations.
2. Deport every illegal alien.


The immigration laws work great when enforced. But Idiots like Marky and the Democratic Party do not want to follow the rules. The most dangerous thing to this country now is the Democratic Party and there ideas

We were better off when Mark was still selling beer and pizza. I voted for him once but not again. He’s in left orbit of the Earth now.

Ask Mark this question-Why aren’t the “migrants” tested for Covid-19 and other diseases before they are disbursed throughout our Country?

Imagine if so-called Congressman(shouldn’t it be woke Congress human?) DeSourair held a town hall for the citizens he represents, on issues that are affecting the citizens he’s supposed to represent? Like Crime? Disastrous roads? Crumbling infrastructure? Schools? Crippling taxes?…..
Of course that would require some intelligence and ability to handle said issues.

Very well said!

I did not vote for this person.
Did you?

We all need to be prepared for overflowing hospitals, schools, accelerated crime rate, a huge burden on our social system and all the new diseases that these illegals are bringing into our country. things are going to go from bad to worse rapidly housing is going to become a much larger issue as well as the homeless population. Remember Biden was not elected he was installed. A puppet president for the globalists

I’ve met the man when he was just a state representative. I like the man. But I swear to God all he does is host Townhall forums. And survive near death.

Follow the $,$$$,$$$,$$$s. Hey Mark, when are you going to stop this nonsense with the virtual town halls and have a live town hall where we the people can stand up and challenge our incompetent and woke politicians that are undermining our democracy? You know why…

Oh Chris they may label you a domestic terrorist if you dissent with their liberal views the DOJ is just starting with school board meetings, the cancer will grow to any form of public comment…It’s how they have been taking our freedom…nibble, nibble nibble, nibble…as James Madison once said…”There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpation”. What’s next? “re-education camps”..

Will he be HOSTING the illegals at his home? Oh thats right, they dont need shots either, and are all in perfect health. They would have been turned away at Ellis Island…

They would be turned away at the local pub or restaurant.

When did the USA become responsible for every third world wastrel that chose to break our laws by trespassing into our country?
Deport them and leave it at that!
Stop wasting our money!
Stop dumping on us!
Do your GD Job!

DeSaulnier is not providing reasonable access for public participation.

… what if some of his constituents don’t have internet access or use Zoom or Facebook?

fix the potholes


Cubans. Don’t come. You don’t vote Democrat says the current Hologram in Charge.

This is about the Haitians.


If you complain about the schools, your a terrorist.

Talk about that mark.





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